00355156 G. E. Osterhout sn 1897-05-31
United States, Colorado, Jackson, North Park. Pinkhampton., 40.91585 -106.27901
00355164 John B. Hartwell 2506 1951-06-06
United States, Colorado, Montrose, 13 miles north of Morrow Point. Highway 92., 38.61385 -107.57956, 2438m
00355172 Alice Eastwood sn 1891-05-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos., 37.345 -108.28924
00355180 G. E. Osterhout 3244 1906-06-08
United States, Colorado, Grand, Sulphur Springs., 40.07305 -106.10279
00355198 Ralph K. Gierisch 2837 1964-06-30
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Near Gunnison Forest. Parlin Flat., 38.494095 -106.7516243, 2591m
00355206 S. O'Kane 82-41 1982-05-10
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 1 and 2/3 miles SSE of junction of Little Gillam Draw and County Road 64., 40.0786158 -108.7089759, 1910m
00355214 William F. Grey 1110 1981-06-21
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Little Soap Park (forest road 721), ca. 2 mi N of Comissary Campground., 2499m
00355222 H.N. Wheeler 467 1898-00-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Sapinero., 38.45943 -107.30228
00355230 M. MacLeod 367 1965-05-29
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Little Joe Basin on Cold Springs Mountain, 10 miles from Greystone., 40.78468 -108.81705, 2286m
00355248 Vlad Siplivinsky 1026 1981-05-24
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa Nat. For., 39.0042635 -108.2594734, 2073m
00355255 Ronald L. Hartman 24832 1990-05-27
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Deep Creek, ca 14 air mi W of Eagle., 39.6769934 -107.0931862, 2057m
00355263 Don Musso 44 1965-05-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 12 miles North Gunnison, Ohio Creek Rd., 2591m
00355271 Edwin Payson 236 1914-04-20
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Naturita., 38.21883 -108.56463, 1646m
00355289 William A. Weber 3334 1947-05-17
United States, Colorado, Garfield, 5 mi. n. of Rifle along Government Creek., 39.6055368 -107.803777, 1768m
00355297 W. A. Weber 5398 1950-05-19
United States, Colorado, Moffat, 2 mi. n.w. of Elk Springs on Youghall road., 40.35935 -108.47908
00355305 W. A. Weber 7324 1952-05-09
United States, Colorado, Grand, 10 mi. e. of Kremmling., 40.058707 -106.2001836
00355313 W. A. Weber 7333 1952-05-10
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Strawberry Creek, 7 mi. n. w. of Meeker., 40.08945 -107.97572, 1890m
00355321 W. A. Weber 7445 1952-05-29
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 4 mi. n. of Sapinero, along Soap Creek., 2286m
00355339 W. A. Weber 11316 1962-05-21
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon National Monument., 38.58115 -107.71518
00355347 W. A. Weber 16308 1982-06-24
United States, Colorado, Grand, Spring Creek Road, 3-4 mi NW of Green Mt. Reservoir., 39.9112468 -106.3739536, 2340m
00517615 Ronald L. Hartman 56608 1997-05-20
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 6 air mi SSE of Crawford., 38.6355419 -107.537493, 2240m
00517623 Ronald L. Hartman 56418 1997-05-17
United States, Colorado, Delta, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 7-8.5 air mi E to ESE of Hotchkiss., 38.7914126 -107.5811963
00517631 Kevin J. Taylor 1330 1997-06-13
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 18 air mi W of Gunnison., 38.5265613 -107.241164, 2731m
00569426 Kevin J. Taylor 5171 1998-05-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 6.5 air mi ENE of Gunnison., 38.5639545 -106.8065381, 2515m
00569434 Kevin J. Taylor 4847 1998-05-15
United States, Colorado, Delta, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 2.5 air mi NNE of Crawford., 38.7467493 -107.5995362, 1859m
00791640 Nan Lederer 4-03 2003-05-17
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Painted Wall Pullout. East side of road across from pullout. GPS waypoint: BB2., 38.57806 -107.71493, 2393m
