COLO-L-0008786 Margaret Mattoon Douglass s.n. 1954-06-28
United States, Colorado, San Juan, South Mineral Creek, Northwest in the vicinity of Silverton
COLO-L-0008787 Dr. Delamare s.n.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Insula miquelon
COLO-L-0008788 Samuel Hammer 6035 1995-05-31
United States, Vermont, Bennington, Winhall Township, Green Mountain National Forest near Bondville, 43 -73, 500m
COLO-L-0008792 W.A. Weber; Wittmann, Andrus, & Cooper L-93813 2000-08-13
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan Mountains, Burro Bridge Iron Fen. 4 mi S of Red Mountain Pass, between Chattanooga and Silverton, 3100m
COLO-L-0008793 Sharon P Gowan; S. Brodo 4412 1981-08-21
Canada, New Brunswick, Albert, Mile Brook, 45.533 -65.05
COLO-L-0008794 Samuel Hammer 6064 1995-08-00
Canada, New Brunswick, Charlotte, Campobello Island, Herring Cove Provincial Park, 45 -67
COLO-L-0008795 William A. Gould 519 1990-07-05
Canada, Nunavut, Coppermine River, Rebecca Falls, 31 km south of Coppermine Village, just south of Escape Rapids, 67.6 -115.466667
COLO-L-0008798 W.A. Weber; Wittmann, Andrus, & Cooper L-93814 2000-08-13
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan Mountains, Burro Bridge Iron Fen. 4 mi S of Red Mountain Pass, between Chattanooga and Silverton, 3100m
COLO-L-0008799 I.M. Brodo 7725 1966-05-30
Canada, British Columbia, Malakwa: 38 miles west of Revelstoke., 50.96667 -118.8, 357m
COLO-L-0008800 Charles Beil 63-BA-68 1963-00-00
Canada, Alberta, Banff Nat. Park
COLO-L-0008801 Otto E. Jennings; G.E. Jennings 7163 1914-08-19
Canada, Ontario, North Peninsula, along Ombabika Bay, Lake Nipigon
COLO-L-0008802 Roy Latham 35372 1958-05-08
United States, New York, Riverhead, Long Island
COLO-L-0008803 Roger A. Anderson; Jon Anderson s.n. 1976-08-21
United States, Colorado, Summit, Ten mile Range, 8.5 km SW of Frisco, 2.5 km SSE of Officers Gulch Campground, 39.513298 -106.140086, 3080m
COLO-L-0008804 David J. Cooper 2984 2006-08-17
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Ca. 10 mi SE of Needleton on the Animas River, 39 mi. N of Durango. In un-named fen bordering a small lake about 200 m NE of Emerald Lake in the Needle Creek drainage., 3400m
COLO-L-0008806 M. Ostafichuk 1051 1971-05-17
Canada, Alberta, One half mile south of James River; beside forestry trunk road, 51.7333336 -115.3666687, 1615m
COLO-L-0008807 Irwin M. Brodo 7354 1965-09-11
Canada, Ontario, Algoma, 4.5 miles north of Iron Bridge, on Rt. 546, 46.25 -83.16667
COLO-L-0008808 O.E. Jennings 217 1944-06-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, in gap west of White Sulphur Springs
COLO-L-0008809 Gay Austin 67 2003-10-19
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest, ca. 14 miles NE of Taylor Park Reservoir. Drive 4wd ca. 10.5 miles NE of reservoir on FS Rd. 755 along Texas Creek. walk ca. 3 miles N on Waterloo Gulch trail to small opening in spruce/fir, w/in 25' of creek. Creek is on E side of trail. Lichen is between creek and trail, 38.894569 -106.410242, 3400m
COLO-L-0008810 Gay Austin 102 2004-09-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Upper Quartz Creek; 150 ft. south of road., 3414m
COLO-L-0008812 L.A. Viereck 8529 1967-08-04
Canada, British Columbia, Skagway Quadrangle, Mile 56 Haines highway, 59.583333 -136.383333, 1100m
COLO-L-0008813 R.F. Cain S 22838 1948-06-14
Canada, Bruce Mines, Algoma District
COLO-L-0008814 M.A. Sherwood; L.H. Pike L 67855 1978-08-15
United States, Oregon, Linn, 2 miles southwest of Sahalie Falls, Santiam Pass, 853m
COLO-L-0008815 W.A. Weber; E. Dahl S 1445 1953-07-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Upper Green Lakes valley, north of Kiowa Peak, Boulder watershed, 3505m
COLO-L-0008816 Gay Austin 125 2005-08-08
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Pike National Forest, south side of Guanella Pass, Geneva Creek Iron Fen.
