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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-V
Search Criteria: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 73, records 7201-7300 of 16306

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Salvia keerlii
01692151C. G. Pringle   32061890-07-23
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Limestone ledges, San Jose Pass

Salvia keerlii
01692169C. G. Pringle   136021905-09-11
Mexico, Hidalgo, Calcareous banks near Tula, 6800 ft, 2073m

Salvia keerlii
01692177C. G. Pringle   136021905-09-11
Mexico, Hidalgo, Calcareous banks near Tula, 6800 ft, 2073m

Salvia keerlii
01692185W. A. Weber   119031962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, summit area, 4 mi NE of Jacala, near Puerto de Horenes along Mex Hwy 85

Salvia keerlii
01692193C. G. Pringle   103121906-09-20
Mexico, Hidalgo, Metepec Station, 8000 ft, 2438m

Salvia keerlii
01692201C. G. Pringle   103131906-09-24
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra de Pachuca, 9000 ft, 2743m

Salvia keerlii
01692219C. G. Pringle   32731890-10-08
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Limestone Hills, Las Canoas

Salvia lavanduloides
01692227A. C. Sanders   44321983-12-29
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sierra Madre Occidental, 3 mi (airline) SW of El Palmito, 2.8 mi west of Hwy 40 by a dirt road that joins the hwy opposite a restaurant 1.5 mi S of El Palmito; 7000 ft alt, near 23° 35' N, 105° 53' W, 23.583333 -105.883333, 2134m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692235C. G. Pringle   150161907-11-07
Mexico, Federal District, Sierra de Ajusco; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692243R. D. Worthington   79231982-01-06
Mexico, Sinaloa, Along hwy 40, 8.6 rd mi SW of Durango-Sinaloa St. Line across hwy 40; about 1900 m alt, about 23° 35' N, 105° 52' W, 23.583333 -105.866667, 1900m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692250R. D. Worthington   92831983-01-06
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sierra Madre Occidental, 7.5 rd mi SW of El Palmito by hwy 40, 8.2 rd mi SW of Dgo-Sin st. line across hwy 40; about 2000 m alt, ca 23° 35' N, 105° 52' W, 23.583333 -105.866667, 2000m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692268Robert Bye   117461982-12-05
Mexico, Federal District, Delegacion Tlalpan. La falda y la orilla del crater de Xitle. 2900-3000 m, 2900 - 3000m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692276Fred R. Barrie   12251984-11-19
Mexico, Jalisco, 23 km W of Ayutla on the road to Los Volcanes and Talpa de Allende (13.5 km E of Los Volcanes), Mpio. Cuautla; 1800 m alt, 20° 10' N, 104° 20' W, 20.166667 -104.333333, 1800m

Salvia lavanduloides
01692284C. G. Pringle   39541891-11-21
Mexico, Michoacán, Hills of Patzcuaro

01692326Robert A. Bye   54991973-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. de Guachochi. Tejepan (Ranch Vista Hermosa) on N edge of Barranca del Cobre; 2200 msm, 2200m

01692334Robert A. Bye   66191974-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Bocoyna, between San Rafael and Creel

01692342Robert Bye   83421977-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Creel-Batopilas road; Km 47.0 vicinity of Basiguare

01692391C. G. Pringle   41631892-08-07
Mexico, Michoacán, Plains near Patzcuaro

Salvia longispicata
01692409Dan Randolph   2321984-08-09
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Hwy 70, 27.4 mi E of San Luis Potosi, .95 milepost past San Francisco, Betw SLP & Rio Verde

Salvia longispicata
01692417Dan Randolph   2321984-08-09
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Hwy 70, 27.4 mi E of San Luis Potosi, .95 milepost past San Francisco, Betw SLP & Rio Verde

Salvia longispicata
01692425Rafael Hernandez Magana   50661980-10-05
Mexico, Hidalgo, Cobrecito, 40 kms al noreste de Zimapan, mpio de Zimapan. Alt 2100 msnm, 2100m

Salvia longispicata
01692433W. A. Weber   119371962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, E slope of divide, just above Palo Semita, 25 mi NE of Jacala; ca 4800 ft alt., 1463m

Salvia longispicata
01692441C. G. Pringle   17981888-11-00
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Guadalajara

01692466Fred R. Barrie   12751985-03-20
Mexico, Nuevo León, 11 km E of Potosi on the road to Galeana, Mpio. Galeana, Western slope; 2560 m alt, 24° 54' N, 100° 17' W, 24.9 -100.283333, 2560m

