COLO-B-0000004 William A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, 38.87833 -104.92306, 2134m
COLO-B-0000040 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs. along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds
COLO-B-0000644 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0000797 John M Holzinger 20 1896-06-04
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Along the Cogg Wheel Railway to Pike's Peak, reached both by the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Railway from Denver; 7000-10000 ft alt., 2134 - 3048m
COLO-B-0000808 John M Holzinger 20 1896-06-07
United States, Colorado, El Paso, On Pike's Peak, along the Cogg Wheel Railway; 12000-14000 ft alt., 3658 - 4267m
COLO-B-0001191 J. M. Holzinger 2 1896-06-07
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Collected on Pike's Peak, along the Cogg Wheel Railway; 13000-14000 ft alt., 3962 - 4267m
COLO-B-0001192 J. M. Holzinger 2 1896-06-07
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Collected on Pike's Peak, along the Cogg Wheel Railway; 13000-14000 ft alt., 3962 - 4267m
COLO-B-0002085 M. A. Carleton 138 1889-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Manitou
COLO-B-0002134 Dr. H. S. Jewett 298
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Near Lyon Creek, above Mountain View Station, on Pike's Peak Cog Road; 9750 ft alt., 2972m
Bartramia potosica Mont.
COLO-B-0004293 W. A. Weber s.n. 1967-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Englemann Canyon, Pikes Peak near Minnehaha, on cliffs
COLO-B-0005557 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-09
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, at head of box canyon across from waterfall, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056
COLO-B-0006478 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, W of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, on cliffs in waterfall area
COLO-B-0007802 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0007808 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, at head of box canyon across from waterfall, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0007814 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0007838 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, middle part of canyon, Sawatch Formation; alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2103m
COLO-B-0008170 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, W of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, on cliffs in waterfall area #2
COLO-B-0008184 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs; Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus (Brid.) R.S. Chopra
COLO-B-0009324 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 1951m
COLO-B-0012585 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon, Siamese Twins Trail; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 1951m
COLO-B-0016132 Weber s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, middle part of canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0016146 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52.1" N 104° 52' 53" W, 38.881139 -104.881389
COLO-B-0016152 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0016197 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, Sawatch Formation; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0016225 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 1951m
COLO-B-0016256 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, W of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, on cliffs in Lower Williams Canyon, not in waterfall area
COLO-B-0016282 Weber; Wittmann and Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge on the N edge of Manitou Springs, along an old abandoned carriage road to the Cave of the Winds, W-facing slope; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-18" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0016284 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0016445 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0016446 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, middle of canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0016453 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon across from waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0019414 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, upper part of canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 2103m
COLO-B-0019422 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in Middle Williams Canyon, not in waterfall area
COLO-B-0020714 Tass Kelso; Lizzy Eichorn 10-60 2010-09-16
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Air Force Academy property, Dead Man's Creek, 500 ft W of Dead Man's Lake; ca 7200 ft alt, T13S R67W, 2195m
COLO-B-0021061 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, upper part of the canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 2012 - 2103m
Gemmabryum caespiticium (Hedw.) J.R. Spence
COLO-B-0021708 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
Gemmabryum caespiticium (Hedw.) J.R. Spence
COLO-B-0021792 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon, Siamese Twins Trail; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 38.869722 -104.889722, 1951m
COLO-B-0022067 William A. Weber s.n. 1967-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Upper Englemann Gulch at Mountain View, near cog RR, Pikes Peak; 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0022069 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0022703 Sam Shushan 95 1955-08-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Summit of Pike's Peak; 14100 ft alt., 4298m
COLO-B-0022728 Mrs. Ries s.n. 1893-08-07
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Garden of the Gods
COLO-B-0022745 Sam Shushan 97 1955-08-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Summit of Pike's Peak; 14100 ft alt., 4298m
COLO-B-0022981 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and Paula Lehr s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon, Siamese Twins Trail; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 38.869722 -104.889722, 1951m
COLO-B-0023057 Sam Shushan 95 1955-08-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Summit of Pike's Peak; 14100 ft alt., 4298m
COLO-B-0023152 Weber s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs; Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W, 38.881111 -104.880278
COLO-B-0023836 J. M. Holzinger s.n. 1896-06-04
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Along the Cogg Wheel Railway to Pike's Peak, reached both by the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Railway from Denver; 7000-10000 ft alt., 2134 - 3048m
