COLO-B-0034185 W. A. Weber 3066 1939-08-19
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Mt. Everett, 732m
COLO-B-0034186 Nels Lersten; A. J. Sharp s.n. 1956-08-12
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, near Iron Bridge on Carp Creek, University of Michigan Biological Station, 45.549 -84.682
COLO-B-0034187 R. R. Ireland, Jr. 4574 1961-08-11
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Lake Michigan, southwest of Cross Village
COLO-B-0034188 Clare L. Stiverson 59 1951-03-21
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Mount Evans: East Chicago Creek
COLO-B-0034190 J. Marr M141 1937-09-17
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Star Creek, Sayner
COLO-B-0034192 Mary Merello; H. H. Schmidt & R. D. Noyes 879 1993-07-24
United States, Oregon, Linn, Willamette National Forest, along Forest Service Road 2261 (Twin Meadows Road) at Meadow Creek, 44.55 -121.967, 1150m
COLO-B-0034194 Geneva Sayre 161 1935-09-21
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Chicago Creek, Denver Mt. Parks, 8000 ft alt., 2438m
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034196 A. J. Sharp 37 M 139 1937-09-04
United States, Michigan, Alger, Au Train Falls, 46.339 -86.852
COLO-B-0034198 B. McCune 2832 1977-09-02
United States, Montana, Lake, S. Woodward Cr., 1320m
COLO-B-0034199 1957-08-12
United States, New Hampshire, Grafton
COLO-B-0034201 W. A. Weber 1961-05-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, north facing wall of Boulder Canyon 12 mi W of Boulder, 7500 ft. alt., 2286m
COLO-B-0034202 William A. Weber; H. Dahnke s.n. 1986-09-14
United States, Colorado, Grand, Vasquez Mts, West St. Louis Creek on trail to St. Louis Lake, Arapahoe National Forest, trailside; 3100-3400 msm, T3S R76W SEC 6, 3100 - 3400m
COLO-B-0034207 W. A. Weber 8783 1954-07-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder, in wet margin of spring, Boulder Creek at Eagle Rock, 14 mi. w. of Boulder, 7500 ft. alt., 2286m
COLO-B-0034219 W. A. Weber 4977 1949-07-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder, floor of Horseshoe Cirque, Bald Mt, 10,000 ft. alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0034220 Vera Komarkova 1972-07-07
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Indian Peaks area, south of 4th Green Lake, in Acomastylis meadow, 11700 ft. alt, 3566m
COLO-B-0034226 Holmes Rolston, III 82190 1982-08-11
United States, Colorado, Jackson, 200 m W of Roxy Ann Lake, 2 m NE of Mt. Ethel; 10280 ft alt, 40° 40' 10" N 106° 39' 30" W, 40.669444 -106.658333, 3133m
COLO-B-0034237 F. J. Hermann 24107 1971-07-26
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, BUENA VISTA. Peaty bank of stream in aspen woods 1 mile SW. of Fox Lake, alt. 8000 ft, 12 miles SW., 2438m
COLO-B-0034256 F. J. Hermann 23365 1970-08-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, ALLENSPARK. Wet, peaty shaded bank of North Fork of St. Vrain Creek under alders, alt. ca. 7000 ft, Pleasant Valley, 3 miles SE., 2134m
COLO-B-0034261 Holmes Rolston, III 86078 1986-08-21
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Below Hunky Dory Lake, vicinity of Holy Cross City, White River National Forest; 11300 ft alt, 39° 25' 30" N 106° 29' W, 39.425 -106.483333, 3444m
COLO-B-0034263 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 1999-09-11
United States, Colorado, Grand, North side of Berthoud Pass; Fraser Creek just south of lowest switchback above Mary Jane Ski area, 3,000 msm., 3000m
COLO-B-0034269 F. J. Hermann 26917 1975-10-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, At base of bluff beside Ouzel Falls, Thunder Lake Trail, Wild Basin, alt. 9400 ft, 4 miles W of Allens Park, 2865m
COLO-B-0035788 W. C. Steere s.n. 1934-08-00
United States, Michigan, Alger, Lower Au Train Falls, 46.339 -86.852
COLO-B-0034152 William A. Weber; Tim Grove s. n. 1970-07-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park: Old Fall River Road; on granite outcrops, 9000 ft alt, 2743m
