COLO-B-0037678 Dale H. Vitt 11 1979-07-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, in yard at 1215 Weest 7th Street, about 3km South of Missouri River along Hwy. 100, 38.554237 -91.040278, 190m
COLO-B-0037679 PAUL L. REDFEARN, JR 28463 1973-05-21
United States, Missouri, Greene, Vicinity of SMSU Campus, Springfield, 37.215326 -93.298244
COLO-B-0037681 Steven P Churchill 6886-A 1976-06-26
United States, South Dakota, Brule, 3.£ miles north of Chamberlain, off Hwy 50.
COLO-B-0037682 Steven P Churchill 5942 1975-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron State Park, 9 miles south of Chadron
COLO-B-0037683 Steven P Churchill 11835 1981-07-06
United States, North Dakota, Ransom, Great Plains, Little Yellowstone Park, 4.8 km S of Kathryn and 3.2 km E on Hwy 46, 46.36 -97.56
United States, Tennessee, Montgomery
COLO-B-0037685 William D Reese 8458 1965-09-25
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, in lawn at 1211 Park Ave; right in Monroe.
COLO-B-0037687 Steven P Churchill 7723 1976-06-22
United States, South Dakota, Yankton, 3 miles west of Yankton, off Hwy 52
COLO-B-0037688 John M. Holzinger. 381 1919-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Spring Grove
COLO-B-0037689 Steven P Churchill 6446 1975-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Polk, The Great Plains, 0.8 km south and 0.8 km west of Fertile
COLO-B-0037690 A. J. Sharp s.n. 1934-04-00
United States, Tennessee, Knox, Knoxville, Kingston Pike, 35.960638 -83.920739
United States, Tennessee, Montgomery
COLO-B-0037693 Steven P Churchill 7074 1976-03-27
United States, Nebraska, Stanton, 3 miles northwest of Stanton and .3 mile north
United States, Tennessee, Knox
COLO-B-0037695 Steven P Churchill 11946 1982-05-04
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Great Plains, 12.8 km north-northeast of Johnstown, along Plum Creek, 42.70278 -100.00694
COLO-B-0037696 Steven P Churchill 4894-a 1975-03-27
United States, Kansas, Greenwood, 4.8 miles south of Hamilton, off Hwy 99., 37.909875 -96.164165
COLO-B-0037697 Alfred Clebsch 146 1944-04-23
United States, Tennessee, Montgomery, New Providence Cedars
COLO-B-0037699 Steven P Churchill 7078 1976-04-04
United States, Iowa, Mills, 1.5 miels east of Bartlett and 4.5 miles north, W-facing Missouri River valley bluffs
COLO-B-0037700 Steven P Churchill 4913 1975-04-26
United States, Nebraska, Saline, 1 mile northeast of Crete, along Walnut Creek.
COLO-B-0037701 M. Nee 11991 1974-06-11
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Courthouse lawn, Richland Center
COLO-B-0037702 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. s.n. 1993-05-03
United States, Missouri, Greene, Along Hammons Parkway, campus of Southwest Missouri Sate Univeristy, Springfield, 31.183333 -95.25, 295m
COLO-B-0037704 R. D. Worthington 26967 1997-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, White Mts, valley at entrance gate to Sierra Blanca Ski Resort, 33.397 -105.788, 2987m
COLO-B-0037705 Steven P Churchill 7804 1976-06-23
United States, South Dakota, Roberts, Hartford Beach State Park, off Highway 15., 45.25 -96.67
COLO-B-0037706 Steven P Churchill 4964-b 1975-05-08
United States, Nebraska, Cass, 2.8 miles north of Elmwood and .3 mile east
COLO-B-0037707 1989-07-29
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis
COLO-B-0037708 Howard A CRUM 2695 1954-05-14
United States, Kentucky, Hardin, On Ky. 434, northeast of Elizabethtown.
