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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-V
Search Criteria: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 71, records 7001-7100 of 16306

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

01411594R. A. Bye   101191981-00-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Urique. Along Rio Urique. NW of Humira bridge., 1640 - 1500m

01411644C. G. Pringle   38811891-10-02
Mexico, Jalisco, Falls of Juanacatlan

Ziziphus pedunculata
01411792T. Paul Maslin   1211969-06-27
Mexico, Puebla, .5 miles NW of Calipan, 1189m

01411818Robert A. Bye   28221972-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Batopilas. On N slope of Barranca de Batopilas, S of Quirire, 1814m

Rhamnus microphylla
01496983C. G. Pringle   108191908-09-20
Mexico, Hidalgo, Cuyamaloya Station, 8000 ft., 2438m

Rhamnus mucronatus
01496991Rafael Corral Diaz   
Mexico, Durango

Calamintha macrostema
01671304C. G. Pringle   39521891-11-24
Mexico, Michoacán, Dry wooded hills near Patzcuaro

01671395Robert A. Bye Jr.   45031973-08-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas. E of La Bufa on S side of Barranca de Batopilas; 3300 ft alt., 1006m

Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. Br.
01678218W. A. Weber   118641962-10-14
Mexico, Michoacán, 2 mi E of Morelia

Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. Br.
01678226Dan Randolph   3291984-08-14
Mexico, Michoacán, Hwy 15 just E of Morelia, CA 1.5 mi E of jct with the periferico.

Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. Br.
01678234R. D. Worthington   93461983-00-00
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sierra Madre Occidental, 6.0 rd mi. SW of the Tropic of Cancer marker along Mex hwy 40, 1.2 rd mi. NE of Santa Lucia; approx 4000 ft alt, ca 23° 25' N, 105° 54' W, 23.416667 -105.9, 1219m

Hyptis Jacq.
01678580J. Mark Porter   142082005-02-04
Mexico, Guerrero, Mpio Arcelia, E of Achotla, on slope between the town and Mina Suriana, on abandoned mine road. 18° 08.662' N, 100° 09.348' W; ca 1000 m elev., 18.144367 -100.1558, 1000m

Hyptis Jacq.
01678598Robert A. Bye   34391973-02-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. Along arroyo Wimivo (= arroyo Samachique) between Wimivo and Rio Batopilas on N side of Barranca de Batopilas; 990-890 msm, 990 - 890m

Hyptis Jacq.
01678606Robert A. Bye   60651973-12-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Batopilas, along arroyo Samachique between Rio Batopilas and Wimivo, on N side of Barranca de Batopilas between La Bufa and Batopilas; ca. 2500 ft alt., 762m

Hyptis Jacq.
01678671Robert A. Bye   34391973-02-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. Along arroyo Wimivo (= arroyo Samachique) between Wimivo and Rio Batopilas on N side of Barranca de Batopilas; 990-890 msm, 990 - 890m

Hyptis Jacq.
01678689Robert Bye   32011973-01-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. Barranca de Batopilas (N side), between La Bufa and Arroyo Wimivo; 733-1000 msm, UTM Zone 13, 300 10km N, 23-23 10km E, 733 - 1000m

Hyptis rhomboidea
01678705C. G. Pringle   61631895-11-06
Mexico, Morelos, Wet places, Cuernavaca; 5400 ft alt., 1646m

Hyptis rhytidea
01678713C. G. Pringle   18491888-12-13
Mexico, Jalisco, Canyons near Guadalajara

Hyptis tephrodes
01678721Lincoln Constance   31681947-02-19
Mexico, Baja California, Eastern foothills of Sierra San Bartolo, 1 mi NW of San Bartolo, Distrito del Sur; ca. 1800 ft alt., 549m

Hyptis tephrodes
01678739A. W. Anthony   3421897-03-00
Mexico, Baja California, San Jose del Cabo, plants collected on the islands off the coast of lower California and on the adjacent mainland

Hyptis tomentosa
01678747C. G. Pringle   61711895-12-05
Mexico, Oaxaca, Hillsides near Oaxaca

Hyptis urticoides
01678754C. G. Pringle   38741891-10-02
Mexico, Jalisco, Valley near Guadalajara

01678762C. G. Pringle   32231890-08-05
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Tamasopo Canyon

Hyptis laniflora
01678770T. P. Maslin   81967-07-19
Mexico, Sonora, Isla San Esteban, small bay and arroyo on east side, Gulf of California west of Bahia Kino

Hyptis macrocephala
01678788C. G. Pringle   45891893-10-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Magdalena