COLO-B-0034205 Les Viereck 1941 1957-07-17
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, vicinity of the Black Rapids, Canwell and Castner Glaciers, 63.341667 -145.75, 732 - 914m
COLO-B-0034206 John M. Holzinger 397 1918-09-08
United States, Minnesota, West side of Little Sugar Loaf, Lake City
COLO-B-0034208 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range
COLO-B-0034210 Mary Parry Haines s.n. 1877-00-00
United States, Indiana, Richmond
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034213 Frederick J Hermann 23248 1970-08-23
United States, Colorado, Ouray, Bank of Imogene Creek, Camp Bird Mine, San Juan Mts, ca 8 mi SW Ouray; 9750 ft alt., 2972m
COLO-B-0034214 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range, 3000m
COLO-B-0034215 1980-08-11
United States, Alaska
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034221 JoAnn Flock FB-455 1980-07-02
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait. Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Neeluk outcrop, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0034222 R. A. Studhalter S1800 1934-07-03
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Gallinas Canyon, 2454m
COLO-B-0034225 William A. Weber; J. Langenheim 9549 1955-08-21
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Trail from South Mineral Campground to Ice Lake Basin, ca 6 mi NW of Silverton; 10000-11800 ft alt., 3048 - 3597m
COLO-B-0034227 C. F. Cox s.n. 1930-07-00
United States, Colorado, James Peak
COLO-B-0034228 W. B Cooke; V. G. Cooke 23136 1948-03-28
United States, Idaho, Latah, West end of Thatuna Ridge, one-half mile west of U.S. 95, 945m
COLO-B-0034230 Steven P Churchill 8090-a 1976-08-14
United States, Nebraska, Garfielld, Ca 6 km E of Burwell, off Highway 91, 41.783333 -99.066667
COLO-B-0034231 William A. Weber; Pat Nelson s.n. 1975-06-27
United States, Colorado, Routt, Park Range, Routt National Forest, 1-2 mi above Slavonia, E of Clark; 2700-3000 m alt., 2700 - 3000m
COLO-B-0034232 Holmes Rolston, III 84086 1984-08-21
United States, Colorado, Routt, Gold Creek Lake Trail, ca 1 m E of Slavonia trailhead, Routt National Forest; 8800 ft alt, 40° 46' 40" N 106° 42' 15" W, 40.777778 -106.704167, 2682m
COLO-B-0034233 James S. Miller; M. Merello and H. H. Schmidt 6958 1991-08-21
United States, Colorado, Larimer, 4 mi N of Colorado route 14 on Larimer County road 103. 40° 36' N 105° 42' W, 40.6 -105.7, 2640m
COLO-B-0034234 A. J. Sharp 3829 1938-03-21
United States, Tennessee, Greene, Horse Creek, 36.164196 -82.710831
COLO-B-0034236 Elizabeth M Sherrard B32a 1951-07-18
United States, Alaska, Tor south of Saddle, Little Annie Mine trail, north slope, Kantishna, 63.55 -150.933333, 902m
COLO-B-0034238 Frederick J Hermann 17661 1962-07-30
United States, Colorado, Larimer, bank of Big Thompson River, on Bear Lake Road, alt ca 8500 ft. Rocky Mountain National Park, 2591m
COLO-B-0034239 Weber; Miller, Wittmann, Lehr 5.12 2005-08-05
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Breckenridge Quadrangle, Along Monte Cristo Creek near Colorado Hwy 9 (Hoosier Pass), 39.381667 -106.065556, 3292m
COLO-B-0034240 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 29160 1973-07-11
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Starved Rock State Park. Aurora Canyon
COLO-B-0034241 1969-05-09
United States, Virginia, Albemarle
COLO-B-0034243 Katharine I. Matthews 1129 1982-09-18
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Turkey Rock, E of Aspen on Hwy 82. 10100 ft alt, 3078m
COLO-B-0034244 W. A. Weber s. n. 1962-07-05
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, cliffs above Roaring Fork River, 1 mi E of Grottoes, 9 mi E of Aspen
COLO-B-0034245 Weber 3.2 2005-08-05
