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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus spatulatus (Astragalus spatulatus var. uniflorus, Astragalus caespitosus, Orophaca caespitosa, Homalobus caespitosus)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-78 of 78

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

00394080Donald Hazlett   91311995-05-25
United States, Colorado, Weld, In Dave's Draw; ca. 1 m. E. of Rd 107. On Pawnee National Grassland., 40.8146153 -104.0332235, 1509m

00403220Donald Hazlett   109271999-06-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, East of Grover (7 miles), 40.8678867 -104.0972386, 1646m

00554345Jody K. Nelson   6411998-05-18
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site. 7 miles south of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment., 39.8780802 -105.1988861, 1845m

00878751Ronald L. Hartman   704832001-05-23
United States, Colorado, Moffat, North-central Colorado: Cedar Mountain, ca 6 air mi NW of Craig., 40.57551 -107.61491, 2210m

00902114Ronald L. Hartman   672872000-06-06
United States, Colorado, Moffat, North-central Colorado: County Road 38, ca 22 air mi N of Craig., 40.82918 -107.55486, 1996m

00923987Bethany Lewis   2172007-06-15
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, North Park, ca. 11 air miles SE of Walden., 40.5624 -106.22557, 2545m

00984302Dina Clark   31582010-06-04
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Soapstone Prairie, City of Fort Collins Natural Area, 25 miles north of Fort Collins just south of the Wyoming state line. Uplands above Spottlewood Creek at the east end of the property., 40.96698 -105.01727, 1893m

00328278W. A. Weber   48641949-06-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Owl Canyon, ca. 18 mi. n.w. of Ft. Collins., 40.76249 -105.17554

00328286Francis Ramaley   27211907-06-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Box Elder., 40.58139 -104.9825

00328294Francis Ramaley   27331907-06-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Owl Canyon., 40.76249 -105.17554

00328302Francis Ramaley   28601907-06-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Owl Canyon., 40.76249 -105.17554

00328310Francis Ramaley   28701907-06-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Red Mt.

00328328B.C. Johnston   16221978-05-31
United States, Colorado, Weld, Ca. 10 mi E of Rockport, Pawnee National Grassland., 40.9033486 -104.6116389

00328336W. A. Weber   144241971-05-20
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee Buttes National Grassland; top of escarpment 10 miles N of Keota., 40.84781 -104.07519, 1524m

00329292Ron Wittmann   16551981-05-24
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee National Grassland, vicinity of Pawnee Buttes. Along a dirt road., 40.8087547 -103.9843803

00329300Ron Wittmann   17021981-06-06
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Along Colorado Hwy 125 about 3 miles S of Cowdrey., 40.81853 -106.29446, 2400m

00329318Nan Lederer   97-501997-05-31
United States, Colorado, Logan, 20 miles NNW of Sterling; mounds called "Molly and Mable", along 25 Road just north of Flattop Butte., 40.88666 -103.34355, 1341m

00329326Nan Lederer   97-671997-06-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, NW corner of county, 2.5 mile S of Nebraska border, along Road 74., 40.9640418 -103.353723

00329334W. A. J. MacLeod   2741964-06-02
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Douglas Mt. Alongside road to Zenobia Peak 1.5 miles E of Dinosaur Nat'l Mon. boundary on E facing slope., 40.59646 -108.83708, 2438m

00329342Ronald L. Hartman   256961990-06-22
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Monument Butte, ca 6 air mi SW of Hamilton., 40.2969782 -107.6631231, 2126m

00329359R. A. Wolf   51061948-00-00
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Fire Lookout, summit of Roundtop Mountain, Dinosaur National Monument. Saddle just west of lookout., 40.4412 -108.9177, 2800m

00329367W. A. Weber   54091950-05-19
United States, Colorado, Moffat, 4 mi. n.w. of Elk Springs on Youghall road., 40.37416 -108.50924

00329375S. O'Kane   82-4121982-06-24
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 4.7 miles S of junction of Fawn Creek and Black Sulphur Creek., 39.7902629 -108.3184548, 2130m

00329383S. O'Kane   26961987-05-15
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. 1.25 mi W of Haystack Rock, 1.1 mi N of Bear Draw., 40.4649499 -108.6937957, 1987m

