COLO-B-0039821 Jones 12195 2009-07-14
United States, California, Sequoia, Sequoia National Park: West of Halstead Meadow, 36.61889 -118.79639, 2301m
COLO-B-0039827 [Unspecified] 254 1920-07-30
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Scotty Bay Creek
COLO-B-0039832 A. Clebsch; E. Clebsch 13417 1953-09-11
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, along Castle Creek, alt 8200 ft, 2499m
COLO-B-0039833 Seville FLOWERS 3300 1952-08-01
United States, Utah, Summit, Black's Fork, Uintah Mts., 2804m
COLO-B-0039838 Ronald A Pursell 3211 1953-06-09
United States, Colorado, La Plata, San Juan National Forest, ca 10 mi N of Hesperus; ca 9000 ft alt., 2743m
COLO-B-0039844 William A. Weber s.n. 1978-07-05
United States, Colorado, Park, On Four-Mile Creek road just S and W of Fairplay, South Park; 3000 msm, 3000m
COLO-B-0039850 M. J. Lyon NV44 2002-08-13
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Chattanooga Fen, south end; T42N R8W SEC 26 & 27
COLO-B-0039856 David J. Cooper 2365 1999-08-09
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Chattanooga Fen, just off Colorado Hwy 550, near southern base of Red Mountain Pass, near historic of Chattanooga
COLO-B-0039862 Paula Lehr s.n. 2002-08-25
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Elk Mountains; Rustler's Gulch, N of Gothic. Ca 11000 ft alt. T12S, R86W, S11, 3353m
COLO-B-0039868 Scott F. Smith 2009-09-07
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest, Tincup Quadrangle. Mineral Basin area, Cottonwood Lake Road. Ca. 15 mi WSW of Buena Vista., 38.770278 -106.398889, 3749m
COLO-B-0039874 Scott F. Smith 2009-09-07
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, San Isabel National Forest, Tincup Quadrangle. 12300 ft. Mineral Basin area, Cottonwood Lake Road. Ca. 15 mi WSW of Buena Vista., 38.770278 -106.398889, 3749m
COLO-B-0039880 Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson 1553 2007-09-15
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Medicine Bow National Forest, Snowy Range; viewing area Lake Marie (west trailhead) vicinity, valley of South French Creek tributary, 41.31667 -106.31667, 3200m
COLO-B-0039886 Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson 1676 2007-09-16
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Rocky Mts, Medicine Bow National Forest, Snowy Range, Libby Lake vicinity, Libby Creek; on vertical surface on the creek bank, moist clay soil., 41.35 -106.283333, 3292m