COLO-B-0002801 Wilfred B Schofield; Ian Worley 32942 1966-09-13
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Sentinel Glacier area, end of Garibaldi Lake, 49.883333 -122.983333, 1463m
Brachythecium hylotapetum N.L. Higinb. & B.L. Higinb.
COLO-B-0006024 W. B. Schofield 26075 1964-10-16
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, ca. 13 mi. N. of Alice Lake, near Garibaldi, 49.8 -123.15
COLO-B-0007372 A. J. Sharp 2269 1969-08-22
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Cheackamus River, above Squamish, 49.7 -123.15
Bucklandiella occidentalis (Renauld & Cardot) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
COLO-B-0008629 W.B. Schofield 13119 1961-02-14
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, roadside lake between Brittania Beach and Squamish, 49.7 -123.15
COLO-B-0008730 Wilfred B Schofield 28062 2004-05-11
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, near Garibaldi Lake, Trail from Garibaldi Station to Garibaldi Lake., 49.936944 -123.025556
Drepanocladus longifolius (Wilson ex Mitt.) Broth. ex Paris
COLO-B-0017959 W. B. Schofield; T. T. McIntosh 71857 1979-05-16
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, S.E. end of Pavilion Lake, Provincial campsite, Marble Canyon, 50.865833 -121.738889
Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitt.) Hedenas
COLO-B-0027176 Wilfred B Schofield; W.M. Zales 47258 1971-10-02
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Green River, Nairn Falls, just S. of Pemberton, 50.289167 -122.833889
Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Hedw.) Dixon
COLO-B-0026386 Wilfred B Schofield 20753 1963-06-06
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Bowyer I, Howe Sound, 49.425833 -123.268889
Gemmabryum miniatum
COLO-B-0028304 Wilfred B Schofield 20681 1963-05-28
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, near Deeks Creek, S. Howe Sound, 50.5 -123.25
COLO-B-0029155 W. B. Schofield; G. Straley 75389 1980-08-23
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, trail to Diamond Head Lodge, Garibaldi Park, 49.825834 -123.0075
COLO-B-0029203 W. B. Schofield 56912 1974-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, trail from Brandywine Falls toward Brew Lake, 50.033333 -123.11667
COLO-B-0033156 Wilfred B Schofield 20616 1963-05-23
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Ca. 7 mi. N. of Cheekeye, near Squamish, 49.7 -123.15
COLO-B-0045031 W. B. Schofield 56909 1974-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, trail from Brandywine Falls toward Brew Lake, 50.030833 -123.181667
COLO-B-0052527 A. J. Sharp 919 1969-08-20
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, Near top of ski-lift on Mt. Whistler, above Squamish, 50.116667 -122.96667
COLO-B-0056107 Wilfred B Schofield; W.M. Zales 47236 1971-10-02
Canada, British Columbia, Squamish-Lillooet, no additional information given, 50.055 -123.106944