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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-B
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 252, records 25101-25200 of 49891

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection

Macrodiplophyllum imbricatum (M. A. Howe) Perss.
COLO-B-0032634I. A. Worley; G. Hamilton   98471968-07-29
United States, Alaska, South ridge and slopes to Mt. Yanouski, N.E. of Davidof L, Baranof I., 1064m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032635W. A. Weber   1972-08-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge, The Saddle, ca. 12000 ft. alt.; on edge of runoff bog at bottom of big snow accumulation area, with Calliergon sarmentosum, 3658m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032636Weber; Wittmann   s.n.2000-06-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Middle Park. Fraser Experimental Forest. St. Louis Creek road, 2600 msm, 39°49'19", 105°55'43", 39.821944 -105.928611, 2600m

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032637Weber; Wittmann   s.n.2000-06-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Middle Park. Fraser Experimental Forest. St. Louis Creek road, 2600 msm, 39°49'19", 105°55'43", 39.821944 -105.928611, 2600m

Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere
COLO-B-0032638Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   346-551955-03-11
United States, Florida, Wakulla, One-half mile south of Wakulla on Highway 98

COLO-B-0032640Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   102881956-07-25
United States, Alaska, Denali, Northwest slope to summit of Mount Eielson (Copper Mountain)., 63.416667 -150.333333, 1067 - 1677m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032641Weber   1973-07-25
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Green Lakes Valley, Boulder Watershed; alpine tundra between Lake Albion and Fifth Green Lake, 3350-3600 m. alt., 3350 - 3600m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032642JoAnn Flock   FB-7141980-08-09
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, At Bering Strait near digging mounds, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032643Weber   2000-04-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Trail to "Little Royal Gorge" of Como Creek, tributary to North Boulder Creek, 8,900 ft. alt., 2713m

Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere
COLO-B-0032644Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   20041950-04-27
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Cherokee Sink South of Wakulla Springs

COLO-B-0032646Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   102441956-07-28
United States, Alaska, Mt. McKinley Nat. Park. N.W. slope to summit of Mt. Eielson (Copper Mt.)., 63.416667 -150.333333, 1067 - 1676m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032647F. J. Hermann   271341976-06-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, WARD. Under stunted spruces at timberline below Blue Lake, alt. 11,200 ft, 6 miles W., 3414m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032648Jennifer R. Jones   143352009-08-12
United States, California, Fresno, Kings Canyon National Park: Hell for Sure Pass meadow, 3299m

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032649Weber; Wittmann   s.n.2000-06-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Middle Park. Fraser Experimental Forest. Byers Creek road, 2750 msm, 39°53'21", 105°54'10", 39.889167 -105.902778, 2750m

Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere
COLO-B-0032650Ruth Schornherst   1939-11-19
United States, Florida

COLO-B-0032652Les Viereck; T. Viereck   1960-C1957-08-06
United States, Alaska, Wrangle Range: Kennicott Glacier, 61.5 -143, 549m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032653W. A. Weber   1972-08-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge, The Saddle, ca, 12,000 ft. alt.; snowbed area, IBP plot No. 20

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032654W. A. Weber   s.n.1973-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032655Seville FLOWERS   27041948-06-26
United States, Utah, San Juan, La Sal Mts, Near Geyser Pass, 2957m

Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere
COLO-B-0032656Paul L. Redfearn, Jr   346-551955-03-11
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 1/2 mile south of Wakulla on Highway 98

COLO-B-0032658William A. Weber; JoAnn   FB-5431979-07-17
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales. lower slope of Cape Mountain and above village, 65.8 -168, 700m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032659F. J. Hermann   274411976-08-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Wet tundra bordering pond, Niwot Ridge, alt. 11,600 ft, 7 miles W., 183m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032660William A. Weber   s.n.1973-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway, swales around small lakes, 2900m

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032661A. J. Sharp   s.n.1957-10-10
United States, North Carolina, Yancey, Mt. Mitchell, 2012m

Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere
COLO-B-0032662Howard Crum; Lewis E. Anderson   133381959-01-26
United States, Florida, Dade, 2 miles south of Dade County Line, northwest of Miami, 25.933084 -80.436732

COLO-B-0032664JoAnn Flock   FB-5861980-06-25
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Upper Flank of Razorback above Village Creek, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032665W. A. Weber   85921953-07-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, West end of uppermost of the Green Lakes, T 1 North, R 74 West, Boulder Watershed, north of Kiowa Peak ca. 12, 000 ft. alt.

