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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Virgulaster ascendens, Symphyotrichum ascendens (Virgulaster ascendens, Aster ascendens, Aster subgriseus, Aster macounii, Aster adscendens, Aster chilensis ssp. adscendens)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 209

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147306Belle K. Stewart   8501937-09-22
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Deep Creek, near Creede., 37.79498 -106.92102, 2743m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147314Francis Ramaley   125901930-09-03
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147322Francis Ramaley   170161939-09-02
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande, South Fork., 37.67 -106.63976

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147330Francis Ramaley   126351930-09-04
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande, Del Norte., 37.67889 -106.35336

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147348Francis Ramaley   122011929-07-20
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, 5 miles south of Alamosa., 37.3967656 -105.869924

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147918Francis Ramaley   168251938-09-14
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande, Monte Vista., 37.57917 -106.14808

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147926W. A. Weber   129191965-08-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, "Natural Fort", 6 miles south of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147934W. A. Weber   79151952-08-14
United States, Colorado, Park, Roadside on eastern outskirts of Fairplay., 3017m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147942Francis Ramaley   141791934-07-12
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147959G. E. Osterhout   73131930-08-30
United States, Colorado, Weld, Windsor, my lot., 40.48031 -104.90112

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147967G. E. Osterhout   55801916-09-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Windsor., 40.47748 -104.90136

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147975Frances L. Long   721923-08-24
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Green Mt. Falls., 38.9349832 -105.0169323

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147983H. H. Iltis   188071961-08-15
United States, Colorado, Park, In valley of S fork of South Platte River., 39.01419 -105.77044, 2691m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00147991Francis Ramaley   1410 1/21905-00-00
United States, Colorado, Teller, Near Florissant., 38.94582 -105.28944, 2400m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148007K. Richard Johnson   8991937-07-24
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Lake John., 40.78193 -106.4617, 2530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148015Francis Ramaley   90771911-08-15
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Tolland., 39.9049855 -105.5891706

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148023Francis Ramaley   167901938-08-13
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Lake John., 40.78193 -106.4617

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148031K. Richard Johnson   8771937-07-24
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Lake John., 40.78193 -106.4617, 2530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148049Alice Eastwood   sn1886-07-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown, Denver., 39.7391489 -104.9847115

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148056Kathleen Lafferty   61952-07-31
United States, Colorado, Jackson, 5 mi. no. of Cowdrey, Hwy. 127., 40.91624 -106.27251, 2530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148064Loraine Yeatts   31401991-09-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Front Range, Moraine Park. S. of Moraine Park Rd. near lower end of meadow., 40.3484584 -105.6046079, 2454m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148072Loraine Yeatts   3841983-09-17
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Twin Rocks Valley., 38.9249351 -105.2485452, 2620m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148080Hans Beck   101983-08-27
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument. South rim; entrance station along side of road., 38.5407 -107.69265, 2652m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148098Robert A. Bye   sn1978-00-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Along Dolores River, Escalante Sector., 37.5725023 -108.5567457, 2100m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148106Scott Sundberg   25721984-08-09
United States, Colorado, Grand, N of Granby along Hwy. 34, next to Lake Granby, intersection with County Road 42., 40.1835412 -105.8885156

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148114John L. Anderson   89-1551989-09-06
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Ca. 3 mi SE of Gunnison., 38.4962267 -106.9042705, 2469m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148122W. Baker   82-3471982-08-25
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Ca 2/3 mile S of junction of Dudley Gulch and Piceance Creek., 39.8881224 -108.2925763, 1866m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148130Ronald E. Abbott   2861992-07-23
United States, Colorado, Montrose, 1/3 mi ESE of Uravan along Colorado 141., 38.35627 -108.71168, 1530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148148Ronald E. Abbott   3421992-08-22
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, 5.5 mi S along South Fork road from intersection with Colo 145., 37.8850696 -107.9042429, 2560m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148155Margaret Douglass   61-6911961-09-18
United States, Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park. Ditch road where stream comes down from Turquoise Tarn, N of Grand Lake., 40.44097 -105.86244