Hyptis oblongifolia
01678796C. G. Pringle   24401889-12-09
Mexico, Jalisco, Mountains near Lake Chapala

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit.
01678804Robert Bye   142321985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Guachochi, cumbre entre Umira y Rio Urique. Alt 1900 m. UTM zona 13R, 3031.8 km N, 251.9 km E. Carta Topografica: G13 A32. ca km 56 camino Creel-Guachochi. Ca 1 km al S de Umira, al lado N de Barranca del Cobre (Rio Urique), 1900m

Hyptis decipiens
01678838A. C. Sanders   33051982-12-12
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sandy plain 31 km S of La Paz along Hwy 1 near San Pedro, about 1 km N of the jct. with Hwy 19; 600 ft alt, near 23° 50' N, 110° 11' W, 23.833333 -110.183333, 183m

01678846C. G. Pringle   39251891-11-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Hillsides near Micos

01678853A. C. Sanders   43001983-12-27
Mexico, Sinaloa, Western foothills of Sierra Madre Occidental, canyon below Cerro de Elefante, along Hwy 40, 5.3 mi NE of Concordia; 650 ft alt, near 23° 18' N, 106° 00' W, 23.3 -106, 198m

Hyptis mutabilis (Rich.) Briq.
01678861W. A. Weber   119331962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, E slope of divide, just above Palo Semita, 25 mi NE of Jacala; ca 4800 ft alt., 1463m

Hyptis mutabilis (Rich.) Briq.
01678879C. G. Pringle   45321893-10-17
Mexico, Jalisco, Tequila

Hyptis mutabilis (Rich.) Briq.
01678887C. G. Pringle   17991888-11-09
Mexico, Jalisco, Hills near Guadalajara

01678903C. G. Pringle   102031906-04-07
Mexico, Nuevo León, Hills near Monterey; 1800 ft alt., 549m

01678911A. M. Powell   24361972-07-13
Mexico, Chihuahua, ca 15 mi SE of El Morreon on Rio Conchos lake road, Sierra de las Monillas

Hedeoma quinquenervata
01678937C. G. Pringle   102411906-04-09
Mexico, Nuevo León, Sierra madre above Monterey; 3000 ft alt., 914m

01678952C. G. Pringle   136001905-08-30
Mexico, Federal District, Cima Station; 9800 ft alt., 2987m

01678960C. G. Pringle   42011892-08-21
Mexico, México, Cool banks, Sierra de las Cruces

Hedeoma palmeri
01678978Rafael Hernandez Magana   50811980-10-05
Mexico, Hidalgo, Minas Viejas, 47 km al Noreste de Zimapan, Mpio de Zimapan. Alt 1900 msnm, 1900m

01679042C. G. Pringle   102421906-03-31
Mexico, Nuevo León, Sierra madre above Monterey; 2800 ft alt., 853m

01679158Robert Bye   142351985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Urique. Al lado S de Barranca del Cobre, ca 1 km al S de puente de Rio Urique. Ca km 61 de camino Creel-Guachochi. Alt 1470 m. UTM zona 13R, 3029.9 km N, 252.6 km E. Carta Topografica: G13 A32, 1470m

01679166Robert Bye   81751977-10-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. De Guachochi. Trail to Cascada de Cusarare along Rio Cusarare; pine-oak forest at the falls, 2140 msm, 2140m

01679174Robert A. Bye   85451978-05-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. de Guachochi, ejido Cusarare, on south-facing white rock outcrop, NW of Rio Cusarare and SW of church; 2100 m, 2100m

01679182Robert A. Bye   31261972-11-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Norogachic, to the S and SE on the N side of the Rio Urique between Creel and La Bufa

01679190Robert A. Bye   96971980-05-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Urique (near MPIO. Guachochi) S of Barranca Del Cobre, on N-facing slope in rock crevices above road ca. Km 62.8 on Creel-Guachochi Road, in pine- oak forest. 27.1 N, 107.30 W, 1756 msm., 27.21 -107.3, 1756m

01679208Robert A. Bye   48421973-08-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Creel.

01679216C. G. Pringle   7881886-10-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mts. near Chihuahua

01679224Robert A. Bye   3913a1982-06-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Guachochi, Pueblo Cusarare, S of Creel; Cascada de Cusarare, 2 km dowstream from pueblo.

