COLO-B-0043292 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and P. Lehr s.n. 2000-07-02
United States, Colorado, Ouray, Major mine tailing area 3/5 mi N of summit of Red Mountain Pass, above Ironton Park; 10100 ft alt, 37° 56' 33" N 107° 41' 32" W, 37.9425 -107.692222, 3078m
COLO-B-0043293 F. J. Hermann 17100 1961-08-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, BOULDER. Dense cushions on gneiss outcrop below Boulder Falls, alt. ca. 7000 ft, 7 miles W., 2134m
COLO-B-0043294 W. A. Weber 9657 1956-06-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, north slope, 'narrows' of Boulder Canyon at Castle Rock, 11 mi. W. of Boulder, ca. 7,500 ft. alt., 2286m
COLO-B-0043295 W. A. Weber 9658 1956-06-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, north slope, 'narrows' of Boulder Canyon at Castle Rock, 11 mi. W. of Boulder, ca. 7,500 ft. alt., 2286m
COLO-B-0043296 W. A. Weber; Ronald C Wittmann s. n. 2002-08-03
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Pingree Park, Valley of South Fork Cache La Poudre River. Trail to Cirque Meadow, along lateral moraine. 9000-9500 ft alt. 40° 33' N 105° 37' W, 40.55 -105.616667, 2743 - 2896m
COLO-B-0043297 S. Flowers 9831 1964-08-19
United States, Colorado, Grand, Below Berthoud Pass; 10300 ft alt., 3139m
COLO-B-0043298 Lemly 2311 2007-07-20
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Molas Lake; 10530 ft alt, 13S 263526E 4181371N, 37.749108 -107.68404, 3210m
COLO-B-0043299 Weber; Shushan and Anderson s.n. 1960-05-30
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Sandstone cliffs, escarpment above W Paradox Creek, W end of Paradox Valley, below Buckeye Reservoir; ca 5800 ft alt., 1768m
COLO-B-0043300 Louise [Hilsabeck] 88 1935-07-18
United States, Colorado, near Willow Creek. Rabbit Ear Mts, Arapaho Nat. Forest
COLO-B-0043301 W. A. Weber; Kjeld Holmen s.n. 1960-08-19
United States, Colorado, Summit, Mouth of Monte Cristo Cr, 2 mi N of Hoosier Pass; ca 11000 ft alt., 3353m
COLO-B-0043302 W. A. Weber; R. Wittmann and P. Lehr s.n. 2002-09-22
United States, Colorado, Saguache, 1.5 mi E of summit of Los Pinos Pass; 10100 ft alt, 38° 06' 22" N 106° 57' W, 3078m
COLO-B-0043303 W. A. Weber 2001-06-09
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mountain Front Range west of Boulder; Caribou Park, 10,400 ft. alt. Unexploited margin of lower end of greatly depleted mountain peat "bog.", 3170m
COLO-B-0043304 Holmes Rolston, III 82192 1982-08-11
United States, Colorado, Jackson, North and descending 100-200 m on Roxy Ann Trail, from Roxy Ann Lake turnoff on Rainbow Lake Trail, 1 mi N of Mt. Ethel; 40° 40' N 106° 40' 40" W, 40.666667 -106.677778
COLO-B-0043305 Sam Shushan 78855 1954-06-10
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Along Mosca Creek, 8200 ft. alt, Great Sand Dunes National Monument, 2499m
COLO-B-0043306 S. Shushan and Albert W. Johnson ss 08 1954-09-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Subalpine meadow just below Albion Village; Green and Albion Lakes Valley; ele. ca. 10,500 ft., 152m
COLO-B-0043307 Frederick J Hermann 24476 1971-09-08
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, bluff along Roaring Fork River, alt 11500 ft (upper trail to Lost Man Lake), ca 20 miles SE Aspen, 3505m
COLO-B-0043308 W. A. Weber; Ronald C Wittmann s. n. 2002-08-03
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Pingree Park, Valley of South Fork Cache La Poudre River. Trail to Cirque Meadow, along lateral moraine. 9000-9400 ft alt. 40° 33' 28" N 105° 36' 39" W., 40.557778 -105.610833, 2743 - 2865m
COLO-B-0043309 W. A. Weber 1993-06-02
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Mountain Parks; Green Mountain, north side, along trail from saddle of Flagstaff Mt. to junction of Green-man Trail; trailside bank, dry
COLO-B-0043310 William A. Weber; R. C. Rollins, C. F. Livingston 6520 1951-07-07
United States, Colorado, Summit, south side of Monte Cristo Creek just S of Hoosier Pass, 11000 ft alt, 3353m
COLO-B-0043311 William A. Weber s.n. 1987-06-22
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Iron bog on S shoulder of Mount Emmons, NW of Crested Butte; 9600 ft alt.
