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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Juncus longistylis (Juncus longistylus, Juncus longistylis var. longistylis)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 118

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

00420422W. A. Weber   39971948-06-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, North of Baseline Road just east of Boulder., 40.0040187 -105.2107783

00420430E. Hall   5661862-00-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown, [No locality data provided on the label.]

00420448E. Hall   sn1862-00-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown, [No locality data provided on the label.]

00420455Wm. M. Canby   sn1871-08-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown, Mts. of Colorado.

00420463Richard Walter   2411959-07-16
United States, Colorado, Park, North End of South Park, Michigan Creek Drainage Area near Jefferson. Between road and Michigan Creek., 39.35514 -105.83402, 2896m

00420471Richard Walter   5741961-08-20
United States, Colorado, Park, North End of South Park, Michigan Creek Drainage Area near Jefferson., 39.43091 -105.90124, 3200m

00420489Richard Walter   6631962-08-10
United States, Colorado, Park, North End of South Park, Michigan Creek Drainage Area near Jefferson. Meadow where campground refuse is buried., 39.41868 -105.88579, 3124m

00420497Richard Walter   6811962-08-10
United States, Colorado, Park, North End of South Park, Michigan Creek Drainage Area near Jefferson. On the 74 Ranch., 3018m

00420505B.H. Smith   sn1884-07-04
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Denver., 39.7391489 -104.9847115

00420513B.H. Smith   sn1890-08-00
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Wagon Wheel Gap., 37.77445 -106.8314

00420521Dr. Geo. Smith   sn1871-08-00
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Plains near Denver., 39.7391489 -104.9847115

00420539Marcus E. Jones, A.M.   2141878-06-12
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Along the Platte River. Denver., 39.7299222 -105.0168862

00420547B. K. Stewart   1131938-07-28
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Three miles west of Creede., 37.84297 -106.95916, 2682m

00420554J. Ewan   152051943-08-08
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Lower Sheep Creek, vic. Grandview Rock, Pikes Peak., 38.8427627 -104.9738688, 2743m

00420562K. Richard Johnson   8841937-07-24
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Lake John., 40.78193 -106.4617, 2530m

00420570Marcus E. Jones, A.M.   2141878-06-12
United States, Colorado, Unknown-E, Along the Platte River. Denver., 39.7299222 -105.0168862

00420588Francis Ramaley   68401909-07-25
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Tolland., 39.9049855 -105.5891706

00420596Francis Ramaley   150581935-07-06
United States, Colorado, Huerfano, Along the Sangre de Cristo Creek west of La Veta Pass., 37.6034634 -105.2292656

00420604Francis Ramaley   158201936-08-02
United States, Colorado, Costilla, Ute Creek near Ft. Garland., 37.4283025 -105.4412692

00420612Francis Ramaley   155791936-07-22
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Along Saguache Creek., 38.111035 -106.4837421, 2591m

00420620Francis Ramaley   13511905-00-00
United States, Colorado, Teller, Near Florissant., 38.94582 -105.28944, 2400m

00420638Francis Ramaley   115311918-08-16
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Rollinsville., 39.9172022 -105.5011196

00420646R.C. Wittmann   4901979-07-08
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Broadway and Marshall Road. Just south of Boulder city limit., 39.9714603 -105.237144, 1670m

00420653G. E. Osterhout   56441917-07-11
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Moraine Park., 40.35333 -105.60278

00420661R.C. Wittmann   25771983-08-07
United States, Colorado, Boulder, National Bureau of Standards and Enchanted Mesa west into Boulder Mountain Parks., 39.9913955 -105.2718152, 1750m

00420679J.M. Friedman   391991-07-26
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Plum Creek, between Sedalia and Louviers., 39.4672302 -104.9960285, 1720m

00420687M. Huntting   1241993-06-11
United States, Colorado, Boulder, South Boulder Foothills., 39.9616225 -105.2697538, 1817m

00420695Tim Hogan   18651992-07-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Mt. Parks. Enchanted Mesa & lower Skunk Creek., 39.9852802 -105.2784086, 1768m

00420703Tim Hogan   21981993-06-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder, NCAR Mesa., 39.9818136 -105.273698, 1798m

00420711W. A. Weber   180841990-08-10
United States, Colorado, Park, South Park. High Creek Fen, 8-10 miles S of Fairplay., 3048m

00420729Heidi H. Schmidt   3451987-07-17
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, 1 mile northeast of the jct. of the North Fork of South Platte and South Platte rivers., 39.4138452 -105.1563054, 1926m

