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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-B
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; California; Del Norte; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-67 of 67

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection

Amphidium californicum (Hampe ex Müll. Hal.) Broth.
COLO-B-0000762Daniel H Norris   96431968-10-05
United States, California, Del Norte, along North Fork of Smith River south of Stormy Creek, 152m

COLO-B-0004143D. H. Norris   577031980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake

COLO-B-0004221D. H. Norris   527521979-04-14
United States, California, Del Norte, along Packsaddle Creek

Blindia curviseta Mitt.
COLO-B-0004992D. H. Norris   88841968-05-18
United States, California, Del Norte, above Smith River about 16 miles east of Gasquet on Hwy. 199, 41.916667 -123.758333, 400m

Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp.
COLO-B-0007023D. H. Norris   96791968-10-05
United States, California, Del Norte, near Cedar Crk. at junction with Smith River, 61m

Calypogeia azurea Stotler & Crotz
COLO-B-0009526Alice Eastwood   s.n.1923-08-11
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City, Adams Station

Campylopus subulatus Schimp. ex Milde
COLO-B-0010009D. H. Norris   527671979-04-14
United States, California, Del Norte, long Stony Creek about one mile north of junction with Smith River, 41.866667 -123.95, 229m

Crumia latifolia (Kindb.) W.B. Schofield
COLO-B-0013336D. I. Mock   s.n.1972-04-29
United States, California, Del Norte, Hunter Creek

Dendroalsia abietina (Hook.) E. Britton ex Broth.
COLO-B-0013576Elizabeth Knox   5161935-07-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0013799D. H. Norris   96801968-10-05
United States, California, Del Norte, along road near Cedar Crk. at junction with Smith River

Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0013812D. H. Norris   96961968-10-05
United States, California, Del Norte, along road near Cedar Creek at junction with Smith River

Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0013821D. H. Norris   88661968-05-18
United States, California, Del Norte, along Knepki Creek near SMith River, ca. 18 miles east of Gasquet on Hwy. 199

COLO-B-0015287Leo F. Koch   37841951-07-08
United States, California, Del Norte, above Middle Fork on the Smith River near Cable Bridge, northeast of Jedediah Smith State Park

COLO-B-0015643Leo F. Koch   37841951-07-08
United States, California, Del Norte, above Middle Fork on the Smith River near Cable Bridge, northeast of Jedediah Smith State Park.

Dicranum sulcatum (Mont.) Mitt.
COLO-B-0015820S. Mulaik   199-a1948-07-07
United States, California, Del Norte, 15 mi. n.e. Crescent City

Didymodon tophaceus (Brid.) Lisa
COLO-B-0016332Wilfred B Schofield   285921966-03-17
United States, California, Del Norte, Near Wilson Creek, near Del Norte Coast Redwoods Park, Del Norte Co.

Didymodon vinealis (Brid.) R.H. Zander
COLO-B-0016538D. H. Norris   478971976-11-07
United States, California, Del Norte, along South Siskiyou Fork below Prescott Cabin, 41.83234 -123.733369, 1219m

Ditrichum schimperi (Lesq.) Kuntze
COLO-B-0017456D. H. Norris   240561973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 1 - 168m

Dryptodon patens (Lam. & DC.) Margad.
COLO-B-0018073D. H. Norris   576961980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

COLO-B-0020735Paul L. Redfearn Jr.; Alice Redfeam   s.n.1995-07-13
United States, California, Del Norte, Redwood National Park. Redwood forest in vicinity of Lieffer Loop and Ellsworth Loop trails., 5m

COLO-B-0021139H. E. Parks   s.n.
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

COLO-B-0021151Alice Eastwood   B-193721923-08-00
United States, California, Del Norte, at Crescent City

COLO-B-0021654Elizabeth Knox   B 5121935-07-29
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

COLO-B-0022689D. H. Norris   577321980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

Gymnomitrion concinnatum (Lightf.) Corda
COLO-B-0023531D. H. Norris   577201980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

COLO-B-0023737D. H. Norris   240261973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

COLO-B-0026680S. Mulaik   80601966-07-00
United States, California, Del Norte, 15 mi. n.e. Crescent City

COLO-B-0026698D. H. Norris   527201979-04-14
United States, California, Del Norte, Preston Pk. Quad; along Packsaddle Creek, 41.910898 -123.767586, 914m

Isothecium cristatum (Hampe) H. Rob.
COLO-B-0028446D. H. Norris   77211967-09-24
United States, California, Del Norte, on Knopti Creek Rd. ca. 9 miles east of U.S.Hwy. 199, 41.95 -123.733333, 610m

COLO-B-0029073D. H. Norris   576681980-11-24
United States, California, Del Norte, at Doctor Rock, 41.533333 -123.783333, 1219 - 1524m

Kindbergia brittoniae (Grout) Ochyra
COLO-B-0029233D. H. Norris   240091973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Raqua and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

Kindbergia oregana (Sull.) Ochyra
COLO-B-0029296Elizabeth Knox   s.n.1935-07-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

Kindbergia oregana (Sull.) Ochyra
COLO-B-0029329S. Mulaik   F8057
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

Kindbergia praelonga (Hedw.) Ochyra
COLO-B-0029392S. Mulaik   8055
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

Lepidozia reptans (L.) Dumort.
COLO-B-0029565T. C. Frye   s. n.1932-08-18
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River, 41.966667 -124.083333

