COLO-L-0019960 Eric Hulten 5652 1932-06-16
United States, Alaska, Aleutians West, Unalaska Island; Kashega
COLO-L-0019966 JoAnn Flock FL-846 1980-07-15
United States, Alaska, Nome, Seward Peninsula; Cape Prince of Wales, Near monument on lower flanks of Cape Mt. near shoreline, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-L-0019972 JoAnn Flock FL-845 1978-06-12
United States, Alaska, Nome, Seward Peninsula; Cape Prince of Wales, Cape Mt., 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-L-0019973 L. Viereck; A. Bucknell 4305 1960-07-24
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Cape Dyer-Drainage of Kipaloq and Angowilk Creeks, 68.666667 -166.166667, 305 - 305m
COLO-L-0019979 L. Viereck; A. Bucknell 4671 1960-08-23
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Vicinity of the Kukpuk River including steep slopes and ridges to the east of the river; Angamarkroq Mt., 68.233333 -165.416667, 91 - 427m
COLO-L-0019985 L. Viereck; A. Bucknell 4336 1960-07-27
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Cape Dyer-Drainage of Kipaloq and Angowilk Creeks, 68.6 -166.133333, 30 - 152m
COLO-L-0019991 L. Viereck; A. Bucknell 4664 1960-08-23
United States, Alaska, North Slope, Bering Strait District: Vicinity of the Kukpuk River including steep slopes and ridges to the east of the river; Angamarkroq Mt., 68.233333 -165.416667, 91 - 427m
COLO-L-0019997 L. Viereck 4504 1960-08-05
United States, Alaska, Bering Strait District: Ukinyik Creek Drainage including the high ridges on either side of the valley; Cape Lewis, 68.716667 -165.2, 610m
COLO-L-0020003 H.T. Shacklette 7365 1965-12-06
United States, Alaska, Aleutians West, Bering Sea coast near the andesite quarry on Infantry Road. Amchitka Island (Rat Islands), Aleutian chain., 51.54 178.98
COLO-L-0020009 James A. Erdman 630D 1968-02-08
United States, Alaska, Aleutians West, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Chain: Banjo site formation, between Banjo and Crown Reefer Points, 51.465787 179.152803
COLO-L-0020015 James A. Erdman 632 1968-02-09
United States, Alaska, Aleutians West, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Chain, 51.54 178.98, 46m