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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-V
Taxa: Euphorbiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 2097

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306548Harold W. Campbell   2001932-09-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Gregory Canyon., 39.9997397 -105.2900418

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306589Will C. Ferril   sn1901-06-03
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Forks Creek., 39.74513 -105.39725

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306597Kanya Santanachote   2571989-08-19
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Tallgrass Prairie Natural Area: Parcel 3. South of Boulder, at the beginning of Highway 93., 39.9538558 -105.2322131, 1700m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306605Marcus E. Jones, A. M.   321878-05-08
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs., 38.8338819 -104.8213631

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306613Wm. Penfound   1531923-06-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Minnehaha., 38.8505001 -104.9592076, 2560m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306621J. H. Ehlers   80881941-06-19
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Mt. Vernon Country Club near Golden., 39.71961 -105.28199, 2286m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306639Francis Ramaley   14001905-00-00
United States, Colorado, Teller, Near Florissant., 38.94582 -105.28944, 2400m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306647Alice Eastwood   sn1887-05-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Denver., 39.7391489 -104.9847115

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306654Tim Hogan   10461991-06-05
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Mt. Parks, along Flagstaff Trail., 39.9998833 -105.2902767, 1737m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306662Tim Hogan   25391995-06-17
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Rio Grande National Forest, Sangre de Cristo Range, San Isabel Creek drainage., 38.0366312 -105.7156821, 2530m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306670Anne Maley   2761991-06-05
United States, Colorado, El Paso, La Foret, Black Forest, unimproved road vic. of Burgess Road., 39.0022286 -104.7130771, 2194m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306688Nan Lederer   41101993-06-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Roosevelt National Forest. Caribou Road near town of Eldora., 39.9505965 -105.5651062, 2682m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306696R. J. Rondeau   96-0211996-06-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Fort Collins City Park; Campeau Ridge Foothills trail near Claymore Lake., 40.6113677 -105.1558277, 1585m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306704L. Baltzell   391970-06-18
United States, Colorado, Custer, 7 miles west of Westcliffe on Hermit Road., 38.123326 -105.5888718, 2530m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306712John H. Beaman   12881957-07-08
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, 8 mi. north of Poncha Springs., 38.6287336 -106.0772116

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306720Francis Ramaley   28801907-06-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Red Mt.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306738Francis Ramaley   10071905-05-07
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Near Boulder, White Rocks., 40.0523816 -105.1478034, 1700m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306746G. S. Dodds   20861906-07-01
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee Buttes., 40.8222 -103.97411

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306753G. S. Dodds   20251906-06-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Fossil Creek. Valley., 40.49331 -105.04919

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306761J. Ewan   119281939-05-18
United States, Colorado, Boulder, White Rocks, along Boulder Creek, e. of Valmont., 40.0621238 -105.1595737, 1554m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306779Wm. A. Weber   37241948-05-13
United States, Colorado, Boulder, East end of White Rocks formation, 8 mi. n.e. of Boulder., 40.0558491 -105.1339521

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306787Sandy Tassel   aa 5511978-07-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Along Shoup Rd. at the west entrance to Black Forest., 39.0125431 -104.7680852, 2286m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306795G.T. Robbins   6491941-06-19
United States, Colorado, Huerfano, About 1½ miles south of La Veta., 37.4830128 -105.0077691, 2286m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306803W. W. Robbins   48711908-00-00
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Near Beulah., 38.07501 -104.98666

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306811Paul H. Shaddle   741937-07-30
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Black Forest., 39.0130474 -104.7008128, 2286m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306829Hazel M. Schmoll   4731922-05-22
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Evans Hill, Denver.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306837C. William Penland   sn1923-06-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Foot Cheyenne Mt. near Colo. Springs., 38.7372047 -104.8808116

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306845Colorado Native Plant Society   4221984-06-23
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds Nat. Mon. NW of Hornbeck Homestead. Open slope above Grape Cr., 38.92865 -105.28629