COLO-B-0043312 Jane Green 315 1950-07-26
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Teelewauket Ranch above Vallecito Dam; 9000 ft alt., 2743m
COLO-B-0043313 W. A. Weber; Harriet Barclay 9202 1955-07-14
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, North Pole Basin, north of Schofield Pass and west of Crystal River Canyon, 10000-12000 ft alt., 3048 - 3658m
COLO-B-0043314 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2002-09-28
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Castlewood Canyon State Park, on the Arkansas Divide 5 mi S of Franktown, Inner Canyon Trail of Cherry Creek along switchbacks; 6400-6700 ft alt, 39° 19' 49" N 104° 44' 16" W, 2042m
COLO-B-0043315 G. Austin 219 2008-08-09
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, La Garita Wilderness, Rough Creek Iron Fen, ca 14 mi. SE of Lake City, 11800 ft. N37°57'32", W107°05'20", 37.958889 -107.088889, 3597m
COLO-B-0043316 P. Everett Perkins 260 1971-05-29
United States, Colorado, Park, ca 23 mi SE Jefferson Colo on cty. road (ca 6 mi SE Tarryall Reservoir) to Ute Creek pulloff. Then ca 2 miles along Indian Creek Trail (Trail No 629). Pike National Forest, Park County Colo. Elev ca 9600 ft. 39° 12' 36" N 105° 31' 18" W, 39.21 -105.521667, 2926m
COLO-B-0043317 H. A. Leonard 78 1914-07-00
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, road to sawmill, near Tolland, Colo. Alt 9000-10000 ft, 2743 - 3048m
COLO-B-0043318 Joan Michener 150 1962-08-10
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, Ruby Basin, Animas River drainage ca 18 mi SE of Silverton, W edge of Ruby Lake, Needle Mt. Quadrangle; 10800 ft alt, 37° 38' N 107° 37' W, 37.633333 -107.616667, 3292m
COLO-B-0043319 William A. Weber; J. Langenheim 9537 1955-08-21
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Trail from South Mineral Campground to Ice Lake Basin, ca 6 mi NW of Silverton; 10000-11800 ft alt., 3048 - 3597m
COLO-B-0043320 Frederick J Hermann 26643 1975-07-25
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, along Timber Lake Trail, 8.5 mi N of Grand Lake; 10800 ft alt., 3292m
COLO-B-0043321 William A. Weber; C. Rector and D. Kennedy s.n. 1983-06-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, S rim, in spring-brook beside road near canyon bottom
COLO-B-0043322 P. Everett Perkins 321 1973-07-15
United States, Colorado, Teller, Area between 2.4 and 3.6 miles NE of Victor; 38° 44' 54" N 105° 2' 12" W. Elev ca 9800 ft., 38.748333 -105.036667, 2987m
COLO-B-0043323 Sam Shushan s.n. 1957-07-13
United States, Colorado, Garfield, on trail from Trappers Lake to Coffin Lake, ca. 30 mi. E. of Buford, 9,700 ft, White River Nat. Forest, 2957m
COLO-B-0043324 Joan Michener 199 1961-07-00
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, No-Name Basin, Animas River drainage ca 18 mi SE of Silverton, Needle Mt. Quad.; 10800 ft alt, 37° 38' N 107° 37' W, 37.633333 -107.616667, 3292m
COLO-B-0043325 William A. Weber 8870 1954-08-07
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, N of Gothic; ca 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0043326 Frederick J Hermann 24576a 1971-12-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer, edge of sandstone slab, open slope, alt 5400 ft, Spring Canyon, 5.5 miles SW Fort Collins, 1646m
COLO-B-0043327 Weber; Wittmann and Spribille s.n. 2000-08-26
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandry and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range; 3000 msm, 3000m
COLO-B-0043328 William A. Weber; C. Rector and D. Kennedy s.n. 1983-06-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, S rim, Gunnison Point Trail; 8100 ft alt., 2469m
COLO-B-0043329 Margaret M. Douglass 52-294 1954-06-18
United States, Colorado, Mesa, 6 mi above Forks of Escalante Canyon; 7000 ft alt., 2134m
COLO-B-0043330 Margaret M. Douglass 435 1954-06-28
