COLO-L-0050318 Erin Tripp; Tuckerman Workshop Participants 4752 2010-03-23
United States, North Carolina, Dare, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, trail from World War II Memorial, 0.5 mi. W of Lighthouse Rd., 35.248611 -75.544167, 3m
COLO-L-0050267 Erin Tripp; Jessie Allen, James Lendemer, Troy McMullin 4778 2010-03-23
United States, North Carolina, Hyde, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Chip Rd. 3.2 mi. S of jct w/ Whipping Crek Rd, W of S end of Swan Creek Lake, 35.630556 -75.9875
COLO-L-0050996 J. C. Lendemer; E. Tripp 44625 2015-05-03
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 0.25 mi N of terminus of Bone Valley Trail, 1.7 mi N of jct w/ Hazel Creek Trail, E of Bone Valley Creek, 35.521111 -83.679167, 755m
COLO-L-0052019 J. C. Lendemer; J.L. Allen & J.W. Barton 39684 2013-11-20
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Juniper Creek Game Land, S of Juniper Creek, N of New Road 2.3 mi W of jct w/ NC211, 34.1272 -78.3569, 14 - 14m
COLO-L-0052201 E. A. Tripp; J. Allen and J.C. Lendemer 4264 2013-03-24
United States, North Carolina, Dare, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, W of US264, 1 mi N of jct w/ Borrow Pit Rd, 4 mi S of jct w/ US64, 35.825 -75.8044
COLO-L-0051953 E. A. Tripp; J. Allen and J.C. Lendemer 4282 2013-03-24
United States, North Carolina, Dare, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, W of US264, 1 mi N of jct w/ Borrow Pit Rd, 4 mi S of jct w/ US64, 35.825 -75.8044
COLO-L-0055325 James C. Lendemer; Erin A. Tripp 55304 2018-03-09
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi, Cherokee National Forest, vicinity of confluence of Devil Fork w/ Clark’s Creek, Clark’s Creek Rd./FSR25 at jct w/ Sill Branch Trail, ~2 mi SW of Sally Hole, 36.12533 -82.5379, 565 - 565m