COLO-B-0037709 Lewis E Anderson 24258 1983-03-07
United States, North Carolina, Durham, East Campus, Duke University, Durham, 36.001532 -78.940009
COLO-B-0037710 R. D. Worthington 31070 2002-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln National Forest, Agua Chiquita Canyon at union with Upper Pendleton Canyon, 32.721 -105.6555, 2530m
COLO-B-0037711 Steven P Churchill 7881 1976-06-26
United States, South Dakota, Hyde, 10.5 miles west of Stephan, off Hwy's 34-47; Crow Creek Reservation
COLO-B-0037712 Steven P Churchill 7039-a 1976-03-26
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, Ponca State Park (T31N, R6E). Quercus wooded Missouri River bluffs, scattered Juniperus atop bluffs. <7022-7039>, 42.6 -96.72
COLO-B-0037713 W. A. Weber; Tass Kelso 72538 1980-06-10
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Brandelier National Monument, Canyon of Rito Frijoles, 1-3 miles above headquarters
COLO-B-0037714 Howard A CRUM 2664 1954-05-13
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Wooded slopes above Cedar Creek, about 5 mi. east of Sheperdsville, 38.001982 -85.662946
COLO-B-0037715 R. D. Worthington 28866 2000-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mts, .4 mi E of the Dark Canyon Fire Lookout Tower on N slope near ridge top, 32.0865 -104.733667, 2073m
COLO-B-0037716 R. D. Worthington 35042 2007-10-20
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mts, Middle Fork of Big canyon, 32.042383 -104.784383, 2088m
COLO-B-0037717 R. D. Worthington 36364 2010-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Near end of and N side of FSR 540 in uppermost end of Middle Fork Big Canyon, 32.03965 -104.7885, 2057m
COLO-B-0037718 Steven P Churchill 5188 1975-05-14
United States, Nebraska, York, 4 miles east of McCool Junction and 1 mile north. West Branch of Big Blue River
COLO-B-0037719 George Neville Jones 21670 1958-04-06
United States, Illinois, Piatt, Bottomland woods of the Sangamon River, Allerton Park, near Moticello
United States, Texas, Denton
COLO-B-0037721 R. D. Worthington 30312 2000-10-01
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mts, N side of crest of Wilderness Ridge, 32.01933 -104.801, 2164 - 2195m
COLO-B-0037722 R. D. Worthington 35076 2008-06-10
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Sacramento (White) Mts. Littleton Canyon
COLO-B-0037723 Steven P Churchill 5631-a 1975-06-09
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, 9,5 miles east of Valentine on Hwy 12, above Niobrara River
United States, Missouri, Clay
COLO-B-0037725 1959-09-09
United States, Missouri, Cedar
COLO-B-0037726 Dale H Vitt 13893 1975-08-03
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Yard of 1215 West of 7th Street
COLO-B-0037727 R. D. Worthington 30138 2000-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mts, near S end FSR 540 at switchback on S ridge above Middle Fork Big Canyon, 32.036667 -104.787833, 2134 - 2195m
COLO-B-0037728 JoAnn Flock FB-214 1979-07-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Razorback, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037729 JoAnn Flock Fb-326 1980-07-02
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Neeluk Knob, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037730 Elva Lawton 5187 1963-08-26
United States, Washington, Skamania, 7 miles north of Carson, along Wind River.