Salvia labufana
01692607Robert A. Bye   35631973-04-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. Barranca de Batopilas, vicinity of Arroyo San Fernando and slope to W, overlooking Rio Batopilas, W of La Bufa

Salvia laevis
01692615C. G. Pringle   41551892-07-30
Mexico, Michoacán, Mountains about Patzcuaro

Salvia laevis
01692623C. G. Pringle   116841903-09-14
Mexico, México, Sierra de las Cruces; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Salvia lasioutha
01692631C. G. Pringle   48621894-09-04
Mexico, Oaxaca, Monte Alban near Oaxaca; 6000 ft alt., 1829m

Salvia lasiocephala
01692649R. D. Worthington   93451983-00-00
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sierra Madre Occidental, 6.0 rd mi. SW of the Tropic of Cancer marker along Mex hwy 40, 1.2 rd mi. NE of Santa Lucia; approx 4000 ft alt, ca 23° 25' N, 105° 54' W, 23.416667 -105.9, 1219m

01692656E. L. Johnson   s.n.1941-08-04
Mexico, San Angel Inn, Villa Obregon

01692664C. G. Pringle   24211889-12-16
Mexico, Jalisco, Mountains near Lake Chapala

01692805Rafael Hernandez Magana   50731980-10-05
Mexico, Hidalgo, Minas Viejas, 47 km al Noreste de Zimapan, Mpio de Zimapan. Alt 1900 msnm, 1900m

01692813Robert Bye   83421977-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental; Creel-Batopilas road; Km 47.0 vicinity of Basiguare

01692821W. A. Weber   118951962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, 11 mi SW of Jacala, on E shoulder of the Barranca de los Marmoles; 7000 ft alt., 2134m

01692839Rafael Hernandez Magana   48661980-08-04
Mexico, Hidalgo, Cuazezengo, 16kms al sur de Cuautepec, hacia Tecoco mulco, municipio de Cuautepec. Alt 2500 msnm, 2500m

01692862C. G. Pringle   17641888-10-26
Mexico, Zacatecas, Hills of Zacatecas

01692870C. G. Pringle   42981892-10-23
Mexico, México, Ledges and banks, Sierra de las Cruces

01692888C. G. Pringle   6371885-10-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, near Chihuahua

01692946C. Epling   s.n.1940-03-27
Mexico, Baja California, San Antonio Mesa

01692953Reid Moran   78761960-03-16
Mexico, Baja California, South fork Rosario Canyon, 3.3 mi above main canyon. 30 ° 04' N, 115° 37' W. Elevation ca. 200 m, 30.066667 -115.616667, 200m

01692961C. Epling   s.n.1940-03-28
Mexico, Baja California, Mesa 10 mi S of Santo Tomas

01692979Lincoln Constance   31091947-02-05
Mexico, Baja California, East of Santo Tomas, San Jacinto Plain, 35 mi S of Ensenada, Distrito del Norte; ca. 3000 ft alt., 914m

Salvia muscarioides
01692987Dan Randolph   4471984-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio Batopilas, between Creel and La Bufa. 9 mi toward Quirire S of Jct of La Bufa Rd and Roroachic Rd.

Salvia muscarioides
01692995Dan Randolph   4241984-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio Batopilas, between Creel and La Bufa. 9 mi toward Quirire S of Jct of La Bufa Rd and Roroachic Rd.

Salvia muscarioides
01693001Robert A. Bye   55651973-10-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, between Creel and La Bufa, at Samachique

Salvia muscarioides
01693019Robert A. Bye   58381973-11-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental; eastern slope of Barranca de Chinipas

Salvia muscarioides
01693027Robert A. Bye   100621980-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. De Batopilas. C.a. 3.85 road miles N of Quirire, in open pine forest. C.a. 2130 msm., 2130m

Salvia muscarioides
01693035Robert Bye   142631985-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Urique. Ca 3 km al S de Basigochi, ca km 16 de camino entre camino Creel-Guachochi y Batopilas. Lado N de Barranca de Batopilas. 2160 mnsm. UTM zona 13R, 3010.8 km N, 249.0 km E. Carta Topografica: G13 A42. A lado W de la entrada al la barranquilla, 2160m

Salvia muscarioides
01693043Robert A. Bye   54121973-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. de Batopilas. N of Samachique, on N side of Barranca de Batopilas; 5000 ft alt., 1524m

Salvia madrensis
01693050A. C. Sanders   43121983-12-27
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sierra Madre Occidental, along Hwy 40, 2.6 mi NE of La Guayanera, 24.2 mi NE of Concordia; 3450 ft alt, near 23° 26' N, 105° 54' W, 23.433333 -105.9, 1052m

