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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-B
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 248, records 24701-24800 of 49891

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032926Barbara M Murray   72841974-07-26
United States, Alaska, Demarcation Point Quad.: Beaufort Lagoon, Nuvagapak Point., 69.883333 -142.3, 24 - 24m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032927Peter D. Spatt   3691979-07-23
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Approx. 35 miles south of Prudhoe Bay, along pipeline haul road, Franklin Bluffs, 69.830963 -148.362222

Meesia triquetra (L. ex Jolycl.) Ångstr.
COLO-B-0032933M. A. Howe   s.n.1894-08-00
United States, California, Near Sisson

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032938L. Viereck   42361960-07-22
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Cape Dyer - Drainage of Kipaloq and Angowlik Creeks., 68.6 -166.133333, 305m

COLO-B-0032941Peter D. Spatt   5181982-07-28
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Prudhoe Bay. Along road to Pad A

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032944Sam Shushan; John W. Thomson, Jr.   s.n.1958-08-10
United States, Alaska, Kaolak River, 47 mi. S. of Wainwright

COLO-B-0032947Peter D. Spatt   1471976-07-20
United States, Michigan, Presque Isle, Evergreen Beach, W shore of Lake Huron

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032948William A. Weber   31881945-08-02
United States, Oregon, Grant, Hi-Yu Guard Sta., 1570m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032951JoAnn Flock   FB-2121979-07-12
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales. Bridge over Village Creek, Village of Wales, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0032953Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson   13502007-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow National Forest, Snowy Range, Lewis Lake vicinities, wetland on the lake shore, 41.35 -106.28333, 3292m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032954Joan Foote   LV 84421967-07-29
United States, Alaska, McKinley Bar trail south of Wonder Lake, 63.44 -150.85, 597m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032956D. Walker   s.n.1973-07-00
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coast Distirct: Prudhoe Bay

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032957A. J. Sharp   MC-58571958-07-30
United States, Alaska, Yukon, Firth River Basin, near mouth of Mancha Creek, 68.666667 -141

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032962Barbara M Murray   55871973-12-00
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Koyukuk, SURVEY PASS QUAD.: Alatna River, "Headwaters Lake", 67.56799 -154.178057, 853m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032963JoAnn Flock   FB-4241979-07-23
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between Nany-Coast Guart site and airstrip, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0032966   1996-07-00
United States, Montana, Flathead

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032968L. Viereck; A. Bucknell   46941960-08-24
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: vicinity of the Kukpuk River including steep slopes and ridges to the east of the river, 68.25 -165.458, 91 - 427m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032969JoAnn Flock   Fb-5741979-07-23
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between Navy site and airport, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032970Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson   110462012-01-30
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Rocky Mts, Shoshone National Forest, SE portion of Wind River Range, head of unnamed tributary of Rock Creek

COLO-B-0032972William Campbell Steere   126441949-07-08
United States, Alaska, Dunbar Station and vicinity, about 35 miles west of Fairbanks on Alaska Railway

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032973Thomas Howell   s.n.
United States, Washington, [no locality]

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032974Skip Walker; John Batty   s.n.1974-07-03

Meesia trifaria Crum et al.
COLO-B-0032975JoAnn Flock   FB-4421980-07-29
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Near gravel road between airstrip and Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet
COLO-B-0034287A. W. Evans   s.n.1890-08-00
United States, New Hampshire, Mt. Washington

COLO-B-0032079Moxley   5621917-06-19
United States, California, Tulcare, Pine Flat. In the Sequoia Nat. Forest

Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort.
United States, Minnesota

Lophozia floerkei (Web. et Mohr) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0031755W. A. Weber; A. E. Porsild and Kjeld Holmen   s.n.1960-08-15
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Summit Lake, Mt. Evans, west shore; ca 13500 ft alt., 4115m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031756Weber   2000-04-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, "Little Royal Gorge" of Como Creek, tributary to North Boulder Creek, 8,900 ft. alt. Montane-subalpine ecotone. W-facing cliffs of rugged, narrow granite gorge below and west of Peak-to-Peak Hwy. between Caribou Ranch and CU Mountain Research Station, 40.019694 -105.514167, 2713m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031757Walter Keiner   80271939-07-07
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park. Lat 40°N. Longs Peak. 11100 ft., 3383m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031758W. A. Weber   79831952-10-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, very common, south shore of Lake Eldora, 9000 ft. alt., 2743m

Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0031760Peter D. Spatt   1571976-07-23
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Burt Twp, Iron Bridge of Carp Creek, Hogsback Rd, 45.549 -84.682

Lophozia floerkei (Web. et Mohr) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0031761Les Viereck; Teri Viereck   22831957-08-26
United States, Alaska, Valdez-Cordova, Central Pacific Coast Dist.. Prince William Sound. College Fjord, 61.25 -147.75, 122m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031762William A. Weber; R. Wittmann and P. Lehr   s.n.2002-06-30
United States, Colorado, Mineral, 2 mi W of Spring Creek Pass; 10800 ft alt, 37° 58' 18" N 107° 09' 42" W, 37.971667 -107.161667, 3292m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031763Alfred Clebsch; E. Clebsch   135151953-09-11
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, slanting rock outcrop on Snowmass Creek Road, near start of Willow Lake Trail. Alt 8500 ft, 2591m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031764W. A. Weber   1973-06-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Silver Lake Valley, Boulder Watershed; trail from Island Lake to lowermost of the Triple Lakes; 10,000-11,000 ft. alt., 3048 - 3353m

Lophozia floerkei (Web. et Mohr) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0031767W. Hong   81-6841981-08-03
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Cutthroat Trail, Okanogan Nat. For., 1400 - 1600m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031769R. C. Wittmann   2005-06-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Quadrangle, Along the Annie U. White trail and Four Mile Creek., 40.059722 -105.325, 1890m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031770William A. Weber; A. Vaarama and K. Khanna   s.n.1963-09-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, West St. Louis Cr, Fraser Exper. Forest, ca 6 mi W of Fraser; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0031772S. R. Gradstein   22641975-08-04
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Indian Peaks region of Front Range, Green Lakes Valley; alpine tundra, 3rd to 5th Green Lake, 3500 m., 3500m

Lophozia floerkei (Web. et Mohr) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0031773Arthur Svihla   248A1931-07-04
United States, Washington, Elwha River, 12 mi. So. Port Angeles

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031775W. A. Weber   87901954-07-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, streamside, Boulder Creek 12 mi. west of Boulder at Castle Rock, 39.9787 -105.4551, 2286m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031776Walter Kiener   89781939-07-02
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mountain National Park, Longs Peak, high alpine, 13500 ft, 4115m

Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0031778Dr. Walter Kiener   102381941-07-09
United States, Colorado, Custer, South Colony Creek basin near Westcliffe; 11700 ft alt, 38° N, 3566m

Lophozia guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) A. Evans
COLO-B-0031780   1973-07-06
United States, New York, Essex

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031781W. A. Weber   46601949-05-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, headwaters of Bear Creek, between Green and Bear Mts, near the Kossler Ranch, s.w. of Boulder, 2134m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031782W. A. Weber   79861952-10-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, south shore of Lake Eldora, 2743m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031787W. A. Weber; A. E. Porsild and Kjeld Holmen   s.n.1960-08-15
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Summit Lake, Mt. Evans, west shore; ca 13500 ft alt., 4115m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031788W. A. Weber   77781952-07-01
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, South shore, Summit Lake, Mt. Evans; 12500 ft alt., 3810m

COLO-B-0031790W. A. Weber   65991951-07-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, south side Monte Cristo Creek, a few miles N of Hoosier Pass, 11000 ft alt, 3353m

Lophozia gracilis (Schleich.) Steph.
COLO-B-0031792S. Flowers   47111954-07-00
United States, Utah, San Juan, Elk Ridge, near Gooseberry Ranger Station., 2621m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031793W. A. Weber   41841956-05-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Upper end of Gregory Canyon, Flagstaff Mt, 4 mi SW Boulder, 2300m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031794Frederick J Hermann   276101976-10-03
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park: on slope below ski lift, Hidden Valley, alt 9600 ft, 2926m

