COLO-B-0026024 Holmes Rolston, III 86055 1986-08-19
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Second/Third Seven Sisters Lakes, where trail passes between lakes, 1.5 mi S of Mount of Holy Cross, 1 mi N of Hunky Dory Lake, White River National Forest; 12100 ft alt, 39° 26' 10" N 106° 28' 50" W, 39.436111 -106.480556, 3688m
COLO-B-0026025 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and P. J. Lehr s.n. 2007-07-30
United States, Colorado, Park, East side of Mosquito Pass, Ten Mile Range, W of Alma, site 2; 12600 ft alt, 39° 17' 17" N 106° 10' 20" W, 39.288056 -106.172222, 3840m
COLO-B-0026026 W. A. Weber s.n. 2000-08-15
United States, Colorado, Summit, just below the summit of Loveland Pass on the west side, at a small pond call "Summit Lake" used for recreational purposes. In inlet streamlet., 3600m
COLO-B-0026027 William A. Weber s.n. 2000-08-15
United States, Colorado, Summit, Just below the summit of Loveland Pass on the west side, at a small pond called "Summit Lake" used for recreational purposes; 3600 msm, 3600m
COLO-B-0026028 N. G. Miller; R. C. Wittmann 1.1 s.n. 2006-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest, Breckenridge Quadrangle, Tributaries of Monte Cristo Creek near Colorado Hwy 9 (Hoosier Pass). Emergent., 39.380556 -106.065, 3322m
COLO-B-0026029 Ye. I. Kosovich-Anderson 5431 2009-08-23
United States, Wyoming, Park, Rocky Mts, Shoshone National Forest, Beartooth Plateau, Beartooth Creek, granite debris along the creek, 44.937833 -109.600167, 2713m
COLO-B-0026030 2006-05-30
United States, Montana
COLO-B-0026031 R. S. Williams 168 1891-09-21
United States, Montana, Cascade, Neihart, 46.933056 -110.736667