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306852G. S. Dodds   18401906-06-09
United States, Colorado, Boulder/Weld, St. Vrain Creek.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306860G. S. Dodds   19211906-06-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Fossil Creek., 40.49801 -105.04765

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306878Francis Ramaley   11441905-07-01
United States, Colorado, Boulder, North of Nederland., 39.9663874 -105.5114665, 2500m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306886Francis Ramaley   10291905-05-30
United States, Colorado, Boulder, North of Boulder., 40.0653974 -105.2815948, 1700m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306894Francis Ramaley   6971901-06-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Mouth Boulder Canon., 40.0119616 -105.3024316

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306902Francis Ramaley   29001907-06-13
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Ten Mile Creek., 40.90775 -105.28393

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306910Mary Edwards   E-4201983-06-01
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, S. Table Mt., 39.7489314 -105.1861308, 1926m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306928Gregory Kunkel   351973-06-05
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site, 7 mi S of Boulder, NW corner along fencerows., 39.9058545 -105.2209137

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306936W. Huestis   sn1914-06-30
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe, Berkeley., 39.7808126 -105.0483232

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306944Margaret Douglass   54-1211954-06-02
United States, Colorado, Custer, 1.5 road miles east of Alvarado Creek Campground., 38.0785504 -105.5361562, 2438m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306951Edwin Payson   5021914-07-13
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Naturita., 38.21883 -108.56463, 1646m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306969Mrs. L. J. Brewster   sn
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Cimeron. [sic; Cimarron]., 38.44317 -107.55659

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306977R. Dorn   46781987-07-13
United States, Colorado, Garfield, 12 mi E of Douglas Pass., 39.5783718 -108.5743693, 2347m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306985M. D. Windham   93-131993-04-24
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Southwest slope of Squaw Ridge near Mormon Gap ca. 3.42 km SSW of the State Route 64 bridge over Dripping Rock Creek., 40.1409536 -109.0203677, 1692m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00306993Ronald L. Hartman   245131990-05-23
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Main Elk Creek, ca 4 air mi NW of New Castle., 39.609139 -107.5836717, 1905m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307009Robert A. Bye   sn1978-00-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Along Dolores River, Escalante Sector., 37.5725023 -108.5567457, 2100m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307017JoAnn W. Flock   20801989-06-22
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 2 miles east of Calamity Ridge Road junction with Yellow Creek, Piceance Basin., 40.0627484 -108.3100917, 1950m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307025B. Neely   44011987-06-15
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument; Limestone Ridge, in NE drainage of Limestone Draw., 40.5720709 -109.0162445, 2210m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307033S. O'Kane   29691987-05-28
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument; Hill adjacent to Hells Canyon and N of Mantle Ranch Road., 40.459918 -108.8895723, 1676m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307041S. O'Kane   27211987-05-16
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument; near head of Dry Woman Canyon., 40.4487324 -108.7465741, 2048m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307058B. Neely   40221987-05-17
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument; Disappointment Draw, 0.75 mi W of Deerlodge Park, 0.5 mi S of Yampa River., 40.4431362 -108.5457611, 1737m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307066H. N. Wheeler   4221898-05-25
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Sapinero., 38.45943 -107.30228

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307074W. Baker   82-911982-05-25
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Between Fletcher Gulch and Yanks Gulch, 3 miles S of State Highway 64., 40.1176549 -108.6376854, 1820m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307082Jean Langenheim   741949-06-27
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Cement Creek Valley. S.E. of Crested Butte., 2804m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307116Wm. A. Weber   38271948-05-21
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument, three miles south of Fruita, east of highway approach to Monument. Low rocky hogbacks beneath northwest escarpment., 1530m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307124W. A. Weber   155511978-05-20
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Site of Main Elk Dam Project, northwest of Newcastle in Grand Hogback., 39.6276769 -107.7610665

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307132W. A. Weber   130591967-06-10
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Bluffs above Vermilion Creek, S of Browns Park., 40.75708 -108.86237