Lescuraea radicosa (Mitt.) Mönk.
COLO-B-0030479D. H. Norris   80771967-10-29
United States, California, Del Norte, along little Jones Creek Road, 1067m

Lescuraea stenophylla (Renauld & Cardot) Kindb.
COLO-B-0030634D. H. Norris   677961982-06-20
United States, California, Del Norte, along trai1 from Wilderness Falls to Doe Flat, 41.833333 -123.683333

Lescuraea stenophylla (Renauld & Cardot) Kindb.
COLO-B-0030640D. H. Norris   688781983-06-12
United States, California, Del Norte, along upper reaches of Bear Basin Creek north of Bear Basin Butte, 41.783333 -123.733333, 1250m

Lescuraea Schimp.
COLO-B-0030665D. H. Norris   78531967-09-30
United States, California, Del Norte, along Big Flat Road near Gordon Mountain, 41.799836 -123.869794, 1219m

Leucolepis menziesii (Hook.) Steere in L. Koch
COLO-B-0031170S. Mulaik   80621946-07-11
United States, California, Del Norte, 15 mi. n.e. Crescent City

Leucolepis menziesii (Hook.) Steere in L. Koch
COLO-B-0031228S. Mulaik   80531966-07-00
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

Meiotrichum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L. Merr.
COLO-B-0033102D. H. Norris   833511994-08-23
United States, California, Del Norte, on glacial cirque above Sanger Lake, Six Rivers National Forest, 41.9 -123.65, 1450m

COLO-B-0034622S. Mulaik   80561966-07-00
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

Niphotrichum ericoides (Brid.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
COLO-B-0035349H. E. Parks   242751944-02-00
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River District, Darlingtonia

COLO-B-0037736Leo F. Koch   37921951-07-08
United States, California, Del Norte, along Smith River in Jedediah Smith State Park, 41.796657 -124.081927

Plagiomnium affine (Blandow ex Funck) T.J. Kop.
COLO-B-0040671S. Mulaik   F8052
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City

Pogonatum contortum (Menzies ex Brid.) Lesq.
COLO-B-0042597D. H. Norris   240251973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

Pogonatum contortum (Menzies ex Brid.) Lesq.
COLO-B-0042609D. H. Norris   240251973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

Porotrichum vancouveriense (Kindb.) H.A. Crum
COLO-B-0044312D. H. Norris; Dan Taranto   109781969-06-04
United States, California, Del Norte, along Damnation Creek Trail in Del Norte Redwoods State park

Porella navicularis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Pfeiff.
COLO-B-0044982Elizabeth Knox   s.n.1935-07-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

Porella navicularis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Pfeiff.
COLO-B-0045224Alice Eastwood   s.n.1923-08-08
United States, California, Del Norte, Adams Station, Smith River

COLO-B-0046019D. H. Norris   577411980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

Ptilidium californicum (Austin) Underw. & O.F. Cook
COLO-B-0046273D. H. Norris   577381980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

COLO-B-0048588D. H. Norris   96541968-10-05
United States, California, Del Norte, along North Fork of Smith south of Stony Creek, 152m

Rhizomnium glabrescens (Kindb.) T.J. Kop.
COLO-B-0055291D. H. Norris   240601973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) T.J. Kop.
COLO-B-0055477Seville FLOWERS   F-8054
United States, California, Del Norte, Crescent City, Redwood Forest

Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) T.J. Kop.
COLO-B-0055489S. Mulaik   199-d1948-07-07
United States, California, Del Norte, 15 mi. n.e. Crescent City

COLO-B-0049165D. H. Norris   511171978-04-01
United States, California, Del Norte, along Mill Creek at road crossing in Stout Grove of Jedediah Smith State Park

COLO-B-0050777D. H. Horris   1240541973-05-06
United States, California, Del Norte, along Coastal Trail between Requa and False Klamath Cove, 41.55 -124.066667, 168m

COLO-B-0050819T. C. Frye   s.n.1932-08-18
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River, 41.966667 -124.083333

Scapania americana Müll. Frib.
COLO-B-0050822D. H. Norris   576951980-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, above Whisky Lake, 41.916667 -123.65, 1524m

COLO-B-0050833William Bridge Cook   266801950-07-08
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River Trail

Scleropodium touretii (Brid.) L.F. Koch
COLO-B-0052372Elizabeth Knox   s.n.1935-07-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

Scleropodium touretii (Brid.) L.F. Koch
COLO-B-0052396D. H. Norris   742281989-04-05
United States, California, Del Norte, along South Fork of the Smith River about 3 miles from Big Flat, 41.658333 -123.85, 700m

Scleropodium touretii (Brid.) L.F. Koch
COLO-B-0052402D. H. Norris; Sinikka Piippo   824091994-02-12
United States, California, Del Norte, along Gasquet-Orleans Road at Kelsey Creek Trail, 41.65 -123.883333, 300m

Scleropodium touretii (Brid.) L.F. Koch
COLO-B-0052407Daniel H. Norris   98601968-10-20
United States, California, Del Norte, in Elk Valley Campground along US Hwy. 199 near Oregon border.

COLO-B-0059504D. H. Norris   527571979-04-14
United States, California, Del Norte, Preston Pk. Quad; along Packsaddle Creek, 41.9 -123.733333, 914m

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