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032667N. G. Miller; R. C. Wittmann   1.32006-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest. Breckenridge Quadrangle, Tributaries of Monte Cristo Creek near Colorado Hwy 9 (Hoosier Pass), 39.380556 -106.065, 3322m

Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb.
COLO-B-0032668George L Moxley   4741916-06-07
United States, California, Los Angeles, 1286 E 47th Street, Los Angeles

COLO-B-0032670William A. Weber   FB-5711979-07-22
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, On flank of Razorback, 65.8 -168, 700m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032671Weber; Wittmann   s.n.1999-09-11
United States, Colorado, Grand, North side of Berthoud Pass; Fraser Creek just south of lowest switchback above Mary Jane Ski area, 3,000 msm., 3000m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032672T. Spribille   24061994-09-07
United States, Montana, Flathead, Whitefish Range, Dead Horse Creek drainage; along trail to Dead Horse Lake, approaching from the east; N of Dead Horse, 4.863382 -121.442684, 2135m

Lorentziella imbricata (Mitt.) Broth.
COLO-B-0032673R. D. Worthington   248451995-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Bishop Cap, N side

Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb.
United States, New York

COLO-B-0032675Lewis E Anderson   99441951-06-06
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, 3.4 miles east of Tuckasegee, 35.270363 -83.062234, 1000m

COLO-B-0032676JoAnn Flock   FB-5931980-06-27
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, slope of Cape Mountain below snowfield, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032677   1973-08-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Indian Peaks Region of Front Range, Silver Lake Valley; along telephone line trail on moraine northeast of caretaker's buildings at Silver Lake, 3000 - 3500m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032678R. D. Worthington   306572001-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento (White) Mountains, Apache Bowl Ski Area 1 mi. N of Sierra Blanca Peak and trail Down canyon, 33.555167 -105.808667, 3353m

Lorentziella imbricata (Mitt.) Broth.
COLO-B-0032679R. D. Worthington   248701995-06-09
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mts, along ridge 0.3-0.6 mi ESE old tin mine foundation ruins, 31.930556 -106.481944, 1402 - 1463m

Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb.
COLO-B-0032680L. H. Lanfear; V. W. Lanfear   106-a1929-11-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Phipp's Conservatory-Schenley Park, Pittsburgh

COLO-B-0032681Dale H. Vitt; Diana G. Horton   s.n.1978-07-01
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, at Chattooga River crossing of National Forestry Road 1603, 3.2 km East of junction with 1607, 35.068094 -83.104499, 920m

COLO-B-0032682JoAnn Flock   Fb-5881980-06-25
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Upper flank of Razorback above Village Creek, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032683W. A. Weber   1972-08-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge, The Saddle, ca. 12,000 ft. alt.; IBP plot 14, 3658m

Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
COLO-B-0032684William A. Weber; K. Lackschewitz   1-21976-08-00
United States, Montana, Deer Lodge, Trail from Storm Lake to Goat Flats, continental Divide south of Georgetown and Anaconda, Anacaonda-Pintlar Wilderness, 2300m

Lorentziella imbricata (Mitt.) Broth.
COLO-B-0032685   1995-06-10
United States, Texas, El Paso

Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb.
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny

COLO-B-0032688JoAnn Flock   Fb-4781978-06-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Below Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0032689JoAnn Flock   FB-5831979-07-28
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Above village water tower, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0032964   1891-05-00
United States, New York

Lophozia gracilis (Schleich.) Steph.
United States, New York

Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0033370W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann   s.n.2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range, 3000m

COLO-B-0032910   1973-08-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Indian Peaks Region of Front Range, Silver Lake Valley; Sphagnum bog along telephone line trail on moraine northeast of caretaker's buildings at Silver Lake, 3000-3500 m.s.m., 3000 - 3500m

COLO-B-0032916Weber; Wittmann, Dibble, Kekes, and Lincoln   s.n.2005-08-13
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest. Gray's Peak Quadrangle, along 1-70 at Herman Gulch (exit 218), near Bard Creek; 10300 ft alt, 39° 42' 01" N 105° 54' 49" W, 39.700278 -105.913611, 3139m