United States, Colorado, San Juan, .5 mi S of South Mineral Campground, NW of Silverton; 10200 ft alt., 3109m
COLO-B-0043331 A. Tonnesen; G. Roy 001 1991-07-09
United States, Colorado, Park, Headwaters of Pennsylvania Creek, saddle between N and S summits of Pennsylvania Mtn.; 12720 ft alt, T9S R78W SEC 17, 3877m
COLO-B-0043332 Frederick J Hermann 26799 1975-09-16
United States, Colorado, Larimer, in woods along Mummy Pass Trail, alt 9900 ft. 2 miles SE of NW boundary Rocky Mountain National Park
COLO-B-0043333 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2000-08-13
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan Mts, Chattanooga Iron Fen, along Mineral Creek, just S of Red Mountain Pass; 10250 ft alt., 3124m
COLO-B-0043334 Frederick J Hermann 26551 1975-07-15
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Along Route 149, ca 7 mi ESE Lake City; 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0043335 S. Shushan and A. W. Johnson 72 1955-07-17
United States, Colorado, Boulder, just north of bridge between Silver Lake and Albion Lake in the City of Boulder watershed, 3200m
COLO-B-0043336 Geneva Sayre 235 1935-10-12
United States, Colorado, n.w. slope Genessee Mt, Denver Mountain Parks, 2438m
COLO-B-0043337 G. Roy; A. Tonnesen 024 1991-07-28
United States, Colorado, Park, Cameron Amphitheatre, E of Mt. Cameron summit, Mosquito Range, Pike National Forest; 13120 ft alt, T8S R78W SEC 16, 3999m
COLO-B-0043338 William A. Weber; T. Grove s. n. 1970-08-13
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park; Hidden Valley; in forest and along stream on slope just above the lodge, 10000 ft alt, 3048m
COLO-B-0043339 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2000-09-09
United States, Colorado, Summit, Blue Lake Dam area, Monte Cristo Creek Valley, between Mt. Quandary and North Star Mt, Ten Mile Range, 3000m
COLO-B-0043340 S. Whipple 323 1973-08-13
United States, Colorado, Grand, Fraser Experimental Forest, 5 mi SW of Fraser, Deadhorse Creek ca 1.1 mi W of Experimental Forest station; 9470 ft alt., 2877m
COLO-B-0043341 W. A. Weber s. n. 1963-07-13
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Valley of Roaring Fork river, between Aspen, 8000 ft, and Lost Man Campground, 10200 ft., 2438 - 3109m
COLO-B-0043342 William A. Weber s.n. 1964-07-29
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Cebolla Creek Campground, between Cathedral and Slumgullion Pass; 9400 ft alt., 2865m
COLO-B-0043343 John M. Holzinger 25 1896-06-03
United States, Colorado, near Palmer Lake, on the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 52 miles south of Denver, 2286m
COLO-B-0043344 William A. Weber; T. Grove s. n. 1970-07-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park: Old Fall River Road, aspen glade, 9500-10000 ft alt, 2896 - 3048m
COLO-B-0043345 1887-10-00
United States, Colorado, Park, Mount Lincoln, Alma
COLO-B-0043346 Les Viereck; Teri Viereck 2049 1957-07-04
United States, Alaska, Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: Vicinity of Portage Glacier and Portage Valley, 60.8 -148.833333, 15 - 152m
COLO-B-0043348 Joan Michener 211 1961-07-18
United States, Colorado, La Plata, San Juan National Forest, No-Name Basin, Animas River drainage ca 18 mi SE of Silverton, Needle Mt. Quadrangle, meadow below Ruby Pass; 12300 ft alt, 37° 38' N 107° 37' W, 37.633333 -107.616667, 3749m
COLO-B-0043350 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2001-07-22
United States, Colorado, Ouray, Major mine tailing area 3/5 mi N of summit of Red Mountain Pass, above Ironton Park; 10100 ft alt, 37° 55' 33" N 107° 41' 32" W, 37.925833 -107.692222, 3078m
COLO-B-0043351 S. Flowers 9862 1964-08-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mts, 8 mi NW of Nederland, North Fork of Middle Fork Boulder Creek, 3127m
COLO-B-0043353 D. K. Bailey 75-83 1975-04-29
