COLO-B-0034833 C. R. Barnes; W. J. G. Land 373 1908-00-00
Mexico, Boundary between states Morelos and México, La Cima, 3018m
COLO-B-0055083 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon across from waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 38.878333 -104.923056, 2134m
COLO-B-0055089 R. C. Wittmann; W. A. Weber s.n. 2002-10-19
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, above along abandoned old carriage road to Cave of the Winds, Manitou, at head of box canyon across from waterfall; 7000 ft alt, 38° 52' 42" N 104° 55' 23" W, 2134m
COLO-B-0055093 Tass Kelso s.n. 2001-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, west of Colorado Springs, along old abandoned road to Cave of the Winds, in waterfall area
COLO-B-0055099 W. A. Weber; R. C. Wittmann and S. Kelso s.n. 2001-07-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Williams Canyon, a narrow V-shaped gorge, N edge of Manitou Springs, on old abandoned carriage road to Cave of the Winds, w-facing, upper part of the canyon; 6900 ft alt, 38° 12' 28" N 104° 55' 09" W, 38.207778 -104.919167, 2103m
COLO-B-0055105 Weber; Vaarama and Khanna s.n. 1963-10-26
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mts.: Cave Creek Canyon, betw. Portal and Rustlers Park
COLO-B-0055111 1985-03-28
Mexico, Veracruz
COLO-B-0055117 1989-01-06
COLO-B-0055123 William A. Weber; Gregory Kunkel B-44668 1973-10-07
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Gallinas Canyon, 5 mi W of Gallinas, NW of Las Vegas (Fr. Aresene's "Gallinas Canon Nord")