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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-B
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 247, records 24601-24700 of 49891

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
United States, Tennessee

Marsupella bolanderi (Austin) Underw.
COLO-B-0032789Weber; Lehr   s.n.2006-03-26
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Sedgwick Reserve, Univ. of California. Noname Trail, Santa Ynez Mountains, Los Padres National Forest just north of San Marcos Pass. Trail begins at pull-out along Stagecoach Road, 457m

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032790Caroline C. Haynes   s.n.1905-03-31
United States, New York, Herkimer, Little Moose Lake

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032791Holmes Rolston, III   880061988-06-15
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Marvine Campground, White River National Forest, 30 mi NE Meeker

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032792JoAnn Flock   FB-5371979-07-16
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Below water tower, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032793David J. Cooper; Joanna M. Lemly   5542004-07-06
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park. Crystal Creek. On the south side of the Northeast Entrance Road, just west of Lamar Canyon. Site is above Crystal Creek

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
COLO-B-0032794A. J. Sharp   s.n.1934-00-00
United States, Tennessee, Knox, Carter's School

Marsupella bolanderi (Austin) Underw.
COLO-B-0032795Weber; Lehr   s.n.2006-03-26
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Sedgwick Reserve, Univ. of California. Noname Trail, Santa Ynez Mountains, Los Padres National Forest just north of San Marcos Pass. Trail begins at pull-out along Stagecoach Road, 457m

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032796Leo F. Koch   33871950-12-02
United States, California, San Mateo, above Lake San Andreas along road to Lake Pilarcitos

Mannia sibirica (Müll. Frib.) Frye & L. Clark
COLO-B-0032797W. A. Weber; Gregory Kunkel   s.n.1973-10-06
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Rim of South Gallinas Canyon SE of Puerto del Norte and Las Vegas (Fr. Arsene's "Canon Sud"), 1900m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032798JoAnn Flock   FB-6641980-07-19
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Lopp Lagoon north of reindeer carrale and near winter trail to Tin City, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032799Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson   30412008-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Park, Rocky Mts, Shoshone National Forest, Beartooth Mts, 0.5 miles W of the west shore of Lily Lake

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
COLO-B-0032800William D Reese   116051973-03-28
United States, Louisiana, West Feliciana, On Davis Road just north of La. 66, just past the bridge, east side. Near Tunica

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032802Leo F. Koch   33871950-12-02
United States, California, San Mateo, above Lake San Andreas along road to Lake Pilarcitos

Mannia sibirica (Müll. Frib.) Frye & L. Clark
COLO-B-0032803R. D. Worthington   215601992-09-07
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Organ Mountains, NE side of The Needles above Pine Tree Trail and Aguirre Springs, 2286 - 2438m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032804JoAnn Flock   FB-5201979-07-12
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032805Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson   51582009-08-21
United States, Wyoming, Park, Rocky Mountains, foothills of Cathedral Cliff, calcareous fen "Swamp Lake Fen" at base of Cathedral Cliff

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
United States, Mississippi, Warren

Marsupella arctica (Berggr.) Bryhn & Kaal.
COLO-B-0032807JoAnn Flock   FB-5131979-07-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, below Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Mannia sibirica (Müll. Frib.) Frye & L. Clark
COLO-B-0032809   1979-02-18
United States, Texas, El Paso

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032810W. A. Weber; R. Wittmann and P. Lehr   s.n.2002-09-22
United States, Colorado, Saguache, 1.5 mi E of summit of Los Pinos Pass; 10100 ft alt, 38° 06' 22" N 106° 57' W, 3078m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032811Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson   63462009-09-27
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Rocky Mts, Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, Medicine Bow Mts, small lake (seasonal water body?) along HWY 130, eastern shore, 41.31515 -106.358517, 3206m

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
COLO-B-0032812Ken Rogers   75781972-01-28
United States, Mississippi, Warren, At Vicksburg Natl. Mil. Park, 32.346462 -90.849858

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032814Arthur Svihla   337[B]1931-09-01
United States, Washington, Pierce, Mt. Rainier National Park. Longmire

Mannia sibirica (Müll. Frib.) Frye & L. Clark
COLO-B-0032815R. D. Worthington   207221992-05-09
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Organ Mts, Aguirre Springs Rec. area above Pine tree trail on the NE side of The Needles

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032816Weber; Wittmann   s.n.2000-07-13
United States, Colorado, Summit, Gore Range, ca. 10 mi N of Silverthorne. South margin of Boulder Lake, 39.718889 -106.198889, 3048m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032817Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson   54632009-08-23
United States, Wyoming, Park, Rocky Mts, Shoshone National Forest, Beartooth Plateau, Beartooth Creek, 30 meters away from creek (along the trail to HWY 212) , boggy forest in small depression, 44.953 -109.593