United States, California, Inyo, in upper Johnson Canyon (below Panamint Pass), Panamint Range, Death Valley National Monument., 36.1 -117.041667, 1661m
COLO-B-0043354 Dr. Walter Kiener 22868 1947-09-18
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. Latitude ca 40° N. Longs Peak, east slope; 10300 ft, 40.26 -105.6, 3139m
COLO-B-0043357 Holmes Rolston, III 85159 1985-10-04
United States, Colorado, Grand, Onahu Creek Trail, vicinity of Onahu Creek Campsite, about 2 m. in, Rocky Mountain National Park; 9600 ft alt, 40° 20' 15" N 105° 49' 10" W, 40.3375 -105.819444, 2926m
COLO-B-0043360 Walter Kiener 6383 1938-07-03
United States, Colorado, Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. Longs Peak Valley, 2591m
COLO-B-0043361 William A. Weber s.n. 1973-06-01
United States, Colorado, Montrose, At the "Adiantum Spring," Dolores River Canyon between Gateway and Uravan
COLO-B-0043362 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr 11350 1962-08-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Around Nymph Lake. Along trail from Bear Lake to Emerald Lake (Upper Montane to Subalpine Zones). Rocky Mountain National Park. Alt 9600-10400 ft., 2926 - 3170m
COLO-B-0043363 JoAnn W. Flock FB-1047 1988-05-30
United States, Colorado, Routt, Routt National Forest, Hinman Park; 2330 m alt, 40° 45' N 106° 50' W, 2330m
COLO-B-0043366 W. A. Weber s.n. 1972-08-17
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains, western slope on crest of range 14 mi S of Ophir Creek campground; ca 9000 ft alt., 2743m
COLO-B-0043367 F. J. Hermann 23209 1970-08-22
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, GARFIELD. Monarch Pass, alt. 11,400 ft, Route 50, Sawatch Mts, 6 miles SW., 3475m
COLO-B-0043368 William A. Weber s. n. 2001-07-04
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Upper Roaring Fork Canyon, at Lost Man Campground
COLO-B-0043369 Holmes Rolston, III 81162 1981-08-20
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Guanella Pass Campground, 9 mi S of Georgetown; 3290 m, 39° 36' 45" N 105° 43' W, 39.6125 -105.716667, 3290m
COLO-B-0043372 Dr. Walter Keiner 22888 1947-09-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. Lat ca 40°N. Longs Peak. 9500 ft, 2896m
COLO-B-0043375 W. A. Weber; R. Wittmann s. n. 1999-09-23
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Upper Cache la Poudre River, ENE of Chambers Lake, on Big South Trail, Roosevelt National Forest, 0-0.25 mi from the trail head, 2500-2600 msm., 2500 - 2600m
COLO-B-0043378 Walter Keiner 7169 1938-09-20
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. Trail Ridge. 10800 ft, 3292m
COLO-B-0043381 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 1999-09-11
United States, Colorado, Grand, North side of Berthoud Pass; Fraser Creek just south of lowest switchback above Mary Jane Ski area, 3,000 msm., 3000m
COLO-B-0043384 Peter R. Morris 10 1972-06-13
United States, Colorado, Garfield, North Derby Rd; 1/8 mi N of the Knife Edge; N facing slope; Burns. 9000 ft, 2743m
COLO-B-0043386 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2001-07-22
United States, Colorado, Ouray, Major mine tailing area 3/5 mi N of summit of Red Mountain Pass, above Ironton Park; 10100 ft alt, 37° 55' 33" N 107° 41' 32" W, 37.925833 -107.692222, 3078m
COLO-B-0043387 F. J. Hermann 24077 1971-07-23
United States, Colorado, Boulder, WARD. Rotted log along trail to Pawnee Pass, Long Lake, alt. 10,350 ft, 4.5 miles W., 3155m
COLO-B-0043388 William A. Weber s.n. 1987-06-22
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, South shoulder of Mount Emmons, northwest of Crested Butte, 9600 ft alt., 2926m
COLO-B-0043391 W. A. Weber 1969-07-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge, 12000ft, in wet snow bed areas, 3658m
COLO-B-0043393 Holmes Rolston, III 83230 1983-10-22
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Chipmunk Lake on Ypsilon Lake Trail, Rocky Mountain National Park. 40° 26' 15" N 105° 39' 40" W. 3261 meters (10700 ft)., 40.4375 -105.661111, 3261m