00329391S. O'Kane   27861987-05-18
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Ridge SW of E Cactus Flat, E of Thanksgiving Gorge., 40.4371964 -108.6035081, 2073m

00329409S. O'Kane   29821987-05-31
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Ridge of Round Top Mountain near Round Top Lookout., 40.4412349 -108.9208704, 2591m

00329417D.L. Denham   822191982-05-26
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Wagonroad Ridge, southwest section of the Piceance Basin at middle elevation., 39.80343 -108.4733, 2286m

00329425D.L. Denham   14411967-06-10
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Blue Mountain Plateau; near Moffat County road 14., 40.40195 -108.60323, 2133m

00329433W. A. Weber   74071952-05-17
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Summits along road to Roundtop Mt, Dinosaur National Monument., 40.41055 -108.98515, 2438m

00329441W. A. Weber   96281956-06-01
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Along road on upper slopes of Rountop Mountain, Dinosaur National Monument., 40.42101 -108.94619, 2438m

00329458William A. Weber   125051965-06-23
United States, Colorado, Moffat, 2 miles west of Sand Wash Creek crossing; Highway 138 between Sunbeam and Vermilion Creek., 40.6138219 -108.4052234

00329466B. Neely   39281987-05-14
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Ca 1 mi SE of Haystack Rock, S side of Yampa River., 40.4555071 -108.6560763, 1951m

00329474B. Neely   40341987-05-18
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Bench NE of East Cactus Flat, 1 mi S of Yampa River., 40.4531959 -108.5678113, 1975m

00329482B. Neely   40521987-05-18
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. S end of East Cactus Flat, E of Old Chuckwagon Road., 40.4347845 -108.5880326, 1981m

00329490B. Neely   40951987-05-27
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Ca 1 mi S of Mantle Ranch Road, 0.75 mi NW of Bear Valley Spring., 40.4362503 -108.7278691, 2408m

00329508B. Neely   42921987-06-12
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Summit and slopes W of Zenobia Peak. W of the Lookout Tower., 40.6070937 -108.8705511, 2743m

00329516B. Neely   44311987-06-26
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument. Ridge S of Warm Springs Draw, ca 2 mi W of Warm Springs Cedars., 40.5302205 -109.0048237, 2194m

00848051F. A. Branson   S.N.1962-05-03
United States, Wyoming, Albany, ca 6 miles S.E. of Cheyenne., 1859m

01570142Laura E. Lukas   87282009-06-07
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Saratoga Valley: Pass Creek and Overland Flats area, ca 2 air mi S of I-80 and Wyo Hwy 130 intersection, ca 18 air mi N of Saratoga., 41.7112 -106.8222, 2040 - 2042m

01570159Richard F. Harner   41978-05-30
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, T33N R89W., 42.824737 -107.501493, 2073m

01570167R. Harner   611978-06-08
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, 3 mi E of Gillette on Garner Lake Road., 1341m

01570175P. Hegeman   6871980-05-17
United States, Wyoming, Converse, 10 miles E. of Bill, WY on Dull Center Rd. Peabody Coal Co.; N Antelope., 43.23875 -105.07136, 1417m

01570183Barry C. Johnston   20471979-06-14
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Flat windswept limestone Ridge NE of Wyo. Hwy. 71 ca. 25 mi SS of Rawlins., 41.418677 -107.236856

01570191C. L. Hitchcock   16123
United States, Montana, Judith Basin

01570209Arthur Cronquist   114881976-05-30
United States, Utah, Uintah, Along Miner's Draw, shortly south of Cliff Ridge and ca 40 km airline east-southeast of Vernal., 40.342369 -109.107055, 1800m

01570217B. E. Nelson   350781995-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Great Divide Basin Area: Great Divide Basin: north end of Shamrock Hills just above Separation Flats, ca 19.5 air mi SSE of Bairoil; ca 16.5 air mi NNW of Rawlins., 41.97889 -107.4336, 2000 - 2027m

01570225B. E. Nelson   365151995-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Southern Salt River Range and Vicinity: Snow Hollow, ca 1 mi E of Boundary Ridge, Idaho, ca 6 air mi SW of Cokeville; ca 30.5 air mi NW of Kemmerer; SW 1/4 S27; also NW 1/4 S34., 2170 - 2274m