COLO-L-0008818 C.D. Bird 23884 1969-11-13
Canada, British Columbia, South side of Kamloops Lake, 4.4 miles east of Savona by Highway 1
COLO-L-0008819 Sam Shushan S 23255A 1959-08-22
Canada, Quebec, Lac Ste. Anne, north of Quebec City, Laurentide Park ca. 18 miles northwest of St. Urbain, 732m
COLO-L-0008820 W.L. Culberson 11340 1963-08-00
United States, Virginia, Giles, Mountain Lake Biological Station. Along the "West Virginia Road" near Little Stony Creek., 1219m
COLO-L-0008821 Vera Komarkova 222 1972-07-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Indian Peaks area; north of Blue Lake, 3606m
COLO-L-0008824 W. H. Denike s.n. 1939-00-00
Canada, Ontario, Ingolf, 49.8 -95.15
COLO-L-0008826 Aven Nelson; Elias Nelson 6167 1899-07-26
United States, Wyoming, Artists' Paint Pots, Yellowstone National Park
COLO-L-0008828 Irwin M. Brodo 3242 1961-09-01
United States, New York, Suffolk, Long Island, Napeague Beach in Napeague, 41 -72.066667, 15m
COLO-L-0008830 Dorothy E. Swales s.n. 1965-07-14
Canada, Northwest Territories, Inuvik, above quarry near Dolomite Lake, 68.65 -133.7
COLO-L-0008832 Elizabeth Knox s.n. 1937-07-01
Canada, Alberta, Banff Nat. Park: Lake Altrude
COLO-L-0008833 William A. Weber; R.C. Wittmann L-94029 2001-07-24
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Wager's Fen, just below ghost town of Carson, above Lake City and southwest of Lake San Cristobal on jeep road, 37.8775 -107.364167, 3444m
COLO-L-0008835 L.M. Umbach 793 1903-08-29
United States, Montana, Lake McDonald
COLO-L-0008836 A.A. Lindsey 734 1951-08-07
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie River Valley, Fort Good Hope, on top of Ramparts
COLO-L-0008838 John W. Thomson; J. A. Larsen 16036 1964-06-12
Canada, Northwest Territories, ARCTIC LICHENS 16036 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Mackenzie District, Inuvik, near airport, 68.333333 -133.75
COLO-L-0008839 W.A. Weber; Kunkel; Shultz; LaFarge L-57325 1973-07-19
United States, Colorado, Boulder, S Saint Vrain Canyon, 9 mi SW of Lyons, NW slope of Berry Ridge, 40.173 -105.36, 2100 - 2100m
COLO-L-0008842 W.J. Cody; D.H. Ferguson 9845 1957-07-05
Canada, Northwest Territories, New Aklavik [Imuvik], by lake near airstrip, 68.3 -133.666667
COLO-L-0008844 OTTO E. JENNINGS; GRACE K JENNINGS 7200 1914-08-19
Canada, Ontario, SW Shore North Ombabika Peninsula, Ombabika Bay, Lake Nipigon
COLO-L-0008852 D.H. Vitt 23806 1978-08-22
Canada, Yukon, Between Watson Lake and Tungsten on Hwy,10, 5 km S of Hyland River crossing, 61.433333 -128.25, 1000m
COLO-L-0008853 Eric Steen Hansen L-56379 1969-07-25
Greenland, Sermersooq Kommune, South Greenland, Akia, 60.683333 -46.066667
COLO-L-0008856 Toby Spribille 3585 1995-07-11
United States, Montana, Lincoln, Rocky Mountain Trench, Hills S to SW of Dickey Lake, ca. 1 km S of Rattlebone Lake, W of Hwy 93
COLO-L-0008857 Eric Steen Hansen L-93422 1997-08-05
Greenland, Kusuk, 64.7166667 -51.3
COLO-L-0008860 Keith Egger 279 1978-06-23
Canada, New Brunswick, Kent, Pré à Germain. Kouchibouguac National Park, UTM 536 935, 46.883 -64.917
COLO-L-0008861 Aven Nelson; Elias Nelson 6167 1899-07-26
United States, Wyoming, Artists' Paint Pots, Yellowstone National Park
COLO-L-0008863 Eric Steen Hansen L 93456 1998-07-25
Greenland, Kujalleq, Isotoq, 60.983333 -47.533333
COLO-L-0008866 M.E. Jardin s.n. 1859-00-00
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, St. Pierre, Terre-Neuve
COLO-L-0008867 Aven Nelson; Elias Nelson 6149 1899-07-25
United States, Wyoming, Norris, Yellowstone National Park
COLO-L-0008870 D.H. Vitt 31256 1984-06-24
Canada, New Brunswick, Northumberland County, Point Escuminac, Plateau Bog, 47.066667 -64.8
COLO-L-0008871 W.A. Weber s.n. 1959-07-30
Canada, Alberta, Banff National Park: trail from Moraine lake to Consolation Lake.