COLO-B-0043394 Holmes Rolston, III 82140 1982-08-01
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Killpecker Creek Trail, 0.5 m s of deadman Road, North Fork Poudre Campground, 10 m W of Redfeather Lakes. 40° 48' 15" N 105° 42' 30" W. 2865 meters (9400 ft)., 40.804167 -105.708333, 2865m
COLO-B-0043395 Les Viereck; Teri Viereck 2173 1957-07-19
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range: Gulkana Glacier. 4 miles south of Donnelly Done, mile 243 on the Richardson Gighway, 63.65 -145.75, 1097 - 1768m
COLO-B-0043396 L. A. Viereck 8131 1966-09-16
United States, Alaska, Big Delta Quadrangle, Chena River east of Fairbanks. Stand 146, 64.85 -146.95, 174m
COLO-B-0043397 W. A. Weber; Catherine LaFarge s.n. 1973-06-09
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Stream in canyon flowing into Clear Creek from the south, NW of Mt. Vernon Club; ca 6200 ft alt, T3S R71W SEC 35, 1890m
COLO-B-0043398 William A. Weber; H. Dahnke s.n. 1986-09-14
United States, Colorado, Grand, Vasquez Mts, West St. Louis Creek on trail to St. Louis Lake, Arapahoe National Forest, trailside; 3100-3400 msm, T3S R76W SEC 6, 3100 - 3400m
COLO-B-0043399 J. L. Smith 541 1966-09-09
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Loveland Pass summit, Hwy 6, W of Idaho Springs; 12000-12800 ft alt., 3901m
COLO-B-0043400 F. J. Hermann 23209 1970-08-22
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, GARFIELD. Open spruce grove, Monarch Pass, alt. 11,400 ft, Route 50, Sawatch Mts, 6 miles SW., 3475m
COLO-B-0043403 Walter Keiner 7071 1938-09-20
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park. Lat 40°N. Trail Ridge. 10800 ft., 3292m
COLO-B-0043404 W. A. Weber; H. Dahnke B-91853 1986-09-14
United States, Colorado, Grand, Fraser River Valley at north base of Berthoud Pass, Arapahoe National Forest, T2S R75W S34, 3100 msm., 3100m
COLO-B-0043405 Frederick J Hermann 26551 1975-07-15
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Along Route 149, ca 7 mi ESE Lake City; 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0043406 William A. Weber; Dan Randolph s.n. 1984-06-22
United States, Colorado, Rocky Mountain National Park. HIDDEN VALLEY SKI AREA, a north-east facing spruce-fir forested vale below Trail Ridge; gently sloping site above the stream between a service road and the ski-slope cuts, 2800 - 2900m
COLO-B-0043407 Les Viereck; Teri Viereck 2294 1957-09-01
United States, Alaska, Central Pacific Coast Distr. Prince William Sound. Meares Glacier: Unakwik Inlet, 61.16667 -147.75, 61m
COLO-B-0043408 PAUL L. REDFEARN, JR 28533 1973-05-00
United States, Missouri, St Clair, Buzzard Bluff, ca. 2.5 mi. SW of Raney
COLO-B-0043409 Walter Keiner 7073 1938-09-20
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park. Lat 40°N. Trail Ridge. 10800 ft., 3292m
COLO-B-0043411 S. Flowers 9863 1964-08-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mts, 8 mi NW of Nederland, North Fork of Middle Fork Boulder Creek, 3127m
COLO-B-0043412 William A. Weber; C. Rector and D. Kennedy s.n. 1983-06-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, S rim, Gunnison Point Trail; 8100 ft alt., 2469m
COLO-B-0043415 Sam Shushan 32 1955-05-29
United States, Colorado, Jackson, West exposure, along W edge of Big Creek Lake, E slope of Park Range, 24 mi W of Cowdrey; 9200 ft alt., 2804m
COLO-B-0043417 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 29163 1973-07-11
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Starved Rock State Park
COLO-B-0043427 1997-06-15
United States, Maine, Penobscot
COLO-B-0043437 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 10370 1962-06-10
United States, Missouri, McDonald, ca. 1/2 mile SE of Bethpage
COLO-B-0043444 Seville FLOWERS 7499 1950-08-19
United States, Idaho, Shoshone, EAST OF WALLACE.