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
COLO-B-0032818Ken Rogers   75781972-01-28
United States, Mississippi, Warren, At Vicksburg Natl. Mil. Park, 32.346462 -90.849858

Marsupella condensata (Ångstr. ex C. Hartm.) Lindb. ex Kaal.
COLO-B-0032819Les A. Viereck; William A. Weber   102651956-07-25
United States, Alaska, N. W. slope to summit of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1067 - 1676m

Marsupella condensata (Ångstr. ex C. Hartm.) Lindb. ex Kaal.
COLO-B-0032820W. A. Weber; Les A. Viereck, dupls   s.n.1956-07-25
United States, Alaska, Denali, Mt. McKinley Nat. Park, N.W. Hang unter dem Gipfel des Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1170 - 1830m

Mannia sibirica (Müll. Frib.) Frye & L. Clark
COLO-B-0032821W. A. Weber; R. D. Worthington   69271981-04-11
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Organ Mts, Ne side of The Needles along Pine Tree Trail

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032822Lemly; Chimner and Cooper   15552006-07-14
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Lizard Head Wilderness along the Wilson Mesa Trail; 9930 ft alt, 13S 237061E 4198247N, 37.893788 -107.990196, 3027m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032823JoAnn Flock   FB-6791980-07-25
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales. On wet soil alongside beach road & pond near Navy site. Few plants on bare soil., 65.8 -168, 700m

COLO-B-0032825   1956-07-25
United States, Alaska

Marsupella commutata (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0032826Leslie A Viereck   101451956-07-24
United States, Alaska, Denali, Thoroughfare RIver to gravel bars of Glacier Creek, base of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mountain), 63.416667 -150.416667, 1036m

Mannia rupestris (Nees) Frye et Clark
COLO-B-0032827D. Lewis Dutton   16311922-05-28
United States, Vermont, Brandon, Lyon Hill, 43.799753703 -73.0801721979, 213m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032828K. M. Driver; D. J. Cooper   33152008-09-03
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Eastern slope of Rocky Mountain National Park, riparian restoration site at Hidden Valley Beaver Ponds; 2800 m alt, 13N 445693E 4472267N, 40.39924 -105.639954, 2800m

Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff
COLO-B-0032829JoAnn Flock   FB-5731979-07-22
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Marchantia domingensis Lehm. & Lindenb.
COLO-B-0032830William D Reese   12452b1974-12-14
United States, Louisiana, West Feliciana, Along Peterson Road, ca 1-2 mi E of Tunica

COLO-B-0032831Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   10265A1956-07-25
United States, Alaska, Denali, Mt. McKinley National Park, NW slope to summit of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.4166667 -150.3333333, 1676m

Marsupella commutata (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0032832Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   102991956-07-23
United States, Alaska, N.W. slope to summit of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt. ), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1067 - 1676m

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032833D. Griffin, III   0147951971-08-28
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, Whiteside Mt. near Highlands on hwy 64, 1372m

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032834William G Farlow   
United States, New Hampshire

COLO-B-0032836Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   139501964-02-22
United States, Missouri, St Genevieve, Pickle Spring. ca. 6 miles east of Farmington on raod AA, 259 - 297m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032837S. Rapp   s.n.1932-10-00
United States, Florida, Seminole, Sanford Range, 28.8 -81.27

COLO-B-0032839H. Inoue   s.n.1973-07-04
United States, Alaska, around Cape Thompson, 68.143889 -165.977778, 50m

COLO-B-0032842Paul L Redfearn   285791973-06-07
United States, Missouri, St Genevieve, Tributary to Pickle Creek ca 3/4 mi N of Pickle Spring. NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec 19 T36N R7E.

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032843J. K. Small   s.n.1904-11-01
United States, Florida, Dade, Miami

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032847W. Hong   80-9701980-08-10
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Austin Pass Trail, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 1600m

COLO-B-0032848William G Farlow   1903-09-00
United States, Massachusetts

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032849   1984-01-28
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032852Beatrice Willard   621671962-08-21
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, SE of Haynach Lake; 11000 ft elev., 3353m

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032853   1982-07-14
United States, West Virginia, Webster

COLO-B-0032854William G Farlow   1907-07-00
United States, New Hampshire

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032855Auguste B Langlois   1891-09-00
United States, Louisiana

Mastigolejeunea mayebarae S.Hatt. 1954
COLO-B-0032856   1973-01-22
United States, Florida, Marion

Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0032860William G Farlow   1896-07-00
United States, New Hampshire

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032862Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   427-44-551955-06-18
United States, Florida, Polk, 5 miles south of Lakeland. 2 miles west of US98

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032863Les Viereck; Teri Viereck   s.n.1957-09-01
United States, Alaska, Alaska. Central Pacific Coast Distr. Prince William Sound. Meares Gacier: Unakwik Inlet, 61.166667 -147.75, 61m