COLO-L-0008872 Delamare s.n. 1886-00-00
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Insel Miquelon in Nordamerica
COLO-L-0008873 Aven Nelson; Ruth A. Nelson 4776 1941-08-25
Canada, Alberta, Elk Island National Park near Edmonton
COLO-L-0008875 R.H. Howe s.n. 1909-08-24
United States, New Hampshire, Fitzwilliam, 366m
COLO-L-0008878 Delamare s.n. 1886-00-00
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Insula Miquelon
COLO-L-0008881 Irwin M. Brodo 3598 1962-07-24
United States, New Jersey, Burlington, Quaker Bridge
COLO-L-0008883 A.B. Keeble s.n. 1970-07-00
Canada, Northwest Territories, MacKenzie Delta, west bank
COLO-L-0008884 R.S.W. Bobbette 7114 1980-07-30
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Lake Melville Distr., Lake Melville, About 18 km east of Neveisik Island, along south shore of Lake Melville., 53.983 -58.45
COLO-L-0008887 T. Ahti; G.W. Scotter 32010 1977-07-04
Canada, Yukon, Watson Lake town, by Centennial Avenue, 60.072 -128.72, 690m
COLO-L-0008889 R. Annas; G.G. Ruyle and A. Nicholson 80-804 1980-07-21
Canada, British Columbia, Cariboo, Palmer Lake, ca. 31 km N of Alexis Creek, 52.366667 -123.266667, 1143m
COLO-L-0008890 D.H. Vitt 31290 1984-06-26
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, Southwest coast, 4.8 km northwest of Port-aux-Basque on Hwy. 1, 47.567 -59.15
COLO-L-0008894 Catherine LaFarge s.n. 1974-07-11
Canada, Nunavut, Baffin Region, BAFFIN ISLAND, N.W.T. Kingnelling Fiord, Cumberland Peninsula; southern shore cross valley, 67.46 -64.3, 70m
COLO-L-0008895 J.E. Marsh 1165 1985-08-27
Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park, Maligne Pass area, near trail, 5 km south of pass, 52.5 -117.45, 1980m
COLO-L-0008896 H.A. Allard 24496 1937-02-22
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, on ridge east of High Point, Western Slope of Bull Mtns
COLO-L-0008900 R.F. Cain 25334 1949-09-12
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, Maniton River
COLO-L-0008902 H.A. Allard 4474k 1938-04-24
United States, Virginia, South end of Short Mtn, Massanutten Mtns
COLO-L-0008903 D. Lewis Dutton L-78958 1923-07-28
United States, Vermont, Rutland, Brandon, 43.79812 -73.087612, 152m
COLO-L-0008906 Dorothy E. Swales s.n. 1965-07-14
Canada, Northwest Territories, Above quarry near Dolomite Lake, Inuvik, 68.65 -133.7
COLO-L-0008908 R.A. Darrow 948 1935-09-01
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, Franklin, on west side of shale bluff, 457m
COLO-L-0008911 Aven Nelson; Ruth A. Nelson 4815 1941-08-29
Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park, Maligne Canyon and Medicine Lake
COLO-L-0008913 D. Salayka 85-19a 1985-01-20
Canada, Northwest Territories, Fort Smith Region, Nahanni River Area: on Twisted Mountain, 61.2 -123.583333, 1350m
COLO-L-0008914 Fred W. Gray L 1532 1930-05-13
United States, West Virginia, Davis, 1219m
COLO-L-0008917 W.A. Setchell; H.E. Parks 23221 1930-07-08
Canada, British Columbia, Lake Atlin
COLO-L-0008919 R.M. Annas s.n. 1971-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Northern Rockies, Mile 285 Alaska Highway, plot 44, 58.633333 -122.666667, 400m
COLO-L-0008920 Fred W. Gray s.n.