00420745Janet Wingate   19511982-08-16
United States, Colorado, Teller, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Twin Rocks Valley ¼ mi W of Monument boundary (Area E)., 38.9258675 -105.2507865, 2620m

00420752Janet Wingate   49141987-07-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Front Range, Horseshoe Park alluvial fan at mouth of Roaring River., 40.4095606 -105.6346182, 2609m

00420760L. Yeatts   18661988-07-13
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Moraine Park, near old homesite at base of gentle slope., 40.3541985 -105.5921762, 2438m

00420778Donald Hazlett   92911995-07-03
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee National Grassland. E of Hwy. 71 ca. 19 mi. N of Stoneham. Along Two Mile Creek., 40.7891948 -103.6690544, 1417m

00420786J. Sanderson   9761995-07-18
United States, Colorado, Larimer, On SW edge of Loveland., 40.385546 -105.0312717, 1494m

00420794Nan Lederer   97-951997-07-11
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountain Valley, Kennicott Ranch, 4 miles NW of Westcliffe., 38.1831068 -105.514105, 2377m

00420802Carol Miller   201961-05-30
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument. Along Monument Canyon trail.

00420810D.A. Spencer   sn1954-08-07
United States, Colorado, Summit, Along Blue River upstream from Green Mountain reservoir.

00420828Jean Langenheim   15271951-08-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Cement Creek Travertine Bog., 2743m

00420836H.D. Harrington   19761946-06-22
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Red Canyon Creek. Bench of Yampa Canyon in W. Moffat Co., 40.45416 -108.93296, 1981m

00420844H.D. Harrington   21891946-06-02
United States, Colorado, Routt, 14 miles west of Steamboat Springs.

00420851Jane Green   831950-06-19
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Gem Village, Marach's ranch; along side of large ditch., 37.21917 -107.63728

00420869Jane Green   2091950-07-05
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Karl Ostwald Ranch 2 miles E of Bayfield., 37.22572 -107.56191

00420877W. A. Weber   70811951-07-28
United States, Colorado, Routt, Ben Munger Ranch just west of Elk Mountain, ca. 10 mi. W of Steamboat Springs., 40.56998 -106.99589

00420885W. A. Weber   143841970-09-05
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Cold Spring Mountain; Upper Talamanta Creek at The Pines., 40.9247524 -108.8901887, 2377m

00420893W. A. Weber   115251962-07-12
United States, Colorado, Pitkin, Lower Snowmass Creek just below the earthslide., 39.20441 -106.99004

00420901W. A. Weber   125821965-06-25
United States, Colorado, Moffat, Whisky Springs Ranch, 4 miles above Greystone on Zenobia Peak road., 40.5819221 -108.7281076, 2286m

00420919Vlad Siplivinsky   12851981-06-22
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa Nat. For. Old Road on N slope of plateau E of Mesa Creek., 39.0790973 -108.1134235, 2484m

00420927W. A. Weber   169141983-08-01
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument. South rim; just SW of Visitor's Center., 38.55382 -107.68824, 2469m

00420935W. A. Weber   167461983-06-28
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument. South rim; 1.2 mi. S of Visitor's Center., 38.53853 -107.68855

00420943Claudia Rector   7141983-06-22
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument. Black Ridge maintenance road ½ mi. W of Rim Road. Boarded-up spring dated 1936.

00420950Marilyn Colyer   12341995-08-09
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, La Plata Mts.; Echo Basin, road 556H, Spencer Mill road, 0.8 mi. from jct. with road 566.

00420968Marilyn Colyer   12491996-07-22
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mesa Verde Nat. Park; Yucca House, east of new acquisition., 37.24888 -108.68407

00420976Gwen Kittel   2001991-06-04
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Tabeguache Cr, 4 mi E of confluence with San Miguel River., 38.3608966 -108.6119697, 1692m

00420984Lynn Marie Moore   88001995-08-19
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Upper Dolores River Drainage and adjacent areas: San Juan NF: ca 11 air mi NE of Mancos in the Bear Creek drainage area, Forest Trail 607., 37.5011998 -108.0896387, 2804m

00420992B. E. Nelson   182421989-08-13
United States, Colorado, Grand, Park Range; ca 9 air mi NW of Kremmling, above North Fork Pass Creek on Red Dirt Rd., 40.1438329 -106.5300054, 2637m

