COLO-B-0001172 Wilfred B. Schofield 33588 1967-06-21
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, A Van Inlet, N.W. Side, ca 1/2 way from mouth, S.W. Graham I. (sic. Island), Queen Charlotte Is. (sic. Island), 53.25 -132.55
COLO-B-0001557 Wilfred B Schofield 15237 1961-08-22
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Copper River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands., 53.25 -132.333333
COLO-B-0002239 Dale H Vitt 12486 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands: Graham Island, Between Masset and Tow Hill. 2.2 mi SE Masset, 12.3 mi. WSW Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0004332 Dale H Vitt 12427 1975-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Quen Charlotte Islands: Moresby Island, N and W shores Upper Victoria Lake., 52.3 -131.466667, 31 - 46m
COLO-B-0004347 Wilfred B Schofield 13860 1961-05-14
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prudhomme Creek, Kloiya Bay, ca. 12 mi. E. of Prince Rupert, 54.25 -130.25
COLO-B-0004353 Wilfred B Schofield 30567 1966-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Goose Cove, Athlow Bay, West Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.583333 -132.916667
COLO-B-0004383 Wilfred B Schofield 34170 1967-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Virgalias Cove, Port Louis, W. Graham I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.7 -132.966667
COLO-B-0004418 Dale Vitt 24811 1979-06-27
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert Area: Just below summit of Mt. Hays, 3.4 miles from Yellowhead Hwy, along dirt track to top of mountain, 54.283333 -130.316667, 610m
Bucklandiella brevipes (Kindb.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
COLO-B-0008507 Wilfred B. Schofield 30728 1966-07-04
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, just East of Deena River Mouth, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.25 -132.083333
Bucklandiella occidentalis (Renauld & Cardot) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
COLO-B-0008630 Wilfred B. Schofield 33438 1967-06-20
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Dawson Inlet, E. side ca. 2/3 way to head, S.W. Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.25 -132.333333
COLO-B-0008879 Wilfred B. Schofield 32650 1966-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, near Gray Point, N.E. of Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands., 53.108889 -131.645
COLO-B-0008887 W. B. Schofield 55817 1974-06-20
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, near Yakan Point, Graham I, Queen Charlotte, 54.070556 -131.835278
COLO-B-0008956 Dale H Vitt 12492 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlottte Islands, Graham Island, between Masset & Tow hill, 2.2 mi. SE of Masset & 12. 3 mi. WSW of Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0009885 Wilfred B Schofield 15447-A 1961-08-23
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Mitchell Inlet, NW. coast of Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.951944 -132.166667
COLO-B-0009958 W.B. Schofield; A.J. Sharp 25884 1964-09-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, base of N. slope, Moresby Mt, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.019167 -132.085555
COLO-B-0011322 W. B. Schofield; A.J. Sharp 25953 1964-09-13
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, creek on N. side of Moresby Mt, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.25 -132.333333
COLO-B-0014092 Wilfred B Schofield 15820 1961-08-29
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, E. side, head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.168889 -132.492222
COLO-B-0014114 Dale H Vitt 12377 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, northeast arm Upper Victoria Lake, 52.333333 -131.45, 43m
COLO-B-0015862 Dale Vitt 24388 1979-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, PRINCE RUPERT AREA: Pitt Island, Along South shore of Holmes Lake, 54.2 -129.766667
COLO-B-0016360 W. B. Schofield; M.I. Schofield 73372 1979-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Mine Mt, above Tasu, on Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is., 52.75 -132
COLO-B-0019564 Wilfred B Schofield 30897 1966-07-06
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Upper Victoria Lake, SW Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.333333 -131.475
COLO-B-0020324 W. B. Schofield 15537 1961-08-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, West of Skidegate Lake, N. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.116667 -132
COLO-B-0020335 Wilfred B Schofield 34009 1967-06-24
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Mercer Lake and creek, Athlow Bay, W. Graham I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.583333 -132.916667
COLO-B-0020347 Wilfred B Schofield 34009 1967-06-24