COLO-B-0037731 W. A. Weber; J. Blackwell s.n. 2002-09-05
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park. Western slope. Timber Lake Trail from Colorado River Valley to Long Meadow Trail fork, 9,000-10,400 ft. alt. N40°23.5', W105°50'., 40.391667 -105.833333, 2743 - 3170m
COLO-B-0037732 Greg Kunkel B-2081 1974-04-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Upper Gregory Canyon; ca. 1 mi W of Boulder and 1 mi N of Green Mountain Summit; steep, Eldorado Springs Quad.; 1940-1980 m.s.m., 1940 - 1980m
COLO-B-0037733 Grace R. Meeker 23 1894-08-13
United States, Colorado, Green Mountain Falls
COLO-B-0037734 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber and Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-10-20
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Beulah, 35 mi SW of Pueblo, Pueblo Mountain Park, outer foothills of the Wet Mountains, Devil's Canyon; 6750-7000 ft alt, 38° 02' 44" N 104° 59' 58" W, 38.045556 -104.999444, 2057 - 2134m
COLO-B-0037735 JoAnn Flock FB-326 1980-07-02
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Keeluk Knob, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037736 Leo F. Koch 3792 1951-07-08
United States, California, Del Norte, along Smith River in Jedediah Smith State Park, 41.796657 -124.081927
COLO-B-0037737 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0037738 Seville Flowers 9801 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8000 ft alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037739 Katharine I. Matthews 1128 1982-09-18
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Turkey Rock, E of Aspen on Hwy 82. 10100 ft alt, 3078m
COLO-B-0037740 W. A. Weber 3249 1946-10-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Summit of Green Mountain near Boulder, 8100 ft. alt., 2469m
COLO-B-0037741 JoAnn Flock FB-330 1978-06-14
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between trail to Cape Mt. and village of Wales water tower, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037742 John B. Leiberg 1163 1905-11-00
United States, Washington, Near Chehalis
COLO-B-0037743 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2001-07-22
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Along Mineral Creek, just S of Silverton; 37° 47' 31" N 107° 40' 47" W
COLO-B-0037744 F. J. Hermann 28022 1977-07-30
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Along Chicago Creek, Big Spruce Cabins, Mt. Evans Rd. (Colo 103), alt. 8000 ft. 3.5 miles SW Idaho Springs, 2438m
COLO-B-0037745 Bruce Allen 4362 1984-08-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer, along stream, ca 10 miles se of Estes Park. Roosevelt National Park.
COLO-B-0037746 W. A. Weber 9591 1956-05-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, granite cliffs and ledges, upper part of Gregory Gulch, between Flagstaff Mt. and Green Mt.; north exposure, foothills 4 mi. southwest of Boulder, 7,000 ft., 2134m
COLO-B-0037747 JoAnn Flock FB-214 1979-07-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Razorback, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037748 Elizabeth Knox s.n. 1935-07-18
United States, Oregon, Siskiyou, West Fork, Illinois River, O'Brien
COLO-B-0037749 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2001-07-20
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Taylor River Canyon. N38°44'28" W108°43'44", 38.741111 -108.728889
COLO-B-0037750 F. J. Hermann 27368 1976-08-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mountain National Park. On vertical face of granite block along trail to Sand Beach Lake,Wild Basin, alt. 8900 ft, 1 mile W of Copeland Lake, 2713m
COLO-B-0037751 Frederick Hermann 26578 1975-07-17
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Along road to South Clear Creek Campground. alt. ca. 9600 ft. ca 26 miles SE Lake City, 2926m
COLO-B-0037752 F. J. Hermann 23364 1970-08-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, ALLENSPARK. On granite boulder in pine-fir park along N. Fork of St. Vrain Creek, alt. ca. 7000 ft, Pleasant Valley, 3 miles SE., 2134m
COLO-B-0037753 JoAnn Flock Fb-327 1978-06-14
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between trail to Cape Mt and village of Wales water tower, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037754 R. T. Bradshaw 3265 1924-05-18
United States, California, San Jose, Alum Rock Canyon
COLO-B-0037755 R. C. Wittmann; P. J. Lehr 2005-06-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Quadrangle, Along the Annie U. White trail and Fourmile Creek. N40° 03' 35" W105° 19' 30" (WGS84) 6200 ft alt., 1890m
COLO-B-0037756 F. J. Hermann 23443 1970-09-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Soil on granite boulders, talus of bluff opposite Fishing Creek Picnic Ground, alt. 8500 ft, ca. 18 miles SE., 2591m
COLO-B-0037757 W. A. Weber 1988-05-14
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains; 0.7 mi below junction of hwy. 165 and 96, along Hardscrabble Creek between Westcliffe and Wetmore; on north-facing cliffs.
