01560317 U. T. Waterfall 12944 1956-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Near top of Organ Mts, about 17 miles northeast of Las Cruces.
01560325 Arnold Tiehm 14930
United States, Nevada, Nye
01560333 Noel H. Holmgren 10392 1984-06-07
United States, Utah, Beaver, Wah Wah Mountains, near Willow Creek Wash, 42 km (26 mi) airline distance west-southwest (258¼) of Milford., 38.31714 -113.48076, 1830m
01560341 William A. Weber 12764 1965-07-09
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, On gravelly road cut and roadsides, 2-5 miles west of Magdalena., 34.108159 -107.267653, 1981m
01560358 Loraine Yeatts 4890 2003-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Apache N. F, Brushy Mts; Pueblo Park campground along NFS rd. 232., 1868m
01560424 E. O. Wooton 3693 1907-08-25
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, White Mountains, 33.48554 -105.829333, 2256m
01560432 William A. Weber 12852 1965-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Inner Loop Drive, Pinos Altos Mts, 2 mi N of Pinos Altos.
01560440 R. D. Worthington 5716 1980-04-15
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, San Augustin Pass, roadside Rest Area, 5700 Ft (T22S, R4E, Sec. 6), 1737 - 1737m
01560457 B. C. Johnston 467 1976-07-21
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Ridge N of Old Weed Ranger Station (located just N of junction of Forest road 580 and state highway 521), 2230m
01560465 Rick Harner s.n. 1979-07-15
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, 3 mi E of Window Rock
01560473 R. D. Worthington 8627 1982-08-10
United States, Arizona, Apache, Luna Lake Recreation Area, 33.82889 -109.08139, 2409m
01560481 Steven R. Hill 12363 1982-08-26
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Comic Strip Pasture, NW corner near Lake Bottom Pasture; 1.8 mi S of Rte. 104, 15 mi E of Las Vegas; between windmill and sandstone outcrops, 35.579201 -104.961038, 2057m
01560499 Arnold Tiehm 7964
United States, Nevada, Lincoln
01560507 Arthur Cronquist 11986
United States, Nevada, Nye
01560515 Barbara Ertter 5117 1983-08-14
United States, Utah, Garfield, Dixie Natl. Forest between Ruby's Inn and Bryce Canyon entrance, drainage on other side of ridge on W side of Rt. 63., 37.662489 -112.159697, 2377m
01560523 James Grimes 2464 1984-06-02
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Ca 0.5 mi W of U.S. Hwy 180 on the road from U.S. Hwy 180 to Blue; drainage just N of Brushy Mountain., 33.63459 -108.90409, 1845m
01560606 Herbert C. Hanson A63 1922-08-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.198067 -111.651272, 2134m
01560614 L. C. Hinckley 621 1936-07-00
United States, Texas, Jeff davis, Mt. Livermore., 1999m
01560622 Marcus E. Jones 3946 1884-08-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.19749 -111.6512, 2104m
01560630 Marcus E. Jones 3946 1884-08-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.19749 -111.6512, 2104m
02480366 Loraine Yeatts 4674 2001-07-06
United States, New Mexico, Navajo Reservation, Chuska Mts, Todilto Park, along BIA rd 131, ca. 3.7mi. E of Red Lake near junction of Todildonik Wash & Squirrel Springs Wash, 2219m