COLO-L-0038450 Martha Sherwood; D. Plas, D. Gregory and G. Caccavio s.n. 1978-07-09
United States, New Hampshire, lower White Ledge trail, N of Rte. 16, ca. 5 mi. W of Conway, White Mountain National Forest, 244m
COLO-L-0038456 R. C. Harris 11420 1976-05-28
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Longleaf Trail Vista c. 35 mi WNW of Alexandria
COLO-L-0038462 Shirley C. Tucker 18483 1979-03-16
United States, Louisiana, East Feliciana, Idlewild Experimental farm, about 3 miles SE of Clinton, 30.8 -90.75
COLO-L-0038468 Robert S Egan 8465 1976-04-23
United States, Texas, Liberty, 38.4 km E of Cleveland, Big Thicket National Preserve, Loblolly Unit
COLO-L-0038474 R.C. Harris 11889 1976-09-17
United States, Michigan, Delta, ca. 1.6 miles along road from Portage Bay Campground
COLO-L-0038480 Thomas H. Nash III 11454 1975-08-15
United States, California, Mendocino, 38.4 km N of Ft. Bragg along Rte. 1, 30m
COLO-L-0038486 Edward Tuckerman s.n.
United States, New Hampshire, White Mountains
COLO-L-0038492 John Macoun s.n. 1891-09-06
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
COLO-L-0038498 E. Tuckerman s.n.
United States, New Hampshire, White Mountains
COLO-L-0038502 George T. Johnson L-75006 1964-10-23
United States, Alabama, Cleburne, 2 miles northeast of Heflin
COLO-L-0038508 Shirley C. Tucker 21948 1982-01-05
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge, Burden Plantation, Essen Lane, Baton Rouge., 30.408333 -91.1125
COLO-L-0038509 R. C. Harris 10824 1976-05-13
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi, Unaka Mountain Scenic Area, c. 6 mi ESE of Erwin, 1463m
COLO-L-0038514 W.A. Weber L 38607 1964-09-09
United States, California, Humboldt, mouth of Fern Canyon, Prairie Creek State Park north of Orick
COLO-L-0038515 R. C. Harris 10657 1976-05-10
United States, Virginia, Highland, Farm across from trout ponds c. 9 mi S of Monterey on US 220
COLO-L-0050394 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer & Jessi Allen 4991 2014-09-26
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Forney Creek Trail between Campsite 69 and junction with Andrew's Bald Trail, 1521m
COLO-L-0051465 J. C. Lendemer; J. Allen, R.C. Harris & B.P. Hodkinson 30910 2012-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Camden, Dismal Swamp State Park, Western Boundary Ditch, S of intersection of w/ Corapeake Ditch, 0.25 mi S of NC/VA state line, 36.5472 -76.4461, 5 - 5m
COLO-L-0051885 J. C. Lendemer; J. Allen 43862 2014-09-30
United States, North Carolina, Graham, Nantahala National Forest, Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness, vicinity of summit of Haoe Mountain, ~4.4 mi SW of Tapoco, ~2.6 mi W of N end of Santeetlah Lake, 35.3858 -83.9692, 1599 - 1599m
COLO-L-0052591 J. C. Lendemer; P. Dalton and L. Gibbons 35678 2013-03-07
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, tributary to Hunters Creek, along SR1101/Great Lake Rd. 0.1 mi E of jct w/ FS134/Holston Hunter Rd., 34.8114 -77.0906, 5 - 5m
COLO-L-0052989 C. J. Hansen 6249 2016-12-15
United States, Alabama, Madison, Huntsville; Red Stone Arsenal; Bradford Sinks area in southwest corner of base, ca 1.3 air mi NE of Triana, AL., 34.60038 -86.72058, 187m
COLO-L-0053377 James C. Lendemer; Erin A. Tripp 49610 2016-12-21
United States, Alabama, Jackson, James D. Martin-Skyline Wildlife Management Area, S shore of Little Coon Creek, S of Jackson CR54/Little Coon Rd, 4.5 mi N of jct w/ Jackson CR566, 34.955278 -85.999444, 233m
COLO-L-0054368 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer, Carly Anderson 7616 2017-05-16
United States, Alabama, Winston, Bankhead National Forest, Sipsey Wilderness Area, N-facing slopes above S shore of the Sipsey River, 1.1 mi N of confluence of Caney Creek and Sipsey River, 2.0 mi N of AL33 crossing, 171m
COLO-L-0055972 James C. Lendemer; Carly Anderson-Stewart, Christy McCain & Erin Tripp 54175 2017-12-11
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, N slopes of Mount Squires, Appalachian Trail 0.7 mi W of Spence Field and jct w/ Anthony Creek Trail/Bote Mountain Trail, 35.563056 -83.743056, 1532 - 1532m
COLO-L-0056599 James C. Lendemer 54776 2017-12-18
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, Cherokee National Forest, Unicoi Mountains, Bob Bald, Benton MacKeye Trail/Bob Bald Connector/Trail54A, ~2.6 mi N of Cherohala Skyway/TN165 at Beech Gap, 35.372222 -84.008333, 1551 - 1551m
COLO-L-0056596 James C. Lendemer 54783 2017-12-18
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, Cherokee National Forest, Unicoi Mountains, Bob Bald, Benton MacKeye Trail/Bob Bald Connector/Trail54A, ~2.6 mi N of Cherohala Skyway/TN165 at Beech Gap, 35.372222 -84.008333, 1551 - 1551m
COLO-L-0056883 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer 9059 2019-01-04
United States, Georgia, Gilmer, Chattahoochee National Forest, SE slopes of Big Bald Mountain, 0.2 mi W of FSR383, 4.1 mi SW of jct w/ Rock Creek Rd./Stanley Creek Rd.; Mixed hardwood (Acer, Betula lenta, Carya, Hamamelis, Liriodendron, Prunus, Quercus alba, Q. rubra) forest with large quartzite rockface, 34.75287 -84.31403, 1167m
COLO-L-0055914 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer 8481 2018-03-08
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi, Cherokee National Forest, Unaka Mountain, Rock Creek Campground E of TN395, 36.1373833 -82.3514833, 706m
COLO-L-0055628 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer, Christy McCain, Carly Anderson Stewart 7876 2017-12-10
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, Cherokee National Forest, E shore of Citico Creek S of confluence with Little Citico Creek, S of jct of FSR2403 & FSR35-1/Citico Rd, 0.3 mi N of jct. of FSR35-1/Citico Rd. & CR506/Buck Highway, 35.47643 -84.11474, 290m
COLO-L-0055161 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer, Christy McCain, Carly Anderson Stewart 7965 2017-12-11
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, N slopes of Mount Squires, Appalachian Trail 0.7 mi W of Spence Field and jct w/ Anthony Creek Trail/Bote Mountain Trail, 35.562894 -83.743132, 1532m
COLO-L-0055178 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer, Christy McCain, Carly Anderson Stewart 7938 2017-12-10
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, McGee Carson State Historical Park, slopes above W shore of the Little Tennessee River, SE of Carson Rd, 0.7 mi NE of int. w/ TN360, 35.581028 -84.194823, 267m
COLO-L-0055468 Erin Tripp; James Lendemer 8260 2017-12-18
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, Cherokee National Forest, Unicoi Mountains, Bob Bald, Benton MacKeye Trail/Bob Bald Connector/Trail54A, ~2.6 mi N of Cherohala Skyway/TN165 at Beech Gap, 35.37221 -84.00853, 1551m