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148163W. A. Weber   111671961-09-06
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Cobbly bench of Clear Creek just east of Georgetown., 39.7239114 -105.6931204, 2591m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148171Joseph Andorfer Ewan   138881941-09-11
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Headwaters Michigan R, N.E. of Owl P.O., 40.50407 -105.92063, 2895m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148189Francis Ramaley   102551914-07-27
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Tolland., 39.9049855 -105.5891706

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148197Vlad Siplivinsky   51001982-09-03
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument. Black Ridge Trail., 39.0698926 -108.7372477, 2042m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148205Vlad Siplivinsky   50511982-08-29
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument. Rimrock drive at highland viewpoint.

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148213Tamara Naumann   3801989-08-27
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Bull Canyon, ca 1/4 mi above confluence with Yampa River., 40.4637803 -108.8382885, 1609m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148221Francis Ramaley   35141907-00-00
United States, Colorado, Grand, Near Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.0730449 -106.1028051, 2316m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148239Hazel M. Schmoll   14111924-09-07
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, Along road to Blanco basin east of Pagosa Springs., 37.2132023 -106.8583135

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148247Robert A. Bye   10691979-08-20
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, NW of Dolores, lower experimental area near McPhee., 37.5164693 -108.5442071, 2070m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148254W. W. Robbins   69871910-08-02
United States, Colorado, Garfield, New Castle., 39.5727571 -107.5364431

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148262Vlad Siplivinsky   23291981-09-04
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Uncompahgre National Forest, along Hwy 408 between Uncompahgre Butte and Monument Hill., 38.5470873 -108.6376014, 2743m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148270M. MacLeod   110A1960-07-30
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Whisky Springs Ranch. N slope of Douglas Mt., 40.58127 -108.72799, 2286m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148288M. Barkworth   27481980-08-31
United States, Colorado, Grand, ½ mile SE of Winter Park off Hgwy. 40. At end of Moffat Tunnel., 39.88735 -105.7617, 2743m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148296W. A. Weber   190761994-07-10
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison Basin; vacant lots, townsite of Gunnison.

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148304Geo. W. Letterman   41886-08-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Lamb's Ranch; Estes Park., 40.377206 -105.521665, 2743m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148312Belle K. Stewart   827 (a)1937-09-21
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Deep Creek, near Creede., 37.80534 -106.91738, 2682m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148320Francis Ramaley   144951934-09-08
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4574277 -105.8599072

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148338J. Meyer   sn1979-07-24
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Deer Lodge Park, Dinosaur National Monument., 40.44968 -108.5231668, 1554m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148346W. A. Weber   66821951-07-16
United States, Colorado, Routt, 4 mi. n.w. Steamboat Spgs. on road to Hahn's Peak., 40.52973 -106.87023

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148353W. W. Robbins   70381910-08-05
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Rio Blanco., 39.73775 -107.94535

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148361Vlad Siplivinsky   21341981-08-21
United States, Colorado, Delta, Gunnison National Forest, West Muddy Creek Valley., 39.1106513 -107.5197553, 2499m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148379M. MacLeod   2801964-07-30
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Douglas Mtn, near Lower Whisky Spring at Whisky Springs Ranch, 6 mi SW of Greystone., 40.58127 -108.72799, 2294m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148387M. MacLeod   4371965-08-01
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Whisky Springs Ranch, Douglas Mountain, 6 mi. SW of Greystone., 40.54456 -108.7501, 2286m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148395W. MacLeod   155a1960-08-06
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Whisky Springs house area, 6 mi. SW of Greystone on Hwy. 116. North slope of Douglas Mt., 40.58127 -108.72799, 2286m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148403W. A. Weber   70701951-07-28
United States, Colorado, Routt, Ben Munger Ranch just West of Elk Mountain, ca. 10 mi. w. of Steamboat Springs., 40.56998 -106.99589

