COLO-L-0041978 W.A. Weber; Sam Shushan, M.E. Hale S 28833 1953-11-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer, West Fork Little Thompson River, 10 miles above Lyons, 2134m
COLO-L-0041979 A.W.C.T. Herre S 7698 1957-01-12
United States, California, San Mateo, Los Trancos Creek Road, 4 miles west of Stanford University, 122m
COLO-L-0041983 W.A. Weber; Sam Shushan, R.A. Anderson L 31366 1960-05-30
United States, Colorado, Montrose, escarpment above West Paradox Creek, west end of Paradox Valley, below Buckeye Reservoir, 38.42 -109.036, 1768m
COLO-L-0041984 Roger A. Anderson n.s. 1960-09-08
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Lytle Formation, Dakota Ridge, Rabbit Mt, 4 mi. NE of Lyons, just above the Little Thompson River, 1585 - 1631m
COLO-L-0041985 William A. Weber; R.D. Worthington 6919 1981-04-11
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Organ Mts, NE side of The Needles along Pine Tree Trail, 1829m
COLO-L-0041989 William A. Weber; R.A. Anderson L-36351 1962-09-09
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Bull Gulch, outer foothills of Front Range between Plainview and Eldorado Springs, 2286m
COLO-L-0041990 R.A. Anderson 3561 1962-08-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, southwest slope of Deer Mountain, 2667 - 2804m
COLO-L-0041991 David C. Lightfoot L 89289 1992-07-29
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, El Malpais National Monument, Four Windows Cave, Bandera Flor, 2323m
COLO-L-0041995 R.A. Anderson 3434 1962-08-17
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, 1.0-1.5 miles east of Grand Lake, base of south slope of Mt. Enentah, 2621 - 2682m
COLO-L-0041996 W.A. Weber; R.A. Anderson S 29724
United States, Colorado, Boulder, West slope of Steamboat Mountain, ca 2 miles northwest of Lyons, foothills of the Front Range, 40.242082 -105.286583, 1829m
COLO-L-0041997 W. A. Weber; Rolf Santesson s.n. 1966-04-19
United States, California, San Diego, E of Cabrillo Freeway, Kearney Mesa just S of General Dynamics plant
COLO-L-0042001 R.A. Anderson 3310 1962-08-10
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, northeast of Grand Lake between Summerland Park and Cascade Falls of North Inlet, 2652 - 2774m
COLO-L-0042002 William A. Weber; C. Bratt, J. Larson 82076 1986-11-01
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve (Nature Conservancy), south end of Santa Ana Mountains west of Murrieta, 600m
COLO-L-0042003 A. Henssen 13627a 1961-10-31
United States, California, Humboldt, Coast Range, Pine Ridge Summit bei Arcata, in Sickerwasserstreifen auf vulkanischem Gestein, 40.99 -123.76, 1000m
COLO-L-0042007 R.A. Anderson 4450 1963-09-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Canyon, Castle Rock, 12 miles west of Boulder
COLO-L-0042008 C. Bratt; W.A. Weber 4985 1986-03-25
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Elevated marine terrace bluff West End, N of trailer barranca; Santa Cruz Island, 122m
COLO-L-0042009 Irwin M. Brodo 14029 1968-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Hibben Island: off the west coast of Moresby Island., 53 -132.366667
COLO-L-0042013 R.A. Anderson 4034 1963-07-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Lumpy Ridge, near the Twin Owls on trail to Gem Lake, 1.5 miles north of Lake Estes, near the park boundary and just outside, 2438 - 2515m
COLO-L-0042014 Sam Shushan S 11087 1957-08-25
United States, California, San Mateo, Searsville Lake, 6 miles from Stanford University campus, 37.402 -122.237
COLO-L-0042015 William A. Weber L 61706 1975-06-05
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, Rochelle Hills, head of Wildcat and South Fork Keyton Creeks, 1500 - 1550m
COLO-L-0042019 W.A. Weber; Sam Shushan S-28831 1959-04-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Canyon, 12 mi. W. of Boulder
COLO-L-0042020 William A. Weber; Jeanne Larson L 82036 1986-10-29
United States, California, Madera, San Joaquin Experimental Range, 28 miles north of Fresno, 340m
COLO-L-0042025 Ann Henson L 95455 2011-08-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Rabbit Mountain Open Space, 4 miles northeast of Lyons, 40.256667 -105.213333, 1600m
COLO-L-0042026 Sam Shushan S 14724 1957-08-25
United States, California, San Mateo, Searsville Ridge
COLO-L-0042031 Roger A. Anderson 3122 1962-08-07
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park: North Inlet, NE end of Suminerland Park, 2633m
COLO-L-0042032 Sam Shushan S 14724 1957-08-25
United States, California, San Mateo, Searsville Ridge
COLO-L-0042037 R.A. Anderson 3308 1962-08-10
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park, northeast of Grand Lake between Summerland Park and Cascade Falls of North Inlet, 2652 - 2774m
COLO-L-0042038 JoAnn Flock FL-854 1980-07-19
United States, Alaska, Nome, SEWARD PENINSULA: Cape Prince of Wales, above Lopp Lagoon, 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m
COLO-L-0042043 W.A. Weber; Sam Shushan L 39328 1959-05-17
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Pre-emption Creek, ca. 7 miles west of Rio Blanco
COLO-L-0042044 JoAnn W. Flock Fl-2011 1980-08-14
United States, Alaska, Nome, SEWARD PENINSULA: Cape Prince of Wales, Neeluk, near divide between Lopp Lagoon and Village Creek., 65.8 -168, 0 - 700m