00489344 John H. Robertson
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, detailed locality information protected
00850453 Hansford T. Shacklette 7062-a 1965-04-23
United States, Kentucky, About 5 miles south of Shrewsbury near Beech Grove Church.
01793983 E. O. Wooton s.n. 1906-06-09
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Collected in the Organ Mountains
01793991 R. D. Worthington 4779 1979-07-28
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, Cloudcroft, W side of town along hwy US 82 (NE cor, sec 6, T16S, R12E), 8500 ft elev, 2591m
01794007 John Robertson 16153 1982-06-20
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Johnson Mesa East of Raton in Pine-oak forest, 36.911969 -104.328872
01794015 R. D. Worthington 5866 1980-05-04
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Organ Mts, NE side of Organ Needle (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 sec 32, T22S, R4E), 7500 ft elev, 2286m
01794023 G. Schooley s.n. 1975-07-25
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Montezuma, just N of Las Vegas, 35.652265 -105.276399
01794031 G. Schooley s.n. 1975-07-25
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Montezuma, just N of Las Vegas, 35.652265 -105.276399
01794049 Loraine Yeatts 4883 2003-05-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Saliz Mts, Peublo Creek just upstream from Tige Canyon; 12N0687162E3714954N. 5800 ft; pyroclastic volcanics, 1768m
01794056 J. H. Lehr L1208 1981-05-21
United States, Arizona, Gila, Ca. 3 mi W of Rte 260 - Tonto Village Road, off the Tonto Village Road. Elev ca 5800 ft, 34.326076 -111.163134, 1768m
01794064 O. B. Metcalfe 1022 1904-07-02
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Collected in and around the southe end of the Black Range. Fran Creek. Approx 7500 ft, 2286m
01794072 Ann Brown 62 1969-08-08
United States, New Mexico, Torrance, Cibola National Forest, 4th of July Campground near Mountainair, 7700 ft, 34.525364 -106.283399, 2347m
01794098 Robert A. Bye 10117 1981-07-18
United States, New York, Onondaga, SW of Baldwinsville, Whiskey Hollow
01794106 Miriam Colson 8060 1980-04-15
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Cumberland Plateau, elev. Ca 548 msm. Common in rich moist soils in closed oak woods along Bridal Veil Creek five miles SW of Tracy City on Route 1, 548m
01794114 J. R. Bozeman 8854 1967-04-16
United States, South Carolina, McCormick, Mixed deciduous forest, north-facing slope on Stevens Creek, 1.5 miles northeast of Clarks Hill
01794122 Gertrude E. Douglas 1039 1929-07-11
United States, New York, Essex, Treadway's Path, Port Henry
01794130 Charles Gould 684 1935-05-11
United States, West Virginia, Cabell, At base of Fagus grandifolia, Mt. Union
01794148 Alice Eastwood
United States, Florida, Holly Hill
01794155 A. E. Radford 1947-05-30
United States, Georgia, Rabun, Hardwood forest on Laurel Creek Olivine Deposit, 1.5 miles east of Pine Mountain
01794163 Melissa Luckow 2588 1985-03-07
Mexico, Chiapas, 3.5 mi from jctn of road to Tenejapa on Mex Rte 190 just SE of San Cristobal de las Casas. 1.4 mi NW of jctn 199 to 190.
01794171 Lorence 787 1981-05-11
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito de Teposcolula; camino a Yucunama al N. de Tepascolula
01794189 A. C. Sanders 2651 1982-04-08
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Madre Occidental. Along the old dirt road from Santa Rosa to Yecora, 8 mi E of Santa Rosa, about 10 mi W of Yecora, & about 33 mi (airline) NE of Movas. (Vicinity of 109° 02'W, 28° 28' N.) Alt circa 5000 ft., 28.466667 -109.033333, 1524m
01794197 Leila Shultz 136 1972-03-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, 20 km W on road to Majalca in Cumbres de Majalca National Park, 5200' elevation, 1585m
01794304 David D. Taylor 3614 1983-05-24
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Limestone colluvium and rocky soil below limestone cliffs, both sides of Radford Hollow, Berea College Forest, NE of US 421 and Morrill and SE of Bighill
United States, Michigan, Oceana