00878793 Ronald L. Hartman 70572 2001-05-23
United States, Colorado, Moffat, North-central Colorado: Wymore Gulch, ca 7 air mi NE of Craig., 40.58877 -107.44322, 2103m
00896621 Melanie Arnett 3820 1999-05-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Southern Gunnison Basin: County Road 32 at Saguache County, ca 5.2 air mi ESE of Blaine Rock; ca 9 air mi SSW of Gunnison., 2621m
00902429 Ronald L. Hartman 67425 2000-06-08
United States, Colorado, Jackson, North-central Colorado: Park Range: ca 1.5 air mi SE of Pearl., 40.96956 -106.52174, 2865m
01705144 Tim Lowrey 251 1975-06-28
United States, Utah, Millard, House Range Flat, 5 mi. west of Swasey Peak., 1981m
01768472 R. Arjal 184 1978-06-24
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Sage-Greasewood; Southeast Exposure, 41.934823 -106.530085, 2164m
01768480 Richard F. Harner 106 1978-05-30
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Sagebrush-grassland, shallow ravine., 42.82509 -107.47172, 2042m
01768498 Richard F. Harner 342 1979-05-02
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, 5 miles east of Window Rock, Arizona. Pittsburg & Midway McKinley Mine., 35.68054 -108.96331
01768506 Noel H. Holmgren 1964 1965-06-19
United States, Utah, Carbon, Tavaputs Plateau, Bishop Ridge just above Pine Spring., 39.650712 -110.185589, 2499m
01768514 R. Spellenberg 1728 1967-06-13
United States, Idaho, Custer
01768522 Arthur Cronquist 11514 1976-06-02
United States, Utah, Uintah, Sagebrush table-land shortly north-east of Cliff Ridge, and ca 40+ km east-southeast of Vernal., 40.400194 -109.088122, 2300m
01768530 Leila M. Shultz 2585 1978-06-18
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Tunp Range, Sam's Creek drainage; 5 miles S of Lake Alice; ridgetop 1/4 mile west of road., 2195m
01768548 Barry C. Johnston 2046 1979-06-14
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, NE of Wyo. Hwy. 71 ca. 25 mi SS of Rawlins; Ridge running NNE on Eastern slope from Continental Divide Ridge., 41.418677 -107.236856
01768555 Louis Williams 565 1932-06-08
United States, Utah, Daggett, Summit Springs Ranger Station., 40.879124 40.879124, 2743m
01768563 Ron Wittmann 1673 1981-05-30
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Elkhorn Pt. Colo.-Wyo. Quadrangle, vicinity of Stovepipe Gulch., 41.065249 -106.406416, 2300 - 2600m
01768571 Bob Hutchins 7488 1978-05-27
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, Near Quaking Aspen Campground, 8 miles south of Ft. Wingate., 2316m
01768589 B.E. Nelson 34674 1995-05-23
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, Green Rivr Basin: along U.S. Hwy 191 ca 2-3 air mi S of East Fork River, ca 17 air mi SE of Pinedale., 2188 - 2207m
02083251 Ronald L. Hartman 24893 1990-05-27
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: 0.2-1 mi N of Glenwood Springs on quarry road and vicinity., 39.5583 -107.3306, 1981m
Trifolium gymnocarpon var. gymnocarpon Nutt.
02140705 Emily A. Holt 4548 2001-05-18
United States, Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Castle Peak Area, West Slope Continental Divide: just off Horse Mountain Ranch Road, 7.6 road mi S of State Bridge on Colo Hwy 131, ca 5 air mi N of Wolcott., 39.76365 -106.68079, 2377m
02237162 Michael K. Kirkpatrick 5672 2011-06-08
United States, Colorado, Eagle, South slope and ridgeline of Horse Mountain, N of County Road 54, ca 6 air mi E of Castle Peak and ca 5 air mi NW of Wolcott., 2378 - 2409m
02239606 Jessica Smith 23 2018-06-08
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, On gently sloping, southeast-facing ridge top, on eroded shale soils derived from the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation., 39.78823 -108.56723, 2621m
02435014 Ken Heil 22234 2003-07-22
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, San Juan National Forest. Southern San Juan Wilderness Area. Saddle between Long Trek Mountain & Montezuma Peak, 3783m