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Breckenridge Quadrangle, Blue Lake (Upper) S of Quandary Peak. Vicinity of N39° 23' 05" W106° 05' 10" (WGS84), 11400 ft alt. Above Monte Cristo Creek., 3475m
COLO-B-0034247 R. R. Ireland, Jr. 5180 1961-08-23
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Little Union Gorge, Porcupine Mountains State Park
COLO-B-0034248 Les A. Viereck 1372 1956-07-17
United States, Alaska, Mt. McKinley Nat. Park. Junction of the Muldrow Glacier and the glacier from Anderson Pass, 63.3 -150.3, 1219m
COLO-B-0034249 F. J. Hermann 23297 1970-08-25
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Silverton. Deadwood Gulch. alt 9500 ft. on Route 550, San Juan Mts. 2 miles SSW, 2896m
COLO-B-0034250 John M. Holzinger 31 1896-06-04
United States, Colorado, Along the Cogg Wheel to Pike's Peak, reached both by the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Railway from Denver, 2134 - 3048m
COLO-B-0034251 Weber; Miller, Wittmann, Lehr 3.30 2005-08-05
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Breckenridge Quadrangle, Blue Lake (Upper) S of Quandary Peak. Above Monte Cristo Creek
COLO-B-0034252 J. A. Allen 83 1898-07-02
United States, Washington, Upper Valley of the Nesqually, 47.067612 -122.705977
COLO-B-0034253 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr 8471 1961-06-14
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Pulltight Spring. Ca. 5 miles south of Rector
COLO-B-0034254 R. R. Ireland, Jr. 7311 1962-09-15
United States, Washington, Snohomish, Eight miles east of Silverton.
COLO-B-0034255 Holmes Rolston, III 87058 1987-08-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Stormy Peaks Pass Trail at intersection with Signal Mountain Trail, 1 m SE Stormy Peaks, Rocky Mountain National Park. 40° 30' 30" N 105° 34' 00" W. 3231 meters (10600 ft), 40.508333 -105.566667, 3231m
COLO-B-0034257 David J. Cooper 2353 1999-08-08
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Burro Ridge Fen, just off Colorado Hwy 550 at junction with Ophir Pass Road
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034259 H. Crum; N. G. Miller s.n. 1966-08-04
United States, Michigan, Luce, Upper Tahquamenon Falls, 46.5752 -85.256
COLO-B-0034260 Robert R. Ireland Jr. 5917 1962-06-19
United States, Washington, Skagit, Near Hamilton, along South fork of Nooksack River.
COLO-B-0034262 Walter Keiner 9150 1939-09-16
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park. Lat 40°N. Longs Peak. 11800 ft, 3597m
COLO-B-0034264 Steven P. Churchill; David Kizirian 12303 1982-07-29
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Dutch Creek, tributary to Niobrara River, ca. 4.8 km SE of Meadville, 42.71472 -99.80694
COLO-B-0034266 L. A. Viereck 7962 1966-06-22
United States, Alaska, big Delta Quadrangle, Tanana River, Shaw Creek Flats., 64.18333 -145.88333, 285m
COLO-B-0034267 James A. Erdman 75a 2003-08-10
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Dorsey Creek trail-head at wilderness boundary within the Rio Grande National Forest, west flank of Sangre de Cristo Range, spring-fed stream-bank
COLO-B-0034268 William A. Weber; Tim Grove s. n. 1970-07-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park: Old Fall River Road; on granite outcrops, 9000 ft alt, 2743m
COLO-B-0034270 Steven P. Churchill 11636-a 1981-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Golden Valley, Sentinel Butte, 46.883333 -103.85
COLO-B-0034271 William C. Steere 25010 1982-07-29
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range: North slope; 'Mt. Hultén,' Atigun River valley east of Galbraith Lake, 68.45 -149.3
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034274 B. McCune 3929 1978-08-17
United States, Montana, Lake, Swan Range; near S Fork Lost Cr., 1080m
COLO-B-0034277 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and B. J. Smith s.n. 2005-06-04
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Castlewood State Park, Castle Rock South Quadrangle, above S Castlewood Canyon Drive, E facing; 39° 20' 52" N 104° 45' 58" W, 39.347778 -104.766111
