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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus humistratus, Astragalus humistratus var. crispulus, Astragalus humistratus var. hosackiae, Astragalus humistratus var. humistratus (Astragalus datilensis), Astragalus humistratus var. humivagans, Astragalus humistratus var. sonorae, Astragalus humistratus var. tenerrimus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-21 of 21

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

01560317U. T. Waterfall   129441956-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Near top of Organ Mts, about 17 miles northeast of Las Cruces.

01560325Arnold Tiehm   14930
United States, Nevada, Nye

01560333Noel H. Holmgren   103921984-06-07
United States, Utah, Beaver, Wah Wah Mountains, near Willow Creek Wash, 42 km (26 mi) airline distance west-southwest (258¼) of Milford., 38.31714 -113.48076, 1830m

01560341William A. Weber   127641965-07-09
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, On gravelly road cut and roadsides, 2-5 miles west of Magdalena., 34.108159 -107.267653, 1981m

01560358Loraine Yeatts   48902003-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Apache N. F, Brushy Mts; Pueblo Park campground along NFS rd. 232., 1868m

01560424E. O. Wooton   36931907-08-25
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, White Mountains, 33.48554 -105.829333, 2256m

01560432William A. Weber   128521965-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Inner Loop Drive, Pinos Altos Mts, 2 mi N of Pinos Altos.

01560440R. D. Worthington   57161980-04-15
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, San Augustin Pass, roadside Rest Area, 5700 Ft (T22S, R4E, Sec. 6), 1737 - 1737m

01560457B. C. Johnston   4671976-07-21
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Ridge N of Old Weed Ranger Station (located just N of junction of Forest road 580 and state highway 521), 2230m

01560465Rick Harner   s.n.1979-07-15
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, 3 mi E of Window Rock

01560473R. D. Worthington   86271982-08-10
United States, Arizona, Apache, Luna Lake Recreation Area, 33.82889 -109.08139, 2409m

01560481Steven R. Hill   123631982-08-26
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Comic Strip Pasture, NW corner near Lake Bottom Pasture; 1.8 mi S of Rte. 104, 15 mi E of Las Vegas; between windmill and sandstone outcrops, 35.579201 -104.961038, 2057m

01560499Arnold Tiehm   7964
United States, Nevada, Lincoln

01560507Arthur Cronquist   11986
United States, Nevada, Nye

01560515Barbara Ertter   51171983-08-14
United States, Utah, Garfield, Dixie Natl. Forest between Ruby's Inn and Bryce Canyon entrance, drainage on other side of ridge on W side of Rt. 63., 37.662489 -112.159697, 2377m

01560523James Grimes   24641984-06-02
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Ca 0.5 mi W of U.S. Hwy 180 on the road from U.S. Hwy 180 to Blue; drainage just N of Brushy Mountain., 33.63459 -108.90409, 1845m

01560606Herbert C. Hanson   A631922-08-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.198067 -111.651272, 2134m

01560614L. C. Hinckley   6211936-07-00
United States, Texas, Jeff davis, Mt. Livermore., 1999m

01560622Marcus E. Jones   39461884-08-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.19749 -111.6512, 2104m

01560630Marcus E. Jones   39461884-08-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.19749 -111.6512, 2104m

02480366Loraine Yeatts   46742001-07-06
United States, New Mexico, Navajo Reservation, Chuska Mts, Todilto Park, along BIA rd 131, ca. 3.7mi. E of Red Lake near junction of Todildonik Wash & Squirrel Springs Wash, 2219m

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