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307140W. A. Weber   54171950-05-19
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Between Thanksgiving Draw and Baker Cabin, Yampa Canyon 11 mil n.w. of Elk Springs., 40.44734 -108.71847

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307157W. A. Weber   63571951-06-20
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, S. E. of Pagosa Sprs. on road to Chromo., 37.2614127 -106.9923391

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307165W. A. Weber   74511952-05-29
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Vicinity of Sapinero.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307173W. A. Weber   85531953-07-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 7 mi. west of Parlin.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307181William A. Weber   125231965-06-23
United States, Colorado, Moffat, 2 miles west of Sand Wash Creek crossing; Highway 138 between Sunbeam and Vermilion Creek., 40.6138219 -108.4052234

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307199Vlad Siplivinsky   38401982-07-10
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument; No Thoroughfare Canyon, middle branch of canyon head., 38.9854601 -108.69673, 2012m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307207Vlad Siplivinsky   33511982-00-00
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument, S of Highland View., 39.0624773 -108.7284356

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307215Hans Beck   36411982-06-05
United States, Colorado, Mesa, John Brown Canyon., 38.6473551 -108.985683, 1554m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307256James Erdman   481959-06-16
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mesa Verde National Park, Wetherill Mesa, Bobcat Canyon., 37.17929 -108.52258, 2103m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307264E. H. Bader   1061929-06-11
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Along trail to Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park., 37.18403 -108.48737

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307272E. H. Bader   2511929-07-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Lower Navajo Canyon, Mesa Verde Park., 37.09751 -108.50853

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307280W. A. Weber   181961991-06-14
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Wing Spring, south facing rim of mesa about 5 miles up Mancos Canyon from Chimney rock, Ute Mountain Tribal Park.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307298W. A. Weber   54551950-06-10
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Trail from Soda Tip-off to Mancos River, south rim of Mesa Verde.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00307306W. A. Weber   sn1954-06-08
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Head of Spruce Tree Canyon, Mesa Verde Nat. Park., 37.21453 -108.49921

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00326371Rea Orthner   4981998-06-28
United States, Colorado, Park, Mosquito Range. Pike National Forest. Along the Salt Creek Road (FS Rd. 435), 1.3 miles E of its junction with FS Rd. 436., 38.9589627 -106.0143631, 2895m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00524017T. Kelso   01-1702001-08-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Squirrel Creek drainage nr. junction with CO24., 39.0032411 -104.5132872, 2073m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00540377Jody K. Nelson   3421996-05-30
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site. 7 miles south of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment., 39.9116305 -105.1953674, 1799m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00551069Jody K. Nelson   261994-05-18
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site. 7 miles south of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, near TR06., 39.8947805 -105.1793178, 1805m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00791590Dina Clark   19862003-06-13
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Curecanti National Recreation Area. Along Dillon Pinnacles Trail just west of trailhead. GPS waypoint: AC7., 38.47772 -107.25968, 2355m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00822288Nan Lederer   04-642004-05-23
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Adobe Hills. Western boundary of Black Canyon National Park, ca. 5 air miles NE of Montrose; accessed from Montrose via Road #65.30. GPS waypoint: AB23., 38.56503 -107.79696, 1966m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00822767G. Rink   32262004-05-26
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Private land near Yucca House National Monument, steep arroyo on east side of highway., 37.221232 -108.659131, 1830m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00827055G. Rink   30462004-04-30
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Private. Near Yucca House National Monument, top of shale slope on east side of the highway., 37.2252 -108.645665, 2073m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00858985Hansford T. Shacklette   66361962-05-05
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Mt. Vernon Country Club, Lookout Mountain., 2164m