Salvia membranacea
01693068C. G. Pringle   47721894-08-08
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe; 10300 ft alt., 3139m

Salvia mexicana
01693076C. G. Pringle   31571890-00-00
Mexico, México, Rio Hondo Canyon

Salvia mexicana
01693084W. A. Weber   118981962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, 11 mi SW of Jacala, on E shoulder of the Barranca de los Marmoles; 7000 ft alt., 2134m

01693092A. C. Sanders   34301982-12-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, In a large canyon with a wide gravelly wash, 28.7 km N of Cabo San Lucas on the road up the Pacific coast toward Todos Santos; 500 ft alt, near 23° 05' N, 110° 05' W, 23.083333 -110.083333, 152m

Salvia nana
01693118R. D. Worthington   88771982-08-19
Mexico, Durango, Sierra Madre Occidental, 4.5 rd mi S of Otinapa and 5.5 rd mi N of Hwy 40 at El Saldado; 8000 ft alt, ca 23° 59' N, 104° 58' W, 23.983333 -104.966667, 2438m

Salvia nepetoides
01693126C. G. Pringle   76121898-08-09
Mexico, Morelos, Mountain side above Cuernacava; 7000 ft alt., 2134m

Salvia purpurea
01693217C. G. Pringle   24581889-10-02
Mexico, Jalisco, Hillsides near Guadalajara

Salvia polystachya
01693225Miranda   74841947-07-30
Mexico, Federal District, Lomas de Chapultepec

Salvia polystachya
01693233C. G. Pringle   116931903-11-07
Mexico, Morelos, Tres Marias Mts; 9500 ft alt., 2896m

Salvia polystachya
01693241C. G. Pringle   139871907-11-18
Mexico, Morelos, Tres Marias Mts; 9500 ft alt., 2896m

Salvia pachyphylla Epling ex Munz
01693282Reid Moran   112721963-08-30
Mexico, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, La Corona; ca 2000 m alt, near 30° 58' N, 115° 35' W, 30.966667 -115.583333, 2000m

Salvia podadena
01693340J. LaSalle   810627-41981-06-27
Mexico, Puebla, 15km west of Izucar de Matamoros, disturbed area near the road.

01693357A. C. Sanders   47631984-03-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Barranca del Cobre, 37 mi S of Creel, 9 mi S of Basihuare and 1.4 mi S of the bridge over the Rio Urique on the road to La Bufa; 6000 ft alt, near 27° 28' N, 107° 31' W, 27.466667 -107.516667, 1829m

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693415Robert A. Bye   51471973-09-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Cusarare, at km 24 S of Creel, cave-bridge, west-facing slope, alongside of streamlet

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693423R. Bye   143431985-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca. 4 W de Aguaje, km 67 de MEX 16 (W de Cd. Chihuahua). Orilla del arroyo, al N de la carretera

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693431Robert Bye   143201985-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio. Guerrero ca 2 km W de la Caseta (Mesa Colorado), ca km 19 de camino San Pedro - San Juanito; 2360 m alt, UTM zona 13R, 25 km N, 54 km E, Carta Topografica: H13 C82, 2360m

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693464C. G. Pringle   9111886-11-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Valley near Chihuahua

Salvia purpurascens
01693480Jan Saunders-Scherrer   14321984-10-26
Mexico, Guerrero, Mpio Iguala, 2 mi pasgt turnoff to Apango from highway 93. 1.8 mi on road to Omeapa from highway 93. Tixtla-Chilapa. Elev 1600 m, 1600m

Salvia puberula
01693498W. A. Weber   119121962-00-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Oriental, summit area, 4 mi NE of Jacala, near Puerto de Horenes along Mex Hwy 85

Salvia prunelloides
01693506C. G. Pringle   42001892-08-21
Mexico, México, Cool slopes, Sierra de las Cruces

Salvia polystachya
01693514C. G. Pringle   49531894-10-05
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe; 7500 ft alt., 2286m

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693555Robert Bye   81441977-10-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. De Guachochi. Trail to Cascada de Cusarare along Rio Cusarare; pine-oak forest at the falls; 2140 msm, 2140m

Salvia reflexa Hornemann
01693571Robert Bye   150051986-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio. Gran Morelos. Arroyo Nogales (W of El Aguaje), ca 17 km W de General Trias. Mex 16, km 67; 1800 m alt., 1800m