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032865A. J. Sharp   s.n.1955-10-29
United States, North Carolina, Transylvania, Horsepasture Falls

Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0032866A. W. Evans   s.n.1890-08-00
United States, New Hampshire, Mt. Washington

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032867Auguste B Langlois   1891-09-00
United States, Louisiana

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032868D. Griffin, III   0171761973-02-01
United States, Florida, Alachua, just N. of Gainesville, horticultural farm of, 27m

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032869   1889-08-00
United States, New Hampshire

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
United States, North Carolina, Transylvania

Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0032872Dr. Walter Kiener   102181941-07-02
United States, Colorado, Custer, Lat 38° N; South Colony Creek; 9500 ft, 2896m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032874Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   309581975-11-29
United States, Florida, Dade, Just west of Fairchild Tropical Gardens

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
United States, Pennsylvania, Cambria

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032877A. J. Sharp   44221958-04-20
United States, Alabama, DeSoto State Park, Little River

Marsupella spiniloba R.M. Schust. & Damsh.
COLO-B-0032878JoAnn Flock   FB-4631978-06-06
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032880Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   427-44-551955-06-18
United States, Florida, Polk, 5 miles south of Lakeland 2 miles west of US98

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032881L. H. Lanfear; V. W. Lanfear   192-c1933-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Near Bear Creek and Lehigh Valley Creek

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032883A. Cain; A.J. Sharp   3688A1936-04-18
United States, Tennessee, Putnam, Bee Rock near Monterey

Marsupella spiniloba R.M. Schust. & Damsh.
COLO-B-0032884JoAnn Flock   FB-5111979-07-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Below Razorback, 700m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032885   1988-12-04
United States, Florida, Leon

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
United States, Florida, Polk

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032887L. H. Lanfear; V. W. Lanfear   50II(56)e1929-06-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Nawakwa, SE of Rector

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032889A. J. Sharp   353381935-11-10
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Mt. LeConte

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032890   1976-10-30
United States, Ohio, Hocking

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032891Paul G. Davison   76862007-04-14
United States, Alabama, Covington, S of Conecuh River, Solon Dixon Center, 31.185333 -86.6975, 46m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
United States, Florida

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032893Alexander W Evans   
United States, Vermont

COLO-B-0032894Leslie Viereck; A. W. Johnson and H. Melchlor   s.n.1959-06-22
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Creek Drainage, 68.133333 -165.7, 305 - 305m

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032895Lucien M Underwood; O.F. Cook   801889-08-00
United States, New Hampshire, Mt. Washington

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032896Bruce Allen   146431993-07-02
United States, Maine, Knox, Lake Megunticook ca 3 mi. NW of Camden. Along small stream at SE corner of lake, 44.24889 -69.08667

COLO-B-0032897Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   139501964-02-22
United States, Missouri, St Genevieve, Pickle Spring. ca. 6 miles east of Farmington on raod AA, 259 - 297m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032898   1915-06-19
United States, Florida, Dade

Marsupella emarginata (Ehrh.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032899Arthur Svihla   3361931-09-01
United States, Washington, Pierce, Mt. Rainier National Park, Paradise Valley

COLO-B-0032900Johnson   491956-07-22
United States, Alaska, Big Delta 3; Upper Salcha River, 64.583333 -144.25, 945m

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032901Alfred Clebsch   137581954-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, small plateau stream near Millikan Overlook, Falls Creek Park

Marsupella sphacelata (Giesecke ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032902   1982-08-16
United States, Montana, Lincoln

COLO-B-0032903Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   176301965-07-07
United States, Arkansas, Logan, Magazine Mountain, 35.167283 -93.644972, 853m

Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wilson & Hook.) Schiffner
COLO-B-0032904   1915-07-10
United States, Florida, Dade

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032908Barbara M Murray   56911973-07-18
United States, Alaska, Killik River Quad.: Lake Kanikarak, 68.183 -154.15

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032912D. H. Norris   458191974-12-19
United States, California, Humboldt, near McClellan Mtn. about 5 miles east of Bridgeville

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032915A. J. Sharp   MC-58571958-07-30
United States, Alaska, Firth River Basin near mouth of Mancha Creek, 68 -141

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032918D. J. Cooper   25432003-08-16
United States, California, Plumas, Willow fen no 2. Lassen National Forest, 1560m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032920W. C. Steere   61960-08-04
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Colville River, Umiat, 69.355554 -152.143376

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032921Peter D. Spatt   5091982-07-20
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Prudhoe Bay. Near pipeline pump Sta. 1.

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032924Leslie A Viereck   103551956-08-01
United States, Alaska, Denali, north bank of McKinley River, south of Wonder Lake, 63.45884 -150.86412, 549m

Page 247, records 24601-24700 of 49891

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