COLO-B-0032922W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann   s.n.2000-09-02
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, west slope of the park, along highway a few miles below Milner Pass; 9900 ft alt, 40° 24' 38" N 105° 59' 20" W, 40.410556 -105.988889, 3018m

COLO-B-0032928Weber; Wittmann   B-11-A2003-10-05
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Cement Creek Ranch on Co. Rd. 740. 4.6 mi (by road) NE of the intersection with Colo 135 (to Crested Butte). N38°50'05" W106°49'37" (WGS84), 9300 ft alt., 38.834722 -106.826944, 2835m

COLO-B-0032934William A. Weber   91281955-07-20
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gothic Natural Area at base of Bald Mt. Along Quigley Creek, East River Valley, 4 mi. N. of Gothic, 10000 ft alt., 3048m

COLO-B-0032940Beatrice Willard   s. n.1962-08-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Fall River Cirque, Rocky Mountain National Park

COLO-B-0032946William A. Weber   s.n.1979-10-06
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Routt National Forest, Zirkel Wilderness, Grizzly-Helena Trail and Ute Pass Trail (Bear Cr.), Boettcher L. and Pitchpine Quad.; 2840 msm, T9N R82W SEC 4 & 9, 2840m

COLO-B-0032952T. R. Cottrell   451992-08-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Willow Park, Rocky Mt. National Park, ca 0.5 mi up Fall River from ranger cabin. T5N R74W SEC6, ca 3290 m., 3290m

COLO-B-0032958Weber; Mazurek and Wittmann   s.n.2002-07-28
United States, Colorado, Park, South Park, High Creek Fen, 10 mi S of Fairplay; 9400 ft alt, 39° 05' 58" N 105° 58' 25" W, 39.099444 -105.973611, 2865m

COLO-B-0032977T. Spribille   98852000-08-10
United States, Colorado, Summit, white River National Forest, Dillon Ranger District, Keystone. In ski run (Wild Irishman). Elev 3300 m, 3300m

COLO-B-0032979R. S. Williams   s.n.1896-07-29
United States, Montana, Flathead, Columbia Falls

COLO-B-0032980Seville FLOWERS   98901965-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Lake Superior, Squaw Point, 185m

COLO-B-0032983N. G. Miller; R. C. Wittmann   1.142006-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest. Breckenridge Quadrangle, Tributaries of Monte Cristo Creek near Colorado Hwy 9 (Hoosier Pass), 39.381111 -106.067778, 3322m

COLO-B-0032985R. S. Williams   s.n.1895-10-21
United States, Montana, Flathead, Columbia Falls

COLO-B-0032986William A. Weber   B-442611973-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway, head of Wyoming Creek, 44.98 -109.47

COLO-B-0032989Weber; Wittmann and Spribille   s.n.2000-08-26
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandry and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range; 3000 msm, 3000m

COLO-B-0032990A. W. Johnson; L. Viereck, H. Melchior   3381959-07-00
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Ogotoruk Creek Drainage, Crowbill ridge, 68.086667 -165.546389, 152 - 305m

COLO-B-0032991Peter D. Spatt   4921982-08-01
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Prudhoe Bay. Drillsite 7, IBP Pingo

COLO-B-0032995W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann   s.n.2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Ten Mile Range. Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt., 3000m

COLO-B-0032996A. W. Johnson; L. Viereck, H. Melchior   3081959-07-05
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Ogotoruk Creek Drainage, 68.086667 -165.546389, 305m

COLO-B-0032997JoAnn Flock   Fb-6761980-07-24
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between airport landing strip and ponds near gravel road and Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0033001William A. Weber   s. n.1960-10-10
United States, Colorado, Summit, northwest side of summit of Loveland Pass, 12000 ft alt, 3658m

COLO-B-0033002[collector unspecified]   134371949-07-16
United States, Alaska, Along Sinuk River near Glacial Lake, south slope of Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula.

