COLO-B-0058394 Frederick J Hermann 24133 1971-07-27
United States, Colorado, Lake, Independence Pass, Sawatch Mts, 10 mi W Twin Lakes; 12095 ft alt., 3687m
COLO-B-0058395 Kjeld Holmen 69-650 1969-07-19
Greenland, Angmagssalik District. Qingertivaq, 66.1 -37.216667
COLO-B-0058400 W. A. Weber 7883a 1952-07-22
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Grizzly Gulch, S of Bakerville, 11,000 ft, alt., 3353m
COLO-B-0058401 Risto Tuomikoski 1947-07-28
COLO-B-0058405 F. J. Hermann 25918 1974-09-11
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Vertical side of hummock near water level in Diamond Lake, alt. 11,000 ft, 8 miles NW.
COLO-B-0058406 Holmes Rolston 80087 1980-08-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Shore of Diamond Lake, above Buchanan Campground. N. Fork Middle Boulder Creek 39° 59' 30" North 105° 39' 00" West 3353 meters (11,000 ft.)
COLO-B-0058407 Dale H Vitt 23193 1978-08-12
Canada, Northwest Territories, Logan Mountains: Along SE shore of lake close to Nahanni River, 62.567 -128.5, 1560m
COLO-B-0058411 Holmes Rolston, III; F. J. Hermann and E. Lawton 79039 1979-08-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Buchanan Pass Trail-Road at crossing of Beaver Creek Trail, on Cony Creek, 40.133333 -105.583333, 2987m
COLO-B-0058412 David J. Cooper 2469 2002-07-22
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Prospect Basin fens; 11400 ft alt., 3475m
COLO-B-0058413 Robert R Ireland; G. Bellolio-Trucco 18775 1977-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Cassiar, Omineca Mts, Peak Range, beside small glacial lake above Peak Lake, 57.667 -126.75, 1128m
COLO-B-0058417 Holmes Rolston 79039 1979-08-25
United States, Colorado, Boulder, From unnamed pond area where Buchanan Pass Trail-Road crosses Beaver Creek Trail, on Cony Creek, 9800 ft, at stream side in boggy area, 4 miles W of Camp Dick and Peaceful Valley, 2987m
COLO-B-0058418 George W. Argus 274-63 1963-07-16
Canada, Saskatchewan, Vicinity of Hasbala Lake, west side of lake, 59.91667 -102.08333
COLO-B-0058419 Leslie A Viereck 10350A 1956-08-01
United States, Alaska, North bank of McKinely River, south of Wonder Lake., 63.416667 -150.916667, 549 - 549m
COLO-B-0058423 F. J. Hermann 24342 1971-08-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder, ELDORA. Large, dense polster on peaty bank of deep, drying pool on tundra SE. of 4th of July Mine on Arapaho Pass Trail, alt. 11,200 ft. 8.5 miles NW., 3414m
COLO-B-0058424 Dale H Vitt 23303 1978-08-14
Canada, Northwest Territories, LOGAN MTNS. : Lake close to South Nahann River., 62.566667 -128.516667, 1560m
COLO-B-0058429 Weber; Miller, Wittmann, Lehr 1.2 2005-08-05
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Loveland Pass Quadrangle, along US Hwy 6, near the inlet of Pass Lake, 39.65556 -105.87944, 3597m
COLO-B-0058430 Mrs. Fay A. MacFadden s.n. 1926-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Toquin Valley, Tonquin Valley, 52.74 -118.38
COLO-B-0058435 David S. Cooper 2411 2001-08-15
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Prospect Basin, ca 10 km S of Telluride; 11420 ft alt., 3481m
COLO-B-0058436 Guy R. Brassard 7209 & 7215 1972-08-02
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Division No. 10, Labrador: Churchill River, W of Bridge Camp, 53.6 -64.316667
COLO-B-0058441 Paula Lehr s.n. 2002-08-25
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Elk Mountains; Rustler's Gulch, N of Gothic. Ca 11000 ft alt. T12S, R86W, S11, 3353m
COLO-B-0058442 Leslie A Viereck 1299 1956-07-13
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Koyukuk, MT. McKinley Nat. Park; Moraine of the Muldrow Glacier adjacent to the junction of Glacier Creek and the Thoroughfare River, 63.4 -150.417, 914m
COLO-B-0058447 W. A. Weber; A. E. Porsild and Kjeld Holmen s.n. 1960-08-16
United States, Colorado, Park, Michigan Lake, just below Georgia Pass, N of Jefferson; ca 11000 ft alt., 3353m
COLO-B-0058448 John Macoun s.n. 1904-07-20
Canada, British Columbia, [Lake Sonnic, Rootig Mtns. Alta]
COLO-B-0058453 Dr. Walter Kiener 9152a 1939-09-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. Latitude ca 40° N. Longs Peak; 11800 ft, 3597m
COLO-B-0058454 William A. Weber B-44275 1973-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Plateau, Cooke City to Red Lodge Highway; swales around small lakes, subalpine zone between Long Lake and lower Sheepherder Lakes, 44.96 -109.51, 2900m
COLO-B-0058459 William A. Weber s.n. 1960-10-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, NW side of summit Loveland Pass; 12000 ft alt., 3658m
COLO-B-0058460 JoAnn Flock FB-385 1980-07-19
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Seward Peninsula: Cape Prince of Wales, Between Lopp Lagoon and winter trail to Tin City north of reindeer corral, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-B-0062740 Hansford T Shacklette 6551 1960-07-12
United States, Alaska, Geochemical Exploration Section, Cape Krusenstern, Arctic Ocean, about 35 miles northwest of Kotzebue.
COLO-B-0058426 1996-03-00
Canada, British Columbia