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031798Weber; Kunkel; Munger   1974-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, Bighorn Nat. For.; head of a fork of Crazy Woman Creek below Crazy Woman campground, 44.165 -106.921, 2500m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031799Alison Dibble   s.n.2005-08-03
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Herman Gulch, just W of Bakerville; 10270 ft alt, 39° 42' .5" N 106° 51' 31.5" W, 3130m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031800W. A. Weber; Dan Randolph   s.n.1984-06-22
United States, Colorado, Hidden Valey Ski Area, a north- east facing spruce- fir forested vale below Trail Ridge; gently sloping site above the stream between a service road and the ski- slope cuts, 2800 - 2900m

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031804W. A. Weber   s.n.1955-09-05
United States, Michigan, Eaton, Fitzgerald County Park

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031805W. A. Weber   1963-09-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Long Canyon, NW slope of Green Mountain 4 miles W of Boulder, 7,500 ft. alt., 39.992 -105.316, 2286m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031806W. A. Weber   1950-07-00
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Little Royal Gorge of Como Creek, 2 mi. south of University Camp, 9000 ft. alt., 2743m

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031810W. A. Weber   s.n.1955-09-05
United States, Michigan, Eaton, Fitzgerald County Park

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031811William A. Weber; A. Vaarama and K. Khanna   s.n.1963-09-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, West St. Louis Cr, Fraser Exper. Forest, ca 6 mi W of Fraser; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031812W. A. Weber   49281949-07-08
United States, Colorado, Boulder, on granite rocks, ravine between Green Mt. and Kossier Lake, n.w. slope of Green Mt#, SW of Boulder, 2134m

Lophozia collaris (Mart.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0031813Hong, Won Shic   79-10141979-08-05
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, S. Cottonwood Pass. Gunnison nat. For.

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031816Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   10057A1956-07-23
United States, Alaska, South bank of Thoroughfare river at north base of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1036m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031817Weber; Wittmann   s.n.2000-06-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Middle Park. Fraser Experimental Forest. Byers Creek Road 2750msm, 39°53'21", 105°54'10", 39.889167 -105.902778, 2750m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031818Vera Komarkova   s.n.1972-07-04
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Slope of the cirque on the NE side of James Peak, 12000 ft alt., 3658m

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031821Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   100571956-07-23
United States, Alaska, South bank of Thoroughfare river at north base of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1036m

Lophozia gillmanii (Austin) R.M. Schust.
COLO-B-0031822Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   100661956-07-23
United States, Alaska, Denali, Benches above south bank of Thoroughfare River at north base of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.), 63.416667 -150.333333, 1036m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031823W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann   s.n.2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt. Ten Mile Range, 3000m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0031824W. S. Hong   79-10401979-08-06
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Wolf Cr, Rio Grande National Forest

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032115Seville FLOWERS   80921932-08-00
United States, Utah, Summit, Black's Fork, Uintah Mts., 2804m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
United States, Minnesota

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032117Hong   79-10021979-08-05
United States, Colorado, Grand, d. w. Berthoud Pass, Arapaho Nat For.

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032118W. A. Weber; S. Shushan   92571955-07-22
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Rocky shore of Summit Lake, north-east slope of Mount Evans, 12700 ft alt., 3871m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032121S. Flowers   8101-A1952-08-02
United States, Utah, Daggett, Spirit Lake, Uintah Mts., 3139m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032122W. S. Hong   79-10121979-08-05
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, S. Osburne Cr, San Isabel Nat. Forest