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Mercer Lake and creek, Athlow Bay, W. Graham I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.583333 -132.916667
COLO-B-0022044 W. B. Schofield; J. Spence 83852 1985-08-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Tasu Mt, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.745833 -132.045555
COLO-B-0024163 Dale H Vitt 12429 1975-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Quen Charlotte Islands: Moresby Island, N and W shores Upper Victoria Lake., 52.3 -131.466667, 31 - 46m
COLO-B-0024171 Wilfred B Schofield 35237 1967-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Eden Lake, central E side, N. Graham I. [Island], Queen Charlotte Is. [Islands], 53.833333 -132.8
COLO-B-0024187 Wilfred B Schofield 44968 1971-07-04
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, east side of Slim Inlet, 52.266667 -131.316667
COLO-B-0024232 W. B. Schofield; Antero Vaarama 24612 1964-06-15
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.183333 -132.483333
COLO-B-0024248 Dale H. Vitt 24727 1979-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert Area: Lewis Island, on North end of island near and just inland from abandoned houses, 54.016667 -130.25
COLO-B-0024254 W.B. Schofield; D.H. Vitt & Diana Horton 72851 1979-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Lewis Island, N. side, 54.006944 -130.246944
COLO-B-0024349 Wilfred B Schofield 31209 1966-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Kootenay Inlet, S.W. end near inner mouth of narrows, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.25 -132.083333
COLO-B-0024582 Wilfred B. Schofield 37558 1968-08-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Mine Mountain, Tasu Sound, on Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands., 49.483333 -117.28333
COLO-B-0025870 Wilfred B Schofield; Antaro Vaarama 24406 1964-06-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Crescent Inlet, S.E. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island, 52.764722 -131.836667
COLO-B-0028227 Wilfred Schofield 44626 1971-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, N. end of Huxley Island, Queen Charlotte Is., 52.449722 -131.373611
COLO-B-0028294 Wilfred B Schofield; A.J. Sharp CI-5 1964-09-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Bluffs at head of Cumshewa Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.05 -131.833333
COLO-B-0029316 Dale H Vitt 12495 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlottte Islands, Graham Island, between Masset & Tow hill, 2.2 mi. SE of Masset & 12. 3 mi. WSW of Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0030161 Wilfred B Schofield 24950 1964-07-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Takakia Lake, about 10 miles S. of Moresby Logging Camp, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.930833 -132.063056, 570m
COLO-B-0031373 W. B. Schofield; A. J. Sharp 25887 1964-09-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, base of N. slope, Moresby Mt, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.25 -132.333333
COLO-B-0032844 Wilfred B Schofield 31478 1966-07-12
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, W. Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is., 52.583333 -131.833333
COLO-B-0034353 Dale Vitt 24387 1979-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, PRINCE RUPERT AREA: Pitt Island, Along South shore of Holmes Lake, 54.2 -129.766667
COLO-B-0035920 Dale H Vitt 12430 1975-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Quen Charlotte Islands: Moresby Island, N and W shores Upper Victoria Lake., 52.3 -131.466667, 31 - 46m
COLO-B-0038308 Dale H Vitt 12381 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, northeast arm Upper Victoria Lake, 52.333333 -131.45, 43m
Paraleucobryum fulvum (Hook.) Loeske
COLO-B-0038328 Wilfred B Schofield; F.M. Boas 18655 1962-07-09
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Chaatl I, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.108333 -132.525
COLO-B-0038883 D.H. Vitt 12491 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlottte Islands, Graham Island, between Masset & Tow hill, 2.2 mi. SE of Masset & 12. 3 mi. WSW of Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0040458 Wilfred B Schofield 37621 1968-08-04
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Tasu Creek mouth, head of Newcombe Inlet, Tasu Sound, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.833333 -132.133333
COLO-B-0040465 W.B. Schofield 33473 1967-07-20
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Dawson Inlet, streamlet on NW side, SW Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.216667 -132.483333
COLO-B-0040471 W. B. Schofield; D. H. Vitt, D. Horton 72954 1979-06-27
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Karin Island, Hays Mt. slopes, Prince Rupert area, 54.25 -130.333333