01693639Rafael Corral Diaz   8391983-10-14
Mexico, Durango, Mpio. de Santiago Papasquiaro, 3.5 km W of La Soledad, 11 km NW Santiago Papasquiaro; 1900-2100 m alt, 25° 05' N, 105° 32' W, 25.083333 -105.533333, 19 - 2100m

01693647C. G. Pringle   23841889-09-01
Mexico, Coahuila, Carneros Pass

01693662Robert A. Bye   54891973-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. de Guachochi. Tejepan (Ranch Vista Hermosa) on N edge of Barranca del Cobre; 2200 msm, 2200m

01693670Robert A. Bye   44201973-07-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Slopes of canyon above Basiguare on road from Creel to La Bufa

01693688Robert A. Bye   69851975-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, south side of Basiguare-Humira pass, road from Creel to La Bufa

01693696Robert A. Bye   26541972-07-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Along road between Creel (7215 ft alt.) and La Bufa, on road W of Basiguare; 5325 ft alt., 1623m

01693704Robert Bye   78781977-08-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. de Guachochi, S of pass between Humira and Basiguare on Creel-Guachochi road, ca. km 47+600; 2160 msm, 2160m

01693712Robert A. Bye   96231979-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Guachochi. Near pass between Humira and Basiguare, near Km 47.9 of Creel- Guachochi Road. In pine-oak-juniper forest. UTM zone 13, 303 10Km N, 24 10Km E, 1982 MSM., 2317m

01693720Vlad Siplivinsky   40301982-06-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, road from Creel to La Bufa, km 48, near top of pass between Humire and Basiguare

01693738R. Bye   142251985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. Guachochi. Rochachique, ca. 3.5 km N de Umira. Km 52 de camino Creel - Guachochi; ca. 1900 msnm, 1900m

Salvia reptans
01693746Dan Randolph   2771984-08-11
Mexico, Tlaxcala, Hwy 136 between Mexico City and Apizaco, 3 mi S of town of Hueyotlipan.

01693811A. C. Sanders   26031982-04-05
Mexico, Sonora, A weed on the grounds of the Clinic on the east side of town near the wash; 1000 ft alt, 27° 1.5' N, 108° 56' W, 27.025 -108.933333, 305m

01693829C. G. Pringle   17271888-11-05
Mexico, Jalisco, In the barranca near Guadalajara

Salvia reptans
01693837Dan Randolph   3541984-08-15
Mexico, Michoacán, Hwy 15 between Morelia and Zamora; 27.8 mi E of Carapan jct. Roadside.

Salvia remota
01693845C. G. Pringle   139931907-11-16
Mexico, Morelos, Tres Marias Mts; 9500 ft alt., 2896m

01693977Robert A. Bye   89911978-08-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, mpio. Matachic; on slope on NW side of ridge near km 9.7 on Matachic Cocomoarachic road; 1900 msm, 1900m

01694009C. G. Pringle   7911886-09-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mts. near Chihuahua

01694017C. G. Pringle   136031905-10-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Hills about Parral; 6800 ft alt., 2073m

Salvia scrodoniaefolia
01694033Robert Bye   142441985-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, mpio Batopilas, ca 5 km S de Quirare, ca km 29 camino Creel-Guachoci a Batopilas lado N de Barranca de Batopilas. Ca 1760 mnsm, UTM zona 13R, 3003 km N, 245 km E. Carta Topografica: G13 A42, 1760m

01694041Robert A. Bye   19521971-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. Batopilas. At and W of jct of Rio Guimivo and Rio Batopilas

Salvia seemannii
01694058Robert A. Bye   40091973-06-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental/ Barrance de Batopilas, between San Fernando and Arroyo Bakosiachi

Salvia scrodoniaefolia
01694066Bob Bye   3296-B1973-01-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mpio. Batopilas, Barranca de Batopilas, between La Bufa and Quirare; 1000-1707 msm, UTM Zone 13, 300 10 km N, 24 10 km E, 1000 - 1707m

Salvia setulosa
01694074C. G. Pringle   131711904-09-24
Mexico, México, Bluffs of barranca below Ozumba; 8000 ft alt., 2438m

Salvia setulosa
01694082C. G. Pringle   111341902-11-19
Mexico, Morelos, Mountains above Cuernavaca; 8500 ft alt., 2591m

Salvia stricta
01694108C. G. Pringle   42781892-10-02
Mexico, México, Wooded canyons, Sierra de las Cruces

01694116Robert A. Bye   48571973-09-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, Cusarare, S of Creel

01694124Robert A. Bye   48331973-08-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Creel, on the street edge on the W side of town just below Cristo Rey

Page 73, records 7201-7300 of 16306

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