COLO-B-0037758 Seville Flowers 9796 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8000 ft alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037759 JoAnn Flock Fb-328 1979-07-06
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Lower flanks of Cape Mt., 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037760 Henry N. Bolander 69 1864-00-00
United States, California, [no locality]
COLO-B-0037761 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber 20.7 2004-09-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest. Along Manhattan Rd (CR 162) 1.2 mi S of the junction with Red Feather Lakes Rd (CR 74E). 40° 46' 37" N 105° 36' 17" W. 8500 ft elev, 40.776944 -105.604722, 2591m
COLO-B-0037762 W. A. Weber 1973-06-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Cirque above Rainbow Lakes, on slope of Baldy Peak, below Devil's Armchair, 9,500-10,500 ft. alt.; infrequent on talus blocks, 152m
COLO-B-0037763 W. A. Weber 1970-02-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Canyon, 1.3 riles west of the mouth, at junction with Four-Mile Canyon; steep north-facing slopes with granite outcrops, seeping cliffs and ravines with Pseudotsuga, 6000 ft. alt. shaded vertical rock face., 1829m
COLO-B-0037764 Seville Flowers 9798 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8000 ft alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037765 JoAnn Flock FB-334 1980-07-11
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Below Razorback and village of Wales water pump along Village Creek, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037766 D. H. Norris 47314 1976-02-21
United States, California, Humboldt, Tish Tang Campground, south of Hoopa, 152m
COLO-B-0037767 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s. n. 2004-09-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest, Twin Cabin Gulch and Creek. Trailhead: 40° 34' 39" N 105° 23' 12" W. 7000 ft el. 100-500 yards N of Buckhorn Road (W CR 44H)., 40.5775 -105.386667, 2134m
COLO-B-0037768 W. A. Weber 1973-06-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Cirque above Rainbow Lakes, on slope of Baldy Peak, below Devil's Armchair, 9,500-10,500 ft. alt.; infrequent on vertical faces of talus blocks, 152m
COLO-B-0037769 Weber s.n. 1960-05-30
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Along W Paradox Creek 2 mi below Buckeye Reservoir, W end of Paradox Valley; 6000 ft alt., 1829m
COLO-B-0037770 Seville Flowers 9824 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8500 ft alt., 2591m
COLO-B-0037771 JoAnn Flock FB-330 1978-06-14
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between trail to Cape Mt. and village of Wales water tower, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0037772 R. R. Ireland; E. Lawton 8488 1963-08-26
United States, Washington, Skamania, Bluff along Wind River, 7 miles north of Carson on road to Lookout Mt.
COLO-B-0037773 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2002-09-28
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Castlewood Canyon State Park, on the Arkansas Divide 5 mi S of Franktown, Inner Canyon Trail of Cherry Creek along switchbacks; 6400-6700 ft alt, 39° 19' 49" N 104° 44' 16" W, 39.330278 -104.737778, 1951 - 2042m
COLO-B-0037774 Dr. Walter Kiener 10319 1941-07-09
United States, Colorado, Custer, South Colony Creek; 11500 ft alt, 38° N, 3505m
COLO-B-0037775 Clare L. Stiverson 1951-03-21
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Mount Evans: East Chicago Cr.
COLO-B-0037776 Seville Flowers 9787 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8000 ft alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037778 S. Flowers s.n. 1929-05-21
United States, Oregon, Curry, Henderson River bank
COLO-B-0037779 S. Flowers 9814 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; t alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037780 [collector unspecified] s.n. 1906-08-25
United States, Colorado, Dark Canyon, 2700m
COLO-B-0037781 Paul L. Redfearn 11407 1962-08-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Bluffs above Chasam Falls. Rocky Mountain National Park. alt ca 10000 ft., 3048m
COLO-B-0037782 Seville Flowers 9788 1964-08-22
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Rampart Range, Devil's Head; 8000 ft alt., 2438m
COLO-B-0037783 Flowers 5440 1957-08-31
United States, California, Mariposa, Sierra Nevada Mts, Yosemite Valley, Avalanche Creek at Wawona road, 1707m