01570233Tom Cramer   85951995-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: ca 12 air mi N of Farson. SW1/4 S29., 2073m

01570241Ronald L. Hartman   580051997-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Range: headwaters of Pinto Creek, ca 9 air mi SW of Garrett., 42.024 -105.7513, 2104 - 2195m

01570258Robert Merrill King   116812001-05-27
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Along Wyoming 210 ~ 5 mi W of Cheyenne., 41.130301 -104.910399, 1958m

United States, Montana

01570274Peter Robinson   s.n.1989-05-28
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, 2 mi S of Sussex., 43.688512 -106.259269, 1380m

01570282David Martin   11581978-05-23
United States, Wyoming, Big Horn, Spring Road, near Medicine Lodge enclosure; Big Horn Mts., 1984m

01570290Arthur H. Holmgren   16547
United States, Idaho, Caribou

01570308Craig C. Freeman   125311999-06-04
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie, NW side of town; W bank of the Laramie River, immediately N of Curtis Street., 41.328179 -105.605676, 2173m

01570316B. E. Nelson   94921983-06-17
United States, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Bighorn Basin: above Buffalo Creek on the road to Little Buffalo Basin, ca 5 air mi N of Dickie, ca 40 air mi NW of Thermopolis., 44.0722 -108.74, 1799m

01570324Ron Wittmann   16831981-05-30
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Elkhorn Pt. Colo.-Wyo. Quadrangle, vicinity of Stovepipe Gulch., 41.065249 -106.406416, 2300 - 2600m

01570332Barry C. Johnston   20371979-06-13
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Along Wyoming Hwy. 71; ca. 16 mi South of Rawlins., 41.548811 -107.256016

01570340Leila M. Shultz   17021975-06-13
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, 5 miles S of Walcott along state hwy 130.

01570357Marion Ownbey   5591935-05-17
United States, Wyoming, Crook, 8 mi S of Hulett. Campstool Ranch., 44.5914 -104.6869, 1220m

01570365B. Albee   24611975-06-07
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Ayres Natural Bridge State Park, 45 mi SE of Casper; above picnic areas., 42.73436 -105.61143

01570373C. William   3974a1950-06-11
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, 12 miles W. of Rawlins., 41.790834 -107.471868

01570381C. L. Porter   54021950-06-28
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Along the Oregon Trail near Devils Gate on the Sweetwater River in southwestern Natrona County., 42.44857 -107.21022

01570399Bethany Lewis   232007-05-12
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Laramie Plains. 10 air miles southwest of Laramie., 41.186111 -105.728889, 2210m

01570407C. William   35661947-07-04
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, West of Baggs, near mouth of Sand Creek., 41.035798 -107.657569

01570415C. William   3974a1950-06-11
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, 12 miles W. Rawlins., 41.790834 -107.471868

01570431Mont E. Lewis   46871977-06-21
United States, Utah, Emery, Mahogany Point, North Horn., 39.265776 -111.184202, 2560m

01570449Aven Nelson   72891900-06-20
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie, dry hillsides., 41.311367 -105.591101

01570456Betsy Neely   21241984-06-10
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mine, 7 airmiles Southwest of Kemmerer., 2225m

01570464Betsy Neely   21141984-06-10
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mine, 7 airmiles southwest of Kemmerer., 2225m

01570472MA (Ben) Franklin   62121988-06-13
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest. West ridge of Right Fork Antelope Creek., 39.98776 -110.302189, 2073m

01570480Johnston   11951977-06-10
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, About 1 mi SE of Wyoming hwy 28 crossing South Pass., 2316m

01570498Leila M. Shultz   26291978-06-24
United States, Utah, Rich, Low hills on Hwy #30, 6.9 mi from Wyoming border.

01570506Bethany Lewis   72007-05-11
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Plains: Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge: ca 7 air mi NW of Laramie., 41.369667 -105.757433, 2210m

01570514Aven Nelson   72891900-06-20
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie, dry hillsides., 41.311367 -105.591101

01570522C. L. Hitchcock   16013
United States, Montana, Wheatland

02083236Ronald L. Hartman   256961990-06-22
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Monument Butte, ca 6 air mi SW of Hamilton., 40.3023 -107.6626, 2210m

United States, Utah, Uintah

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