COLO-B-0000482 R. D. Worthington 24984 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0000483 R. D. Worthington 25415 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi. NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, 1951 - 2012m
COLO-B-0001665 R. D. Worthington 25036 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek about 1-1.5 miles W junction with Forest Service Rd. 157 (6 air miles N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0005089 R. D. Worthington 25416 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi. NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, at base of and on the N-facing limestone cliffs S of FSR 157, 1951 - 2012m
COLO-B-0007466 R. D. Worthington 24974 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi w jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0008453 R. D. Worthington 25418 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air miles NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, at base of and on the N-facing limestone cliffs S of FSR, 1951 - 2012m
COLO-B-0010429 R. D. Worthington 25034 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0010916 R.D. Worthington 13300 1985-06-22
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Kingston, 1890m
COLO-B-0010921 R. D. Worthington 13300 1985-06-22
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Kingston, 1890m
COLO-B-0010923 R. D. Worthington 24800 1995-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 0.2-1.2 mi. W up North Percha Creek from jct. forest service rd. 157 (approx. 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2012 - 2134m
COLO-B-0010924 R. D. Worthington 25032 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0013198 R. D. Worthington 25041 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0018235 R. D. Worthington 25040 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha I Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct. with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0019454 R. D. Worthington 25033 pr. p. 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0019508 R. D. Worthington 24981 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0020602 R. D. Worthington 24973 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct. FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0021062 R. D. Worthington 24957 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
Frullania pseudoriparia sp. nov
COLO-B-0021172 R. D. Worthington 24975 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct. FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
Frullania pseudoriparia sp. nov
COLO-B-0021274 R. D. Worthington 24945 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0021620 R. D. Worthington 24797 1995-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 0.2-1.2 mi. W up North Percha Creek from jct. forest service rd. 157 (approx. 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2012 - 2134m
COLO-B-0021632 R. D. Worthington 24949 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. west of the junction of Forest Road 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air miles north of Kingston)., 2133m
COLO-B-0022503 W. A. Weber; S. Shushan 10522 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, 1 mile S. of Socorro County line, along Highway 85
Grimmia involucrata Cardot
COLO-B-0022716 Sam Shushan; W. A. Weber 10524 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, arroyo 1 mile S. of Socorro County line, along Highway 85
Grimmia involucrata Cardot
COLO-B-0022722 W. A. Weber; S. Shushan 10523 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, 1 mi S of Socorro Co. line, along Hwy. 85
COLO-B-0023265 R. D. Worthington 2495 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, NM: SIERRA CO, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0024211 R. D. Worthington 25033 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek ca. 1-1.5 mi W jct. with Forest Service road 157 (ca. 6 air mi N of Kingston), 6500 - 7000m
COLO-B-0024949 R. D. Worthington 10578 1983-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along Percha Creek about 0.5 mi. W of Kingston, 2000m
COLO-B-0024995 R. D. Worthington s.n. 1995-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 0.2-1.2 mi. W up North Percha Creek from jet. forest service rd. 157 (approx. 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2012 - 2134m
COLO-B-0024996 R. D. Worthington 25033 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek ca. 1-1.5 mi W jet with Forest Service road 157 (ca. 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0024997 R. D. Worthington 24963 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0024998 R. D. Worthington 24962 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0025003 R. D. Worthington 25248 1995-10-01
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek 1-2 mi. W jct. FSR 157 (6 air mi NNW Kingston) (32 DEG; 107 DEG 42aW), 2134m
COLO-B-0025095 R. D. Worthington 24946 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR, 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0026890 R. D. Worthington 25417 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi. NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, at base of and on the N-facing limestone cliffs S of FSR 157, 1951 - 2012m
Imbribryum muehlenbeckii (Bruch & Schimp.) N. Pedersen
COLO-B-0028359 William A. Weber 25035 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Along Noth Percha Creek about 1-1.5 mi. W jct. with Forest Service Rd. 157 (about 6 air mi N of Kingston), 1981 - 2134m
COLO-B-0031068 Claire Cox; W. A. Weber s.n. 1929-07-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Kingston Peak in the Black Range; the locality of this collection is erroneous.
COLO-B-0031474 R. D. Worthington 24980 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. W jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0031496 R. D. Worthington 24983 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, 1 mi. W jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0040184 R. D. Worthington 25249 1995-10-01
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek 1-2 mi. W jct. FSR 157 (6 air mi NNW Kingston)., 32.983333 -107.7, 2134m
COLO-B-0042190 R. D. Worthington 25504 1996-05-17
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Caballo Mts, NW side of Brushy Mtn.
COLO-B-0045353 R. D. Worthington 24959 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0045359 R. D. Worthington 24972 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R.H. Zander
COLO-B-0045644 W. A. Weber; S. Shushan 10,520 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, 1 mile S. of Socorro County line, along Highway 85
COLO-B-0045929 R. D. Worthington 25411 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, S of FSR 157
Ptychomitrium sinense (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
COLO-B-0046691 Sam Shushan 10525 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Cliffs, arroyo 1 mile S of Socorro County line, along Highway 85
COLO-B-0055577 R. D. Worthington 25033 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek ca. 1-1.5 mi W jct. with Forest Service road 157 (ca. 6 air mi N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0051501 R. D. Worthington 24792 1995-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 0.2-1.2 mi. W up North Percha Creek from jct. forest service rd. 157 (approx. 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0051510 R. D. Worthington 25037 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek ca. 1-1.5 mi W jct. with Forest Service road 157 (ca. 6 air mi N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0051516 R. D. Worthington 25038 1995-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, along North Percha Creek ca. 1-1.5 mi W jct. with Forest Service road 157 (ca. 6 air mi N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0051961 R. D. Worthington 24801 1995-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 0.2-1.2 mi. W up North Percha Creek from jct. forest service rd. 157 (approx. 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
Syntrichia bartramii (Steere) R.H. Zander
COLO-B-0056923 W. A. Weber; S. Shushan 10521 1957-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, 1 mile S. of Socorro County line, along Highway 85
Syntrichia norvegica F. Weber
COLO-B-0057323 R. D. Worthington 24978 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jct FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston)
COLO-B-0057832 S. Lambert 686 1979-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black range, 2 mi W of Kingston by hwy 90, south slope
COLO-B-0057844 R. D. Worthington 24964 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 1 mi. w jet FR 157 with North Percha Creek (about 6 air mi. N of Kingston), 2134m
COLO-B-0057868 R. D. Worthington 25414 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, at base of and on the N-facing limestone cliffs S of FSR 157, 1951 - 2012m
COLO-B-0060212 R. D. Worthington 25419 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, FSR 157
COLO-B-0062575 R. D. Worthington 25410 1996-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, 2 air mi. NNE from Kingston in Sawpit Canyon, at base of and on the N-facing limestone cliffs S of FSR 157, 1951 - 2012m