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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus asclepiadoides
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-22 of 22

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

00950576Winnifred Bull   sn1942-05-23
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Between Mack & State Line., 1311m

00311910Vlad Siplivinsky   37281982-06-10
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Along old Hwy 6, 3 mi E of Utah line, northwest of Mack., 39.2474829 -108.9671198, 1420m

00311928John Anderson   88-61988-05-03
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Ca. 1 mi W of Baxter Pass road on E side of Brewster Ridge., 39.3078033 -108.9993316, 1509m

00311936Arthur Cronquist   114341976-05-25
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Hills just west of West Salt Creek, ca 16 km airline northwest of Mack., 39.3388228 -108.9815416, 1450m

00311944C. William T. Penland   41461951-06-07
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Slopes above AB Canal; 7 miles east of Montrose., 38.49979 -107.77752, 1920m

00311951L. J. Brewster   sn
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Cedar Creek., 38.48653 -107.75776

00311969Edwin Payson   2821914-05-09
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Naturita., 38.21883 -108.56463, 1676m

00311977Edwin Payson   721913-05-01
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Near Montrose., 38.48 -107.87185, 1829m

00311985W. A. Weber   113201962-05-21
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Just below Bostwick Park, east of Montrose., 38.55283 -107.77968

00311993Wm. A. Weber   37331948-05-20
United States, Colorado, Garfield, South side of highway along Colorado River halfway between Grand Valley and DeBeque., 39.38496 -108.1241643

00312009W. A. Weber   74821952-05-30
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Along highway 7 mi. e. of Montrose., 38.49042 -107.74312, 1829m

00312017Weber   31391982-05-07
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado River Valley along Badger Creek north of Mack., 39.3227224 -108.9338186, 1463m

00312025Weber   31251982-05-07
United States, Colorado, Mesa, East part of Rabbit Valley, Colorado River Valley near Utah border, 0.5 mi S of Hwy 70., 39.1505496 -108.9452888, 1493m

00312033William A. Weber   123691965-05-16
United States, Colorado, Mesa, 3 mi. east of State Line Store.

01552850Noel H. Holmgren   24151965-08-11
United States, Utah, Garfield, Utah 54, 3 miles southeast of Escalante., 37.742107 -111.558689, 1768m

01552868S. L. Welsh   15171961-06-05
United States, Utah, Carbon, Growing in gray clay of Mancos shale formation, ca 1/4 mile north of the Emery Co, line, along highway US 50-6., 39.473373 -110.500817

01552876R. A. Bradley   53581949-07-21
United States, Utah, Uintah, Dinosaur Nat. Mon., 40.438457 -109.307112

01552884Fred Howard   581937-06-24
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Along Strawberry River below Stinking Spring, 38.697288 -109.264902, 2286 - 2591m

01552892Arthur Cronquist   114211976-05-24
United States, Utah, Emery, Just northeast of South Salt Wash, ca 20 km airline southeast of Moore., 38.90245 -110.9913, 1800m

01552900B. Albee   31021976-06-04
United States, Utah, Carbon, Ca. 2 miles east of the Sunnyside Jct. on Hwy. 6-50., 39.576697 -110.369008, 1646m

01552918M. D. Windham   92-71992-04-17
United States, Utah, Emery, Along small tribuatary of Road Draw at SE base of Calf Mesa ca. 4.15km WSW of the summit of Window Blind Peak. B.L.M. Bottleneck Peak Quad (7 1/2 min.), 39.030916 -110.700765, 1661m

02434983K. See   CO150A-392017-05-24
United States, Colorado, Approx. 4 mi NE of Montrose., 38.52155 -107.8176, 1834m

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