01679695R. D. Worthington   83761982-06-03
Mexico, Nuevo León, Sierra del Fraile, canyon below Grutas de Garcia; ca 3250 ft alt, 25° 51' N, 100° 32' W, 991m

01679935C. G. Pringle   1831885-04-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Santa Eulalia Mts

01679943C. G. Pringle   19111888-07-13
Mexico, Nuevo León, Wooded slopes of the Sierra Madre near Monterey

01680057C. G. Pringle   102021906-03-27
Mexico, Nuevo León, Foothills of the Sierra Madre above Monterey; 2000 ft alt., 610m

Gardoquia mexicana
01680214O. F. Clarke   s.n.1967-08-26
Mexico, Oaxaca, 9.4 mi. SE of Nochixtlan

01680321Robert Bye   146031986-06-13
Mexico, Puebla, Del. Venustiano Carranza. Mercado Sonora. Origen: Mexico: Puebla: San Martin Texmalucan; se planta

Cunila longiflora
01680545C. G. Pringle   17821888-11-13
Mexico, Jalisco, Gullies near Guadalajara

Cunila D. Royen ex L.
01680651R. Bye   144351986-01-09
Mexico, Chiapas, ca 29 km W de Tuxtla Gutierrez; Km 127, Mex 190, roadside; 1000 msm, 1000m

Cunila D. Royen ex L.
01680727R. Bye   144591986-01-11
Mexico, Chiapas, Tzajala, NE de San Cristobal de las Casas, roadside; 1250 msm, 1250m

Cunila polyantha
01680735J. Mark Porter   142092005-02-04
Mexico, Guerrero, Mpio Arcelia, E of Achotla, on slope between the town and Mina Suriana, on abandoned mine road. 18° 08.662' N, 100° 09.348' W; ca 1000 m elev., 18.144367 -100.1558, 1000m

Cunila lythrifolia
01680743C. G. Pringle   139891907-11-16
Mexico, Morelos, Tres Marias Mts; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Cunila lythrifolia
01680750C. G. Pringle   62231895-10-24
Mexico, México, Sierra de las Cruces; 11000 ft alt., 3353m

Lepechinia Willd.
01680768Dan Randolph   4191984-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio Batopilas, between Creel and La Bufa. 9 mi toward Quirire S of Jct of La Bufa Rd and Roroachic Rd.

01680776Reid Moran   139651967-06-24
Mexico, Baja California, In semi-cleared chaparral, 1 mi E of San Antonio; ca 300 m alt, near 31° 59' N, 116° 36' W, 31.983333 -116.6, 300m

01680784Reid Moran   82741960-05-14
Mexico, Baja California, At foot of north slope, tributary of Canon de la Cruz, .7 mi S of the main canon; ca 150 m alt, near 31° 21' N, 116° 26' W, 31.35 -116.433333, 150m

Lepechinia caulescens
01680792Dan Randolph   3461984-08-15
Mexico, Michoacán, 5.8 mi S of Patzcuaro on rd to Ario de Rosales. Roadside clear-cut of pine-oak.

Lepechinia caulescens
01680800Dan Randolph   3031984-08-13
Mexico, Mpio. Ixtapaluca, SE of Chapingo. Canada Xaltomatla, at bend of road at canyon bottom, Sierra Nevada; 2600 msm, 2600m

Lepechinia caulescens
01680818Rafael Hernandez Magana   47321980-08-07
Mexico, Hidalgo, 25 kms al Este de Metepec, hacia Tenango de Doria, Municipio de Tenango de Doria. Alt 2180 msnm, 2180m

Lepechinia caulescens
01680826Robert A. Bye   71481975-10-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, 1 km along road to Cusarare from Creel-Humira road

Lepechinia caulescens
01680834Robert Bye   112601982-08-07
Mexico, Federal District, Deleg. V. Carranza. Cuidad de Mexico. Mercado Sonora. Procedencia: Magdalena Petacalco.

Lepechinia caulescens
01680842Robert Bye   111771982-06-26
Mexico, Federal District, Deleg. V. Carranza. Ciudad de Mexico. Mercado Sonora. Procedencia: San Salvador Cuautenco, Xochimilco, DF.

Lepechinia caulescens
01680859C. G. Pringle   32641890-09-04
Mexico, México, Hillsides, Flor de Maria

Lepechinia Willd.
01680875R. Bye   142821985-10-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. Guachochi. cusarare. Orilla del camino; ca. 2350 msnm, 2350m

01681550Robert A. Bye   39521973-06-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, SW of Samachique, on Creel - La Bufa road

01681618Martha P. Creighton   4931952-05-15
Mexico, Baja California, 3 mi. S. Tijuana. 500 ft. alt., 152m

01681675Robert A. Bye Jr.   55971973-00-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas, N side of Barranca de Batopilas, between La Bufa and Quirire; 4500-6300 ft alt., 1920m

01681683Robert A. Bye Jr.   56941973-00-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas, E of La Bufa on S side of Barranca de Batopilas, near dwellings; 3300 ft alt., 1006m

01681717Robert Bye   145821986-06-13
Mexico, Del. Venustiano Carranza. Mercado Sonora. Origen: Mexico: lo juntan

01681725Robert A. Bye   19741971-08-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. La Bufa, canyon of Rio Batopilas, near dwellings and trail between old and new settlement; 3300-3600 ft alt., 1097m

01681733Robert Bye   111781982-06-26
Mexico, Federal District, Deleg. V. Carranza. Cuidad de Mexico. Mercado Sonora.