United States, West Virginia, no further information given
COLO-L-0008923 Alton A. Lindsey 417 1951-07-23
Canada, Northwest Territories, Great Bear Lake: Franklin Camp of Northern Transportation Co, at head of Great Bear River where it flows out of Great Bear Lake.
COLO-L-0008925 John Macoun s.n. 1909-05-13
Canada, British Columbia, Ucluclet
COLO-L-0008926 Fred W. Gray L 1555 1930-05-13
United States, West Virginia, Davis, 1219m
COLO-L-0021151 John A. Shafer 184 1888-00-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Near Carrot
COLO-L-0009132 F.P. Sipe 887 1935-03-00
United States, Oregon, Lane, Florence
COLO-L-0009138 Clifford M. Wetmore 21853 1973-08-24
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Four miles N of Fenske Lake along Echo Trail, 10 miles NNW of Ely, 48.026966 -91.91719
COLO-L-0009153 John J. Engel 9239 1973-06-30
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, On County Road 116 (Echo Trail), 8 miles W of junction at County Road 88, near Fenske Lake; Superior National Forest
COLO-L-0009154 Clifford M. Wetmore 18582 1969-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Near Wampus Lake, west of Trout Lake about 25 miles north of Grand Marais on Gunflint Trail., 48.056143 -90.408287
COLO-L-0009158 Robert J. Reich; J.A. McCann 154 1962-05-19
United States, Alaska, Pond #58, 257° west southwest of Junction in Infantry Road and Road to Refuse Dump (Junction 1.1 miles due west of Cyril Cove). 2.16 miles (3800yds). 3.36 miles southwest of Crow Reefer Point, Amachitka Island
COLO-L-0009160 Clifford M. Wetmore 28151 1977-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Bear Island State Forest at extreme western edge of county, 7 miles southeast of Ely, south side of beaver ponds, 47.811924 -91.784128
COLO-L-0009161 A.A. Beetle 13520 1958-08-24
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, west end of Shoshone Lake
COLO-L-0009164 L.A. Viereck 5267 1961-08-07
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna, Alaska Range District: upper valley of the Swift Form of the East Fork of the Kuskokwim River (Tonzona River on some maps), 62.666667 -152.5, 762 - 914m
COLO-L-0009166 F.P. Sipe 963 1937-03-00
United States, Oregon, Douglas, near Reedsport along coast
COLO-L-0009171 Clifford M. Wetmore 38654 1979-06-29
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Voyageurs National Park, at eastern end of Anderson Bay in Rainy Lake behind small island, 48.526 -92.718
COLO-L-0009172 F.P. Sipe 1000 1936-11-22
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Gunter, Smith River
COLO-L-0009173 Les A. Viereck 10110 1975-08-20
United States, Alaska, Fairbanks North Star, Livengood Quad: Washington Creek Fire Ecology Research Area, 65.166667 -147.85, 310 - 320m
COLO-L-0009181 Clifford M. Wetmore 12517 1964-05-17
United States, Michigan, Shiawassee, Rose Lake Wildlife Station
COLO-L-0009184 H.A. Imshaug 19390 1957-06-01
United States, Michigan, Arenac, Point Lookout
COLO-L-0009187 D.D. Awasthi L 36059 1962-09-15
United States, Michigan, Missaukee, near Star City
COLO-L-0009193 Robert J. Reich; J.A. McCann 45 1962-00-00
United States, Alaska, Aleutians West, Bluff over Clevenger Lake, Amchitka Island, 51.54 178.98
COLO-L-0009202 C.M. Wetmore 700 1957-08-24
United States, Michigan, Isle Royale National Park: Near Saginaw Mine
COLO-L-0009204 June Dunbar 66355 1953-09-06
United States, Alaska, Nome, Cape Nome, 64.4375 -165.00638889, 61m
COLO-L-0009205 Les Viereck 2342a 1957-08-06
United States, Alaska, Central Pacific Coast Distr, Columbia Glacier, Heather Island, 61 -147.033333, 61 - 61m
COLO-L-0009206 Thomas H. Nash III 7229 1973-06-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, 5 km N of US 1, along RI 214, 90m
COLO-L-0009208 Henry A. Imshaug 24139 1958-09-00
United States, New York, Jefferson, Just W of Alexandria Bay