00421008D. Randolph   13311993-08-23
United States, Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest, along Willow Creek, 0.7 miles downstream of confluence with Sawmill Gulch, 9.7 miles up Hwy 125 from Hwy 40., 40.2206753 -106.055222, 2579m

00421016G. Kittel   25811993-07-09
United States, Colorado, Eagle, White River NF; Cottonwood Creek, 0.2 mile downstream from Sawmill Gulch confluence., 39.527442 -107.0375801, 2341m

00421024Nan Lederer   35281992-07-27
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Buzzard Creek at confluence with Porter Creek in Grand Mesa National Forest, 15 mi. east of Collbran., 39.24429 -107.68196, 2402m

00421032Vlad Siplivinsky   20551981-08-20
United States, Colorado, Delta, Gunnison National Forest, West Muddy Creek Valley., 39.1313765 -107.5776141, 2621m

00421040Vlad Siplivinsky   23221981-09-04
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Uncompahgre National Forest, Fair Creek Canyon., 38.7198157 -108.633244, 2469m

00421057Vlad Siplivinsky   19931981-08-14
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa National Forest, Buzzard Creek Valley. Mouth of Beaver Creek., 39.2573461 -107.6975353, 2195m

00428730Loraine Yeatts   40761997-08-26
United States, Colorado, Park, Mosquito Range, San Isabel NF, wetland below Rough & Tumbling Creek and Lynch Creek., 39.041817 -106.1144564, 3018m

00540641G. Varney   772001-09-11
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Forest, Pineries Ranch, Snipe Creek drainage., 39.0363147 -104.634531, 2286m

00553172Jody K. Nelson   1901995-07-11
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site. 7 miles south of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment. West of apple orchard south of plantsite., 39.8811086 -105.2085899, 1830m

00787630Tim Hogan   41322003-06-28
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Along the "Upland Trail", south of South Rim Visitor Center. GPS waypoint: AB15., 38.54527 -107.69091, 2530m

00787648Nan Lederer   03-982003-06-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Curecanti National Recreation Area. Trail along Lake Fork of Gunnison River (old RR grade), north of Gateview Campground. GPS waypoint: BC4., 2292m

00787655Dina Clark   20112003-06-15
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Dead Horse Stockpond. Along Deadhorse Trail near the Kneeling Camel Overlook on the North Rim Road. GPS waypoint: AB10., 38.55818 -107.66403, 2426m

00832675Nan Lederer   32721992-06-29
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Vaughn Creek in the Flat Tops, 6 mi. SW of Buford., 39.90948 -107.66097, 2268m

00874420B. Brouwer   06.192A2006-06-20
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Pike National Forest, off Pikes Peak Toll Rd. at Crowe Gulch Water Station. Cascade Cr. drainage, along Forest Rd. 331., 38.89874 -105.00146, 2621m

00889543Pam Regensberg   2762006-08-06
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley. Ca. 5.5 miles WSW of Crestone. Ca. ½ mile S of County Road Ton N. Crestone Ditch bank., 37.98074 -105.78543, 2316m

00889956Pam Regensberg   1762006-07-07
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley. Ca. 2 air miles WSW of Crestone. Ca. ½ mile S of County Rd. T; ¼ mile E of Ranch HQ. On bank of Crestone Creek., 37.97831 -105.7265, 2350m

00933523Brian Elliott   8817b1999-07-16
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity. Wet Mountain Valley, ca 7 air mi S of Silver Cliff on County Road 119., 38.03955 -105.44321, 2451m

00943043Brian Elliott   45131998-07-29
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Park Plateau: below North Lake Dam, S of Cuchara Pass on Colo Hwy 12., 37.23735 -105.03152, 2591m

00971853Mike Figgs   sn2010-07-07
United States, Colorado, Routt, Vicinity of Wolf Creek, 3-4 miles N of US Hwy. 40 and ca. 8 miles ENE of Hayden., 40.54038 -107.10306, 2377m

00989756N. Snow   90522002-08-18
United States, Colorado, Grand, US Forest Service Road 112, ca. 11 air miles NW of Hot Sulphur Springs, and ca.12.4 road miles to US Hwy 40., 40.16722 -106.13833, 3230m

01798438Francis Daniels   2491906-06-30
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Southeast of Boulder., 1676m

01807122Pam Regensberg   8192012-06-18
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley; ca. 1.8 miles southwest of Crestone and ca. 50 meters west of road to Refuge headquarters., 37.97924 -105.72491, 2348m

