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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Welcome to the University of Colorado Herbarium Specimen Databases.

What are we working on? What has been digitized at COLO?


Label images for all North American Lichens and Bryophytes are in our database and are ~90% transcribed.

Non-North American Lichen packet labels are all imaged and ~50% have been transcribed.

Non-North American Bryophyte packet labels are ~50% imaged and ~5% have been transcribed.

Vascular Plants

Colorado Vascular Plants are all imaged and label data is in our database. ~90% are georeferenced.

North American Vascular plants are all imaged. Specimens from the Southern Rockies are mostly transcribed and georeferenced. Specimens outside of the region are mostly just skeletal database entries.

A list of completed families is available at this LINK.

We are currently digitizing non-North American bryophytes and vascular plants and expect to finish both ~fall of 2024.

We are seeking funding opportunities to digitize our non-Asian and non-North American vascular plants, and our worldwide Algae, Non-Lichenized Fungi and Myxomycetes collections.

Algae and Macro Fungi

Our Algae (~8,000 specimens), Non-Lichenized Fungi (~12,000 specimens) and Myxomycetes (~900 specimens) have not been digitized in any form.

All records formerly housed at are now available here.

Data Usage Policy

Visit the Data Usage Policy page for information on how to cite data obtained from this web resource.