COLO-B-0033003JoAnn Flock   FB-6721980-07-24
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, between airport landing strip and ponds near gravel road and Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0033007W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann   s.n.2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range

COLO-B-0033008Barbara M. Murray; William C. Steere   72-801972-08-18
United States, Alaska, Circle Quad.: vicinity of Eagle Summit. Mi 105-108, Steese Highway, 65.483333 -145.416667, 1105m

COLO-B-0033009JoAnn Flock   FB-4091978-06-13
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Backside of Razorback. Above Village Creek, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0033013Weber; Wittmann, Spribille   s.n.2000-08-26
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt., 3000m

COLO-B-0033014D. Walker   s.n.1973-07-00
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coast Distirct: Prudhoe Bay

COLO-B-0033015JoAnn Flock   FB-4091978-06-13
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Near Long-tailed Jaeger nest. Above village Creek, backside of Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m

COLO-B-0033019W. A. Weber; R. Anderson   s.n.1969-07-12
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake, in valley of Monte Cristo Creek between North Star Mt. and Quandry Peak, Mosquito Range; 11700 ft alt., 3566m

COLO-B-0033020Les Viereck   3318-A1953-08-19
United States, Alaska, McKinley River, 1-2 miles south of Wonder Lake, 63.416667 -150.75, 579m

COLO-B-0033021Joan Foote   LV-84391967-07-29
United States, Alaska, Trail to McKinley bar south of Wonder Lake, 63.441667 -150.866667, 597m

COLO-B-0033025Weber; Miller, Wittmann, Lehr   3.92005-08-05
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Blue Lake (Upper) S of Quandary Peak. Above Monte Cristo Creek., 39.38472 -106.08611, 427m

COLO-B-0033026Sam Shushan; John W. Thomson, Jr.   s.n.1958-08-04
United States, Alaska, Romanzof Range, Okpilak River near Okpilak Lake, 69.4 -144.05, 610m

COLO-B-0033027   1967-07-28
United States, Alaska

COLO-B-0033031Dr. Walter Kiener   67051938-09-01
United States, Colorado, Park, Hoosier Pass; 11000 ft alt, 39° N, 3353m

COLO-B-0033032Les Viereck   31611958-07-07
United States, Alaska, The Alaska Range District: Mt. McKinley National Park. Picea glauca stand on the gravel bar of the McKinley River, 1-2 miles south of Wonder Lake., 63.416667 -150.75, 579 - 579m

COLO-B-0033033Leslie A Viereck; W.A. Weber   101701956-07-24
United States, Alaska, Tundra benches of Thoroughfare River to gravel bars of Glacier Creek, base of Mount Eilson (Copper Mountain)., 63.416667 -150.416667, 1037 - 1037m

COLO-B-0033037Frederick J Hermann   23967a1972-09-08
United States, Colorado, Lake, Bank of N Fork of Lake Creek, NW of Star Mt, 9.5 mi W Twin Lakes; 10400 ft alt., 3170m

COLO-B-0033038Leslie A Viereck   103501956-08-01
United States, Alaska, North bank of McKinley River, south of Wonder Lake, Mount McKinley National Park., 63.416667 -150.916667, 549m

COLO-B-0033039Barbara M Murray   58211973-07-26
United States, Alaska, Killik River Quad.: Imiaknikpak Lake, 68.483 -154.05, 549m

COLO-B-0033043[illegible]   s.n.1877-10-00
United States, Colorado, Mt. Lincoln, Alma

COLO-B-0033044H. Inoue   s.n.1973-07-13
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Around Mead River Camp, about 60 miles S of Barrow, 70.483 -157.417, 50m

COLO-B-0033045I. A. Worley; F.M. Boas   ??4291968-08-27
United States, Alaska, Mt. Roberts Trail (Juneau to Gastinea Peak), West Ridge of Gastineau Peak, N.E. of Channel, Juneau, 853m

COLO-B-0033046William A. Weber   31081945-08-02
United States, Grant, Hi-Yu Guard St. Malbeur Nat. For., 1570m

Meiotrichum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L. Merr.
COLO-B-0033049W. A. Weber; A. E. Porsild & Kjeld Holmen   s.n.1960-08-15
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Summit Lake, Mt. Evans, west shore, slope to ice lake, ca 13500 ft alt., 4115m

Meiotrichum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L. Merr.
COLO-B-0033050F. J. Hermann   279341977-07-14
United States, Colorado, Boulder, COPELAND LAKE. Clearing in spruce-fir woods above Sand Beach Lake, Wild Basin, alt. 10,280 ft, 4 miles W, 3133m

Meiotrichum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L. Merr.
COLO-B-0033051Lillian Nagel   1937-02-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, shore, Lake Albion, Roosevelt Nat. Forest, 11,000 ft. alt., 3353m

Page 252, records 25101-25200 of 49891

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