01819606Melissa Islam   12-2582012-06-20
United States, Colorado, Saguache, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley; ca. 6.5 air miles southwest of Crestone. Willow Meadows near Lexam Road., 37.928339 -105.780451, 2312m

01824358Janet L. Wingate   93562012-07-16
United States, Colorado, Conejos, Conejos River, ca. 6.0 miles N of New Mexico State line, near Aspen Glade Campground., 2589m

02055697Mathew T. Sharples   2712013-06-25
United States, Colorado, Conejos, Rio Grande National Forest; ~10 miles ENE of Platoro; N side of Alamosa River, just W of Phillips University Camp, 37.3784 -106.34348, 2621m

02169217Melissa Islam   7292013-06-12
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Upper Arkansas River Valley. San Isabel Land Protection Trust private ranch, ca. 6.87 air miles southwest of Florence. About a ½ mile south of Chandler Road (Co. Rd 78). Along creek behind buildings., 38.34068 -105.20791, 1792m

02169209Melissa Islam   6862013-06-10
United States, Colorado, Pueblo, Upper Arkansas River Valley. Palmer Land Trust private ranch, ca. 3 air miles northeast of Beulah. Property is about ¾ of a mile west of Siloam Road with the property entrance off of Even Road. Along Galbeth Creek., 38.11921 -104.95502, 2055m

02201945Janet L. Wingate   101192014-07-11
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Rio Grande River and Road 520, N of Road Canyon Reservoir #1 and Shotgun Mt, W of Road 149.; 37.79032 -107.16668, 37.79032 -107.16668, 2785m

02198133Ben Legler   95212008-07-10
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: pond in Caliente Canyon 1.3 air mi NW of mouth of Ben Thompson Canyon., 36.884773 -104.78862, 2275m

02198141Ben Legler   50922007-06-27
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: on ridgeline between Crow Canyon and Number Eight Canyon, 1.5 mi S of NM Hwy 555., 36.86583333 -104.7030556, 2450m

02198158Johnnie L. Gentry, Jr.   22301968-08-01
United States, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley Mountains, along Middle Fork of the Santa Clara River., 37.363004 -113.447881, 2195m

02198166Luanne Lum   44702002-07-17
United States, Wyoming, Park, Bighorn Basin: along BLM Road 1314 and Greybull River, ca 14 air mi WSW of Meeteetse., 44.102 -109.1415, 2006 - 2041m

02198174Luanne Lum   9372001-07-23
United States, Wyoming, Park, Bighorn Basin: along Wood River or County Road 4DT crossing Wood River, ca 9.8 air mi SSW of Meeteetse., 44.0428 -108.9811, 1957m

02198182Arnold Tiehm   13737
United States, Nevada, Nye

02198190Ronald L. Hartman   731102001-07-30
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: La Jara Creek and holding pond from corral on road to 0.9 air mi NW of summit of Cerro La Jara., 35.85706 -106.491, 2610m

02198208B. E. Nelson   604012003-08-15
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: along H Road ca 1/4-1/3 mi S of Rio Arriba County, ca 1 3/4 air mi N of San Antonio Creek in Valle San Antonio, ca 16.5 air mi NW of Los Alamos., 35.9968 -106.5613, 2988m

02198216Arnold Tiehm   15264
United States, Nevada, Humboldt

02198224Brian Reif   82472003-08-09
United States, New Mexico, Mora, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Pecos Wilderness: Rio Medio Trail 351, 9 air mi N of Cowles. NE 1.1 air mi to junction with Trail 351A (to Joe Vigil Lake)., 35.9372 -105.6776, 2976 - 3232m

02198232Brian Reif   19322002-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: Escondido/Bear Springs off Forest Road 77, 5.5 air mi NNW of Coyote. W from Forest Road 77 to intermittent stream, then 0.7 air mi to Escondido Spring, then S 0.5 air mi to Bear Spring., 36.23855 -106.644117, 2524 - 2640m

02198240Western Resource Development Corporation   s.n.1979-05-00
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, SW Green Mt area, 14 mi S of Jeffery City., 42.3833 -107.9167, 2134 - 3048m

02198257Cyndie Holmes   3541995-06-08
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, 1.5 mi E of AZ border; up Sanostee Wash to about 13 mi W of Sanostee., 36.418611 -109.016944, 1951m

02198265Klaus H. Lackschewitz   5210
United States, Montana, Ravalli

02198273Klaus H. Lackschewitz   5811
United States, Montana, Deer Lodge

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