00209502 Kanya Santanachote 173 1989-06-11
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Tallgrass Prairie Natural Area: Parcel 7. South of Boulder, at the beginning of Highway 93., 39.9571256 -105.2414617, 1700m
00209510 Dina Clark 366 1994-05-14
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Mesa de Maya Region of southeastern Colorado. In Cow Canyon., 37.040437 -103.6589763, 1682m
00209528 Loraine Yeatts 894 1984-05-30
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, S. Table Mt., 39.7480304 -105.1861284
00209536 Gregory Kunkel 132 1973-06-13
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site, 7 mi S of Boulder. SE corner of plant site., 39.8783736 -105.1959048, 1775m
00209544 W. A. Weber 13200 1967-06-27
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Mesa top, junction of Coal Creek Canyon and Rocky Flats Roads, 9 miles S of Boulder., 39.86589 -105.24046
00209593 G.K. Arp 1428 1970-08-15
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, 5 miles west of the summit of Trout Creek Pass., 38.8470449 -105.9877087, 2591m
00209601 G.K. Arp 1384 1970-08-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer, 2 miles N of entrance to Owl Canyon along U.S. 187., 40.78804 -105.19085, 1524m
00209619 Gerald Arp 854 1969-10-27
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, At the junction of Colo. Highways 72 and 93, near the Dow Chemical Rocky Flats Plant.
00209627 W. A. Weber 4630 1949-05-06
United States, Colorado, Baca, East of Sand Creek Canyon., 37.5532887 -102.4771498
00209635 Paul H. Shaddle 77 1937-07-30
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Black Forest., 39.0130474 -104.7008128, 2133m
00209643 Alice Eastwood sn 1891-06-00
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Trinidad., 37.16946 -104.50054
00209650 T.P. Maslin 6002 1951-04-28
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Plains near Limon. (Rush Cr, 17 mi. S. of Limon)., 39.01727 -103.69234
00209668 Francis Ramaley 14622 1935-06-17
United States, Colorado, Saguache, San Luis Valley. Villa Grove., 38.2486041 -105.9491849
00209676 W. A. Weber sn 1951-05-14
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Plains at Franktown., 39.3913755 -104.7527574
00209684 W. A. Weber 6051 1951-05-23
United States, Colorado, Sedgwick, Vicinity of Ovid., 40.96055 -102.38797
00209734 W. A. Weber 6000 1951-05-13
United States, Colorado, Elbert, 14 mi E of Elbert., 39.2191735 -104.2759333
00209742 W. W. Robbins 4945 1908-00-00
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Near Beulah., 38.07501 -104.98666
00209759 G.K. Arp 1435 1970-08-15
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, 2 miles west of Buena Vista., 38.8422172 -106.1681998, 2438m
00209767 Gerald Arp 839 1969-08-16
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, 5 miles west of Westen, near the town of Trinidad., 37.13085 -104.75818, 1829m
00209775 G.K. Arp 870 1970-05-29
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, 1.4 mi. NW of north Table Mesa. East of Colo. 93., 1646m
00209783 W. A. Weber 12384 1965-06-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Foothills, about 10 mi. S of Virginia Dale., 40.809791 -105.349152
00209791 G.K. Arp 1612 1971-05-20
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee Buttes National Grassland; 13 miles NW of Keota., 40.83598 -104.10269, 1524m
00209809 Gerald Arp 828 1969-08-16
United States, Colorado, Baca, 1 mile S of Mount Carrizo, near Cottonwood Creek., 37.1475324 -103.0859745
00209817 W. A. Weber sn 1949-04-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Just NE of junction of Foothills Hwy. with Left Hand Canyon road, 8 mi N of Boulder., 40.1341691 -105.2815489, 1676m
00478040 D. Clark 1088 2000-06-27
United States, Colorado, Cheyenne, T12S R51W SEC4, 39.029954 -103.115918, 1550m
00605063 Craig C. Freeman 15573 2000-06-27
United States, Colorado, Cheyenne, Wild Horse, 0.1 mi SE. Above Big Sandy Creek., 38.82306 -102.99972, 1359m
00649707 Craig C. Freeman 16452 2000-08-23
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Hugo, 14 mi S, 1 mi E. Hugo State Wildlife Management Area, N part., 38.92306 -103.43028, 1417m
00659912 Craig C. Freeman 16336 2000-08-23
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Karval, 1 mi. S, 1.5 mi. E. Karval State Wildlife Management Area. Rocky, upland, shortgrass prairie along bluffs above tributary to Adobe Creek and muddy shoreline of Karval Lake., 38.715 -103.50611, 1521m
00685057 Craig C. Freeman 14322 2000-05-14
United States, Colorado, Kit Carson, Flagler, 3.5 mi. E. Flagler State Wildlife Area. Rocky shortgrass prairie on the West side of Flagler Lake., 39.29139 -102.99028, 1445m
00701029 Craig C. Freeman 14428 2000-05-15
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Limon, 5 mi. N, 0.5 mi. E. S-facing slope of Foncanyon Hill., 39.36 -103.66889, 1730m
00824623 Janet Wingate 8093 2003-05-27
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe, Plains Creek Conservation Center, West Bijou Creek property. 5,760 acres in the Denver Basin along West Bijou Creek, 38 miles SE of downtown Denver and 12 miles S of Strasburg., 39.5682436 -104.3033022, 1696m
00827840 Rea Orthner 1223 2003-05-14
United States, Colorado, Prowers, SE Colorado plains. Wind power farm, a few hundred feet southeast of wind turbine #52. On private property., 37.71102 -102.63185, 1341m
00878538 Emily A. Holt 111 2000-05-30
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Shavano Wildlife Area, 2.1 road mi on County Road 250 from junction with County Road 140, ca 3.5 air mi NW of Poncha Springs., 38.55778 -106.12565, 2530m
00937698 Charity Hall 53 1998-06-05
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Mountains: ca 3.9 road mi S on Oak Creek Grade Road from Canon City; from ca 0.5-2.5 trail mi past Tanner Trailhead, on and around the trail.
00943571 Ronald L. Hartman 64077 1999-05-11
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: on Colo Hwy 96, 1-1.5 air mi SE of Pueblo Reservoir dam., 38.29269 -104.55734, 1524m
02054013 Tim Hogan 5644 2016-06-02
United States, Colorado, BOULDER, City of Boulder Mountain Park, outwash terrain E of Mesa trail between Shadow Canyon and Bluestem drainages., 1829m
02136265 Ronald L. Hartman 66703 2000-05-22
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: ca 7 air mi WNW of Poncha Springs., 38.5999 -106.1243, 2530m
01989797 Ben Legler 7969 2008-05-16
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: low hills on south side of Ponil Creek, 3.9 air mi ESE of Cimarron.; 36.496315 -104.848831, 36.496315 -104.848831, 1906m
01989805 William Reid 101 1970-11-00
United States, New Mexico, 18 miles southwest of Taos, New Mexico along highway 64, 1829m
01989821 G. K. Arp 1804 1971-09-11
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Hilltop with Gambell's oak cover., 2286m
02412740 Sophia Warsh 710 2018-07-17
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Hall Ranch, Hat Rock, 1809m