COLO-B-0034278 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr 27144 1971-04-13
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Along Creek tributary to San Angelo Reservoir. Ca. 5 miles west of San Angelo, 31.463744 -100.522119
COLO-B-0034279 S. Flowers 8703 1933-07-16
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Little Cottonwood Canyon, 1829m
COLO-B-0034280 Seville Flowers 4713 1954-07-00
United States, Utah, San Juan, Elk Ridge, near Gooseberry Ranger Station., 2621m
Moerckia flotoviana (Nees) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0034282 G. E. Nichols s.n. 1921-07-00
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, ad ripas lac. d. Douglas Lake
COLO-B-0034283 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2000-09-16
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley between Mount Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range
COLO-B-0034284 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr 27144 1971-04-13
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Along Creek tributary to San Angelo Reservoir. Ca. 5 miles west of San Angelo
COLO-B-0034285 S. Flowers 8701 1933-07-16
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Little Cottonwood Canyon, 1829m
COLO-B-0034286 Seville FLOWERS 4072 1955-08-30
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uintah Mts, Near Mirror Lake, 3109m
Moerckia flotoviana (Nees) Schiffn.
COLO-B-0034288 W. C. Steere 3121 1940-08-12
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Lake Michigan, Cecil Bay
COLO-B-0034289 Frederick J Hermann 24567 1971-11-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer, sandstone outcrop, alt 5400 ft, 2.5 miles NNW Masonville, 1646m
COLO-B-0034291 Leslie A. Viereck 7589 1965-05-30
United States, Alaska, Junction of Tanana River and Delta Creek., 64.25 -146.3
COLO-B-0034292 1977-06-23
United States, Montana, Flathead
Moerckia hibernica (Hook.) Gottsche
COLO-B-0034294 B. McCune 4346 1978-07-08
United States, Montana, Flathead, Glacier Park, above Lake McDonald, 970m
COLO-B-0034295 A. J. Sharp MC-58227 1958-08-11
United States, Alaska, Firth River Basin, near mouth of Mancha Creek; lower Mancha Creek, 68.666667 -141
COLO-B-0034297 William Campbell Steere 15408 1951-07-03
United States, Alaska, East Oumalik and vicinity., 69.8 -155.383333
COLO-B-0034298 Seville Flowers 4061 1938-08-12
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uintah Mts, near Mirror Lake. East of lake., 3139m
Mnium umbratile Mitt.
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034301 Peter D. Spatt 342 1978-07-23
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range; limestone mountain 1 mi N of Sukapak Mt., 1524m
COLO-B-0034303 William Campbell Steere 13082 1949-07-11
United States, Alaska, Slopes and summit of Anvil Peak, just north of Nome, Seward Peninsula
COLO-B-0034304 Seville FLOWERS 2826 1938-08-12
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uintah Mts, Near Mirror Lake, 3200m
Mnium umbratile Mitt.
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0034307 Peter D. Spatt 586 1970-08-02
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range; Philip Smith Mts, Atigun Gorge
COLO-B-0034309 Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 3160 2008-08-18
United States, Wyoming, Park, Rocky Mts, Shoshone National Forest, Beartooth Mts, Clarks Fork of Yellowstone River, Pilot Creek Campground vicinity
COLO-B-0034310 Seville Flowers 9758 1964-07-08
United States, Washington, Stevens, Selkirk Mts, Little Pend d'Oreille River, 792m
Moerckia hibernica (Hook.) Gottsche
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan
COLO-B-0034313 Weber; Vaarama and Khanna s.n. 1963-10-16
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mts.: Cave Creek Canyon, betw. Portal and Rustlers Park