Tithymalus brachycera (Engelmann) Small
00866095Ronald L. Hartman   509251995-05-30
United States, Colorado, Montrose, San Miguel and lower Dolores River Drainages: Sinbad Valley, south end., 38.48887 -108.97012, 1448m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00867044Jeannine Shawver   sn2005-06-05
United States, Colorado, Grand, Wolford Reservoir., 40.15223 -106.41132, 2240m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00870329Ronald L. Hartman   672502000-06-06
United States, Colorado, Moffat, North-central Colorado: Colo Hwy 13, ca 13 air mi N of Craig., 40.70928 -107.51552, 1981m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00886150Emily A. Holt   4562000-06-06
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Hardscrabble Mountain Area, West Slope Continental Divide: at junction of County roads 76 and 76A, ca 3.5 air mi SE of Dotsero; ca 4.5 air mi WSW of Gypsum., 39.61824 -107.01477, 2409m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00889766Pam Regensberg   1642006-06-25
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley. Ca. 2 miles WSW of Crestone. Ca. 1 mile S of County Rd. T on two-track near Ranch HQ., 37.97495 -105.72149, 2353m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00895060Melanie Arnett   40001999-06-01
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Southern Gunnison Basin: northeast flank of Flat Top, ca 1 air mi SSW of intersection of U.S. Hwy 50 and Colo Hwy 114; ca 8 air mi ESE of Gunnison., 2499m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00905992Francis Daniels   3671906-07-09
United States, Colorado, Boulder, North slope of Green Mountain, Boulder., 39.99473 -105.30073, 2042m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00908095Francis Daniels   1871906-06-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Mesas fronting the Flatirons, Boulder., 39.9867676 -105.2742917, 1737m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00908103Francis Daniels   161906-06-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Plains, Boulder., 40.0149774 -105.2705492, 1707m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00930826T. Kelso   156-082008-07-28
United States, Colorado, Park, Park County, South Park, High Creek banks, ca 12 mi. north of Antero Junction. Farrar Ranch., 39.06414 -105.85334, 2804m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00931238Brian Elliott   68171999-06-11
United States, Colorado, Costilla, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity. Culebra Range, SE of the junction of County roads 22 and P7, ca 3 air mi SE of San Luis., 37.175498 -105.395451, 2499m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00942102B. E. Nelson   441571998-06-27
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Rainbow Trail from Gibson to Swift creeks, ca 2.5 air mi NE of Spread Eagle Peak, ca 6 air mi W of Westcliffe., 38.14156 -105.60076, 2835m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00950485C. William Penland   sn1928-08-05
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, San Luis Valley.

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00950493K. Dooley   sn1974-06-01
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Carson Hole campground., 38.73931 -108.6215, 2560m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00950501V. Sakata   sn1981-05-14
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Medano Creek bed in foothills., 37.73559 -105.52475, 2438m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
00978965Tim Hogan   50192010-06-16
United States, Colorado, Custer, Sangre de Cristo Wilderness and environs, San Isabel National Forest, Rainbow Trail, just N of Gibson Creek trailhead (E of Lake of the Clouds)., 38.13932 -105.60163, 2804m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
01790328Pam Regensberg   8152012-06-18
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley; ca. 1.5 miles southwest of Crestone., 37.97703 -105.71883, 2352m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
01799758George Neville Jones   415831965-06-17
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Near Sugarloaf, ca. 7 miles west of Boulder., 2438m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
01800317George Neville Jones   333991962-07-16
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Between Rollinsville and Black Hawk, eight miles from Black Hawk., 39.86536 -105.46599, 2743m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
01820331Tim Hogan   52672014-06-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, City of Boulder Mountain Park. West side of park, accessed via Walker Ranch., 39.951483 -105.310867, 2134m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
01825181Dina Clark   39242014-06-02
United States, COLORADO, BOULDER, White Rocks Nature Preserve, 8 miles northeast of Boulder, 40.054226 -105.16583, 1588m

Tithymalus brachyceras (Engelmann) Small
02082998James P. Vanderhorst   591990-05-27
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: ravine off east side of Colorado River; ca 16 air mi NE of Glenwood Springs, 3.8 road mi N of Dotsero., 39.68872 -107.06949, 2012m

Page 16, records 1501-1600 of 2097

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