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148411Francis Ramaley   154371936-07-21
United States, Colorado, Delta, Grand Mesa., 38.9815365 -107.9679088, 2438m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148429M. Barkworth   27411980-08-30
United States, Colorado, Routt, Around Yampa Valley lookout 10 mi. east of Steamboat Springs on Highway 40., 40.36272 -106.77993

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148437Francis Ramaley   141231934-07-10
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148445Richard Walter   2361959-07-16
United States, Colorado, Park, Dry grassland near road on south side of Michigan Hill., 39.35617 -105.82569, 2895m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148452Francis Ramaley   140591932-08-13
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148460Francis Ramaley   142711934-07-16
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande, Monte Vista., 37.57917 -106.14808

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148478W. A. Weber   94631955-08-10
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, In city park; Gunnison.

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148486W. A. Weber   142471970-09-02
United States, Colorado, Moffat, At Whisky Springs Ranch, Zenobia Peak Road, 4 mi. from Greystone. Douglas Mtn., 40.58127 -108.72799

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148494W. A. Weber   142791970-09-05
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Near Sparks, north of Irish Canyon, vicinity of Sugarloaf Butte., 40.9050015 -108.7451931

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148502Jane Green   3841950-08-15
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Wallace Gulch Road going n. from Rainbow gas sta, Bayfield & following Pine River short way., 37.24537 -107.61505

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148510H. N. Wheeler   6381898-00-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Sapinero., 38.45943 -107.30228

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148528Wittmann   7371979-08-25
United States, Colorado, Park, Along Colorado 8 about 2 mi N of Como., 39.3161 -105.89279, 2950m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148536Marian MacLeod   5181966-08-28
United States, Colorado, Moffat, NW part [of county]. Chokecherry Draw, Carr Homestead site., 40.8087154 -109.0003894, 2179m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148544Gwen Kittel   41871992-08-26
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Big Creek 4 mi. south of Collbran on Grand Mesa., 2133m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148551T. Mosquin   53431963-07-19
United States, Colorado, Jackson, 1.6 miles east of Gould along road to Cameron Pass., 40.51086 -106.00532

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148569Francis Ramaley   140221932-08-13
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148577Francis Ramaley   126561930-09-05
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa., 37.4694407 -105.8700188

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148585Francis Ramaley   152581935-09-09
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, Alamosa; near State Avenue bridge., 37.4819395 -105.8691797

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148593Colorado Native Plant Society   E-547A1983-08-18
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Rocky slope above tributary of Grape Creek, E side of Teller Rd. 1 (Area D)., 38.924541 -105.2756655, 2530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148601Yeatts   3861983-09-17
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. NW of Hornbeck Homestead., 38.9269368 -105.2837274, 2530m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148890Francis Ramaley   36021907-00-00
United States, Colorado, Grand, Near Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.0730449 -106.1028051, 2316m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148908W. A. Weber   151451975-08-16
United States, Colorado, Summit, Along E side of Green Mountain Reservoir 15 mi S of Kremmling., 39.86937 -106.26893

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148916Hazel M. Schmoll   14101924-09-07
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, On road to Blanco Basin 8 miles east of Pagosa Springs., 37.1840963 -106.9361581

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148924G. E. Osterhout   sn1895-07-01
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Glenwood Springs., 39.5505377 -107.3247835

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148932W. A. Weber   71321951-08-03
United States, Colorado, Routt, Steamboat Springs., 40.48498 -106.83171

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00148940Kathy Fenton   sn1980-09-12
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Southeast of Mack., 39.2116 -108.84934

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00150581Mary Edwards   5331984-09-15
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, (Area C), W of Amphitheater, Visitors Center., 38.9137903 -105.2868238

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00169730Duane Atwood   210691996-07-30
United States, Colorado, Saguache, 4 mi. W. of Gunnison NF boundary along Hwy 114., 38.2884257 -106.7523302