COLO-B-0041797 Dale H Vitt 12499 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlottte Islands, Graham Island, between Masset & Tow hill, 2.2 mi. SE of Masset & 12. 3 mi. WSW of Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0042211 Dale H Vitt 12237 1975-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, northeast cove Moresby Lake, 52.933333 -132.1, 95m
COLO-B-0042217 Dale H Vitt 12382 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands: Moresby Island, NE arm Upper Victoria Lake, 52.333333 -131.45, 43m
COLO-B-0042478 Dale H Vitt 12487 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands: Graham Island, Between Masset and Tow Hill. 2.2 mi SE Masset, 12.3 mi. WSW Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0043528 Wilfred Schofield 30086 1966-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, near Brent Creek, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.345278 -132.246111
COLO-B-0043681 Dale H Vitt 12398 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, northeast arm Upper Victoria Lake, on north side of Lake, east of stream entrance to Lake, 52.333333 -131.45, 43m
COLO-B-0043999 Wilfred B Schofield 30769A 1966-07-04
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, near Centre Bay, Skidegate Channel, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.131944 -132.475556
COLO-B-0048644 Wilfred B Schofield 31328 1966-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Kootenay Inlet, NW Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, bog near mouth of northern arm, 52.833333 -132.25
COLO-B-0055150 Dale H Vitt 12500 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlottte Islands, Graham Island, between Masset & Tow hill, 2.2 mi. SE of Masset & 12. 3 mi. WSW of Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0053580 D. H. Vitt; R.E. Andrus 83 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, North side of Upper Victoria Lake near entrance of major stream, 53.25 -132.333333
COLO-B-0053587 Dale H. Vitt 24806 1979-06-27
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Just below summit of Mt. Hays, 3.4 miles from Yellowhead Hwy, along dirt track to top of mountain., 54.283333 -130.316667, 610m
COLO-B-0053781 Dale H Vitt 12431 1975-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, north and west shores Upper Victoria Lake, 52.3 -131.466667, 31 - 46m
COLO-B-0054240 Wilfred B Schofield 30250 1966-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, north slope of "Laing Point" Mountain, northeast side of Peel Inlet, northwest Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.983333 -132.083333
COLO-B-0054561 Dale H. Vitt; N. Malmer, N. Slack, D. Horton, M. Goodman, K. Schaffer 30728 1983-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert area. Big Bay, along S side near mouth, 17 km by aK NNW of Prince Rupert, 54.45 -130.433333
COLO-B-0054583 D. H. Vitt 80 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, N side of Upper Victoria Lake near entrance of major stream., 52.3 -132.45, 43m
COLO-B-0054716 Wilfred B Schofield 43666 1970-11-17
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Marine Drive near Tamath Crescent, Point Gray, 52.742778 -131.803333
COLO-B-0054721 Dale H Vitt 24390 1979-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, PRINCE RUPERT AREA: Pitt Island, Along South shore of Holmes Lake, 54.2 -129.766667
COLO-B-0054765 Wilfred B Schofield 37231 1968-07-31
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, "Mine Mountain", above Tasu townsite Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.666667 -132.05
COLO-B-0056072 D. H. Vitt 205 1983-07-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert area, Farrant Island, central northwestern portion. Forming lawn beside sparsely vegetatedpool in soligenous poor fen. Dominant plants include Myrica gale, Juniperus communis, Scirpus caespitosis, Eriophorum angustifolium. Sphagnum austinii, S. papillosum, and S. rubellum. Pinus contorta, Thuja plicata, and Chamaecyparis nootkatensis abundant on forested islands, 53.351944 -129.387222, 75m
COLO-B-0056194 D. H. Vitt; R. E. Andrus 81 1975-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands, N side of Upper Victoria Lake near entrance of major stream, 52.3 -132.45, 43m
COLO-B-0058292 W. B. Schofield 15918 1961-08-29
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, W. side, head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.183333 -132.483333
COLO-B-0060180 Dale H Vitt 24416 1979-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, PRINCE RUPERT AREA: Pitt Island, Along South shore of Holmes Lake., 54.2 -129.766667
COLO-B-0062145 Dale H Vitt 12483 1975-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte Islands: Graham Island, Between Masset and Tow Hill. 2.2 mi SE Masset, 12.3 mi. WSW Tow Hill, 54.033333 -132.066667
COLO-B-0062491 Wilfred B Schofield 31443 1966-07-11
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Sunday Inlet-north-south Cove on N. side of inlet near mouth, W. Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is., 52.651944 -131.911944