01681741Robert Bye   113611982-09-04
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mpio. Oaxaca. Cd. De Oaxaca de Juarez. Mercado de Abastos.

01681816H.   178491980-07-05
Mexico, Nuevo León, Los Angeles, Aramberri; 1585 m alt., 1585m

01681840Robert A. Bye   70041975-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Basiguare vado, off road from Creel to La Bufa

01681857Robert A. Bye   40491973-06-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas, N of Barranca de Batopilas, plants near old foundations and edges of fields

01682509Robert Bye   141491985-10-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio. Chihuahua. Cd. Chihuahua. Mercado La Reforma. Puesto de Dona Guadalupe Herrada. Es de jardin de casa.

Mentha rotundifolia auct. non (L.) Huds.
01682723Rafael Corral Diaz   4931983-08-22
Mexico, Durango, Mpio. Santiago Papasquiaro, 3.5 km W of La Soledad, 11 km NW Santiago Papasquairo; 1900-2100 m alt, 25° 05' N, 105° 32' W, 25.083333 -105.533333, 19 - 2100m

Mentha rotundifolia auct. non (L.) Huds.
01682749Robert A. Bye   95511979-10-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Batopilas,vicinity of arroyo Bakosiachi W of La Bufa, on S side of Barranca De Batopilas. UTM zone 13, 300 10Km N, 24 10Km E, 1600 M., 1600m

01682897Robert A. Bye   17951971-08-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Northwest of Creel, south of the railroad tracks; 8100 ft, 2469m

01682905Robert Bye   142111985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Guachochi. Entre Cusarare y Arroyo Colorado, ca km 30 de camino Creel-Guachochi. 2380 m. UTM zona 13R, 3049.0 km N, 251.5 km E. carta Topografica: G13 A22, 2380m

01682913Robert Bye   142191985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio. Urique. Al S de Basihuare, ca 1 km de Arryo Basihuare. Ca km 44 de camino Creel-Guachochi. 1900 m. UTM zona 13R, 3039.4 km N, 253.7 km E. Carta Topografica: G13 A32, 1900m

01682921Robert Bye   141581985-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Guerrero. Ca 4 km W de El Alamito. 2390 m. UTM zone 13R, 10.6 km N, 50.6 km E. Carta topografica: H13 C82. ca km 40 de camino San Pedro-San Juanito, 2390m

01682939Dan Randolph   4341984-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio Batopilas, between Creel and La Bufa. 9 mi toward Quirire S of Jct of La Bufa Rd and Roroachic Rd.

01682970Robert A. Bye   48131973-08-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, E of Creel, toward San Ignacio, just W of Sebastian's cave

01683002Robert A. Bye   
Mexico, Chihuahua

01683010Robert A. Bye   4346B1973-07-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along the new road between Sisoguichi and the road fork to Creel.

01683028Robert A. Bye   27991972-09-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. On road between Creel and La Bufa; on rocks below Quirire; 6000 ft alt., 1829m

01683036Robert A. Bye, Jr.   58291973-11-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Guazapares, Rokoloibo region, E side of Barranca de Chinipas, on open slopes; ca 6100 ft alt., 1859m

01683051Robert A. Bye   87251978-08-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, mpio. Bocoyna, ejido San Ignacio Arareco, E edge of Gonogochic, in plowed up llano near Jose Lirio's abandoned ranchito

01683069Robert Bye   79391977-08-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Bocoyna, E of Gonogochic; llano in pine-oak forest, 2225 msm, 2225m

01683085W. A. Weber   78361977-08-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. De Bocoyna, Choguita, between Creel and Bocoyna; 2200 msm, 2200m

01683093Robert Bye   77011977-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Cuauhtemoc, along Chihuahua-La Junta road (Mex 16), W of Cd. Cuauhtemoc near km 122; on N facing slope of ridge

01683101Robert A. Bye   
Mexico, Chihuahua

Page 71, records 7001-7100 of 16306

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