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032123W. A. Weber; A. Vaarama, K. Khanna   s.n.1963-09-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Along West St. Louis Cr. Fraser Exper. Forest, 9000 ft, ca 6 mi W of Fraser, 2743m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032124W. A. Weber   1973-06-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Cirque above Rainbow Lakes, on slope of Baldy Peak, below Devil's Armchair, 9,500-10,500 ft. alt., 2896 - 3200m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032127Seville FLOWERS   20831927-09-05
United States, Utah, Summit, Bald Mt, Uintah Mts., 3048m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032128William A. Weber; J. Langenheim   s.n.1955-08-21
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Trail from South Mineral Campground to Ice Lake Basin, ca 6 mi NW of Silverton; 10000-11800 ft alt., 3048 - 3597m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032129Margaret M. Douglass   5201954-07-08
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Deep Lake Campground, 10500 ft alt, on duff., 3200m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032130Walter Kiener   66931938-08-01
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, St. Elmo, 10,000 ft alt.

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032133Seville FLOWERS   91881963-09-06
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uintah Mts, Lake Fork Basin, 3353m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032134William A. Weber   91271955-07-20
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gothic Natural Area at base of Bald Mt. Along Quigley Creek, East River Valley, 4 mi. N. of Gothic, 10000 ft alt., 3048m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032135William A. Weber; A. Vaarama and K. Khanna   s.n.1963-09-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, West St. Louis Cr, Fraser Exper. Forest, ca 6 mi W of Fraser; 9000 ft alt., 2743m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032136William A. Weber   88641954-08-07
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Forest north of Gothic, ca 10000 ft alt., 3048m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032140William A. Weber   s. n.1954-07-04
United States, Colorado, Summit, along Monte Cristo Creek, north base of Hoosier Pass, 10800 ft alt, 3292m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032141Seville FLOWERS   81681927-08-00
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Brighton, 2743m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032142Joan Michener   1841962-08-00
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, Ten-Mile Basin, Animas River drainage ca 18 mi SE of Silverton, S and above Balsam Lake, Needle Mt. Quad.; 12000 ft alt, 37° 38' N 107° 37' W, 37.633333 -107.616667, 3048 - 4267m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032146F. J. Hermann   239371971-07-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Cub Lake Trail, alt 8600 ft, 3 miles WSW of Moraine Park. Rocky Mountain National Park, 2621m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
United States, Utah, Utah

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032148Joan Michener   1481962-08-21
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, Ten-Mile Basin, Animas River drainage ca 18 mi SE of Silverton, bog NW and above Balsam Lake, Needle Mt. Quad.; 10000-14000 ft alt, 37° 38' N 107° 37' W, 37.633333 -107.616667, 3048 - 4267m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032152N. G. Miller; R. C. Wittmann   1.22006-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest. Breckenridge Quadrangle, Tributaries of Monte Cristo Creek near Colorado Hwy 9 (Hoosier Pass), 39.380556 -106.065, 3322m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032153William A. Weber   s.n.1973-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway, between Long Lake and lower Sheepherder Lakes, 44.96 -109.51

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032154W. A. Weber; Kjeld Holmen   s. n.1960-08-19
United States, Colorado, Summit, mourth of Monte Cristo Creek. 2 miles N of Hoosier Pass, ca 11000 ft alt, 3353m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032158William A. Weber   s.n.1973-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway; vicinity of Long Lake and and lower Sheepherder Lakes, 44.96 -109.51, 2900m

Lophozia heterocolpos (Thed.) M. Howe
COLO-B-0032159Seville FLOWERS   81621952-06-20
United States, Utah, Grand, La Sal Mtns, Oowah Lake, 2957m

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032160W. A. Weber   87781954-07-11
United States, Colorado, Summit, along Monte Cristo Creek, north base of Hoosier Pass, 10800 ft alt, 3292m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032164William A. Weber   s.n.1973-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway

Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032166William A. Weber   89151954-07-04
United States, Colorado, Summit, along Monte Cristo Creek, north base of Hoosier Pass, 10800 ft alt, 3292m

Lophozia hatcheri (Evans) Steph.
COLO-B-0032170Ryan Dybdahl   R2531968-07-10
United States, Arizona, Apache, White Mountains, Mt. Baldy, along W fork of the West Fork of the Little Colorado River; 10600 ft alt., 3231m

Page 248, records 24701-24800 of 49891

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