COLO-B-0023841 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, W of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, on cliffs in waterfall area
COLO-B-0024862 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, Sawatch Formation; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2103m
COLO-B-0024863 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0024864 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0024915 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 1951m
COLO-B-0025177 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in waterfall area
COLO-B-0025735 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in waterfall area
COLO-B-0026669 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0026682 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, along the abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 105° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0026688 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0026700 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0026767 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in waterfall area
COLO-B-0027488 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W, 38.881111 -104.880278
COLO-B-0027537 Sam Shushan 98 1955-08-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Summit of Pike's Peak; 14100 ft alt., 4298m
COLO-B-0027555 John M Holzinger 1896-06-04
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Along the Cogg Wheel Railway to Pike's Peak, reached both by the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Railway from Denver; 7000-10000 ft alt., 2134 - 3048m
COLO-B-0027583 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, W of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, on cliffs in Lower Williams Canyon, not in waterfall area
COLO-B-0027587 Sam Shushan 96 1955-08-01
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Summit of Pike's Peak; 14100 ft alt., 4298m
COLO-B-0028111 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs; Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0028117 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52.1" N 104° 52' 53" W
COLO-B-0028708 William A. Weber s.n. 1969-05-09
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Garden of the Gods, W of Colorado Springs
COLO-B-0028721 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs; Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0028727 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52.1" N 104° 52' 53" W, 38.881139 -104.881389
COLO-B-0028746 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52.1" N 104° 52' 53" W, 38.881139 -104.881389
COLO-B-0028867 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W, 38.881111 -104.880278
COLO-B-0028952 William A. Weber s.n. 1967-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Cog railroad on Pike's Peak at Mountain View; 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0030662 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, downstream from the waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0030778 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0030808 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, Sawatch Formation; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0034087 M. C. Bowers bb-624 1965-09-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Ruxton Creek near Midway, Pike's Peak; ca 9000 ft alt., 2743m
COLO-B-0036658 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0036664 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0036670 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, middle part of the canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0036676 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, middle part of the canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0036688 Weber s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, W-facing, upper part of the canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0037592 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0037737 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0041000 M. C. Bowers bb-637 1965-09-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Pike's Peak, Ruxton Creek near Midway; 9000 ft alt., 2743m
COLO-B-0043251 William A. Weber s.n. 1967-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Minnehaha, Cog Railroad on Pikes Peak, Englemann Canyon
COLO-B-0045343 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0045349 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0045594 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon just below waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0045677 Weber; Wittmann s.n. 2003-12-28
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods Park, at base of tallest pinnacle, Lyons Formation; 38° 52' 52" N 104° 52' 49" W
COLO-B-0045689 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, middle part of the canyon; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
Ptychostomum inclinatum (Sw. ex Brid.) J.R. Spence
COLO-B-0047241 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in Middle Williams Canyon, not in waterfall area
Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay ex Holyoak & N. Pedersen
COLO-B-0047712 William A. Weber s.n. 1967-07-06
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Cog Railroad, Pikes Peak at Mountain View; 10000 ft alt., 3048m
COLO-B-0055083 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon across from waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0055089 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon across from waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0055093 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in waterfall area
COLO-B-0055099 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and S. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, upper part of the canyon; 6900 ft alt, 38° 12' 28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.207778 -104.919167, 2103m
COLO-B-0055168 Weber; Wittmann and T. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, e-facing, Sawatch Formation; 6600-6900 ft alt, 38° 52' 12-28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.87 -104.919167, 2012 - 2103m
COLO-B-0049282 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, vicinity of the falls; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0049288 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 38.869722 -104.889722, 1951m
COLO-B-0049670 Caroline C. Haynes 1507 1912-09-29
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, 1821m
Rosulabryum laevifilum (Syed) Ochyra
COLO-B-0050167 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann s.n. 2004-04-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Spring Canyon, Siamese Twins Trail; 6400 ft alt, 38° 52' 11" N 104° 53' 23" W, 1951m