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00218933B. E. Nelson   179371989-08-08
United States, Colorado, Routt, Park Range; ca. 20 air mi SE of Yampa, ca. 1.5 air mi NE of Copper Spur, along Yarmony Creek at the southeast base of Congor Mesa., 39.9247543 -106.6766497, 2255m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00245894B. E. Nelson   182731989-08-13
United States, Colorado, Grand, Park Range, ca 9 air mi NW of Kremmling, above North Fork Pass Creek on Red Dirt Road., 40.1438329 -106.5300054, 2636m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00274068Ann Gethen   61998-08-02
United States, Colorado, Costilla, Forbes Park, Fort Garland., 37.6112496 -105.2108434

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00302109Lynn Marie Moore   87881995-08-19
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Upper Dolores River Drainage and Adjacent Areas: San Juan National Forest: ca 11 air mi NE of Mancos in the Bear Creek drainage area, Forest Trail 607., 37.5011998 -108.0896387, 2804m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00361519J. Semple   57751981-08-31
United States, Colorado, Routt, Hwy-40, marker 143 by Yampa Valley Vista. SE of Steamboat Springs.

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00361527J. Semple   58091981-08-31
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Hwy-119 in Nederland., 39.9626448 -105.5102092

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00504779Rea Orthner   10302000-09-13
United States, Colorado, Eagle, White River National Forest. North of Two Elk Creek and east of Tea Cup Bowl Gulch. Just southeast of Tea Cup Bowl base lift station., 39.584687 -106.3381509, 2926m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00638999Rea Orthner   11202002-09-04
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Elk Mountains. Vicinity of Maroon-Snowbells Wilderness Area. On private property along Snowmass Creek approximately 9 miles southeast of the town of Snowmass and 1 mile west of Snowmass Village., 39.2069 -106.98204, 2554m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00812834T. Kelso   04-712004-07-10
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Temple Canyon Park along Grape Creek., 38.39923 -105.32921, 1859m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00822403Tim Hogan   43852004-08-22
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. North Vista Trail, west of North Rim Ranger Station. GPS waypoint: AB6., 38.58501 -107.70442, 2347m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00830851Nan Lederer   36381992-08-08
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, South Fork of White River in Flat Tops Wilderness, 0.75 mi. above South Fork Campground along trail., 39.86106 -107.52926, 2329m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00869883B. E. Nelson   553732001-08-08
United States, Colorado, Routt, North-central Colorado: Park Range: along old logging road S and E above Rock Creek, ca 1.5-2.5 air mi ENE of Long Park, ca 15-16 air mi SE of Yampa., 40.03393 -106.64827, 2697m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00873588Ronald L. Hartman   690122000-07-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest and Vicinity: Slough Creek 0.5 - 1 air mi NW of Hohnholz Lake #3., 40.94146 -106.02625, 2438m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00876573Sarah Nunn   39572001-08-01
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest: Front Range: Forest Road 137 off Crown Point Road (Forest Road 139) at intersection with South Fork Bennett Creek, ca 24 air mi W of Fort Collins., 40.66122 -105.697288, 2591m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00891911Pam Regensberg   3812006-09-18
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley. Ca. 3.5 miles WSW of Crestone. Ca. 30 m S of County Road T, ¼ mile W of Cattle HQ., 37.98424 -105.75864, 2341m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00892216Pam Regensberg   3222006-08-20
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley. Ca. 2 miles WSW of Crestone. Ca. 3/4 mile S of County Road T, just S of Ranch HQ on two-track near the sheep shed., 37.97418 -105.72304, 2350m

Virgulaster ascendens (Lindley ex Hooker) Semple
00893719Melanie Arnett   30281998-08-11
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Southern Gunnison Basin: ca 4.8 air mi S of Sawtooth Mountain; ca 0.6-2.6 road mi from intersection with Forest Road 788 (mostly between the first and second gates); ca 17.8 air mi ENE of Lake City on Forest Road 806., 2908m

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