00554477 Jody K. Nelson 212 1995-08-08
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Rocky Flats Site. 7 miles south of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment. Lindsay Ranch Pond., 39.9015038 -105.2155185, 1799m
00430462 Francis Ramaley 15868 1936-08-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder. West of Community Hospital., 40.0261809 -105.2839068, 1615m
00430603 W. A. Weber 18298 1991-07-13
United States, Colorado, Baca, Breaks of Picture Canyon., 37.0182786 -102.7432097
00430454 Ramaley 16299 1937-09-14
United States, Colorado, Weld, Roggen., 40.1674796 -104.3721842
00430470 Francis Ramaley 12387 1930-07-25
United States, Colorado, Weld, Roggen., 40.1674796 -104.3721842
00430488 Francis Ramaley 12033 1928-07-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Roggen. Sand Hill., 40.1674796 -104.3721842
00430496 Francis Ramaley 12570 1930-08-29
United States, Colorado, Weld, Roggen. Sand Hill., 40.1674796 -104.3721842
00430504 W. Huestis sn 1916-07-22
United States, Colorado, Denver, Valverde., 39.6969184 -105.0027654
00430512 J. A. Ewan 12261 1940-08-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, At White Rock, NE Valmont., 40.0466922 -105.1439577
00430520 J. Ewan 14547 1942-08-05
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Wadsworth sta, on Arvada electric line., 1676m
00430538 L.J. Dorr 545 1977-07-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Roadside, Hwy 24, 1 mi N of Peyton., 39.0261125 -104.4642512
00430546 Harold W. Campbell 575 1933-08-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Gregory Canyon., 39.9997397 -105.2900418
00430553 A. J. Evans 309 1915-08-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Pool N of tile mill., 40.0149774 -105.2705492
00430561 Francis Ramaley 12388 1930-07-25
United States, Colorado, Weld, Roggen. Sand Hill., 40.1674796 -104.3721842
00430587 Marcus E. Jones A.M. 525 1878-08-02
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Foot Hills near Golden., 39.75045 -105.26281, 2134m
00430595 H.H. Iltis 18645 1961-08-13
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Ca. 18 miles S of Hugo., 38.87528 -103.47, 1615m
00430611 W. A. Weber 18449 1991-09-07
United States, Colorado, Baca, Picture Canyon., 37.0181872 -102.743145
00430629 W. A. Weber 7201 1951-08-14
United States, Colorado, Sedgwick, Vicinity of Julesburg., 40.98832 -102.26436
00430637 W. A. Weber 13378 1967-07-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Bohn Lake, NE base of Table Mt, 11 mi N of Boulder., 40.1466507 -105.2122145, 1524m
00430645 W. A. Weber 12980 1966-09-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Margin of artificial pool, 28th St. and Penn, Boulder., 40.0077683 -105.2591675
00430652 W. A. Weber 5039 1949-08-04
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Mesas 3 mi S of Lyons., 40.1810619 -105.2712878
00430660 W. A. Weber 17487 1985-08-15
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Floodplain of South Boulder Creek SW of Cherryvale Road-Baseline Road intersection, on City of Boulder Open Space., 39.9827642 -105.2205867
00430678 W. A. Weber 17820 1986-07-25
United States, Colorado, Boulder, City of Boulder Open Space; Boulder Valley Ranch, 3 mi N of Boulder., 40.080063 -105.2634165, 1646m
00430686 W. A. Weber 7892 1952-06-30
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Along Boulder Creek on Sullivan's Place, south of Gunbarrel Hill and White Rocks, 8 mi NE of Boulder., 40.0529186 -105.1505832, 1585m
00430694 Janet Wingate 706 1981-07-20
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Chatfield Arboretum site, Denver Botanical Gardens, located at junction of Highway 75 and Deer Creek Road. In southeast corner of property., 39.54953 -105.08737, 1676m
00430702 C.M. Rogers 5262 1947-08-04
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Mesa de Maya. Near Troy., 37.15485 -103.34406
00430710 Nan Lederer 4451 1994-08-23
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Castlewood Canyon State Park. 4.5 miles southeast of Castle Rock., 39.3407787 -104.7654924, 1951m
00430728 Tim Hogan 2347 1993-08-06
United States, Colorado, Boulder, City of Boulder Open Space, Doudy Draw. Spring Creek slough., 39.9302472 -105.2709065, 1798m
00430736 Friedman 51 1991-07-15
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Plum Creek, between Sedalia and Louviers., 39.4672302 -104.9960285, 1720m
00430744 Donald Hazlett 10136 1997-09-02
United States, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee National Grassland. Along Willow Creek., 40.7932217 -104.4526143, 1554m
00430751 Ron Wittman 1865 1981-08-14
United States, Colorado, Yuma, S shore of Bonny Reservoir., 39.6077974 -102.1714602, 1150m
00430769 Ron Wittman 1859 1981-08-13
United States, Colorado, Yuma, S shore of Bonny Reservoir., 39.6071085 -102.1939303, 1150m
00430777 R. Wittmann 875 1979-10-01
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Baseline Lake. W of Cherryvale Road and the Lake. 4 mi E of Boulder. Along road embankment near the high water level., 39.9916515 -105.2138797, 1600m
00430785 H. Stevens 98-80 1998-09-15
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Steele ranch. Along West Kiowa Creek. 1 mile south of Elbert County border., 39.1106643 -104.5957227, 2195m
00430793 L.J. Brewster sn
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Montrose., 38.4783102 -107.8761874
00430801 Kathy Fenton sn 1980-00-00
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Southeast of Mack., 39.2116 -108.84934
00430819 Joan Young 215 1983-09-28
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Junction. Along irrigation ditch, F Road and 26 3/4 Road.
00430827 H. Owen 9 1964-07-20
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Spruce Haven, 12 mi. N of Durango., 37.47111 -107.79867, 2286m
00430835 Ivan Way sn 1916-00-00
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Oxford., 37.16889 -107.71422
00430959 L.J. Brewster sn
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Montrose., 38.4783102 -107.8761874
00479469 D. Clark 1407 2000-08-16
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, County Road S. Spring near Little Horse Creek., 38.7366884 -103.8369137, 1600m
00635839 Craig C. Freeman 15832 2000-08-19
United States, Colorado, Kit Carson, Flagler, 3.5 mi E. Flagler State Wildlife Area, N. side. Banks of South Fork Republican River., 39.29472 -102.98833, 1426m
00635904 D. Clark 1858 2002-07-29
United States, Colorado, Yuma, Fox Ranch, ca. ten miles NE of Kirk, and six miles N of Hwy. 36. East of County Road P. Between channels of the Arickaree River., 39.75001 -102.52672, 933m
00654798 Craig C. Freeman 16442 2000-08-23
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Hugo, 14 mi S, 1 mi E; Hugo State Wildlife Managemant Area, N part., 38.92306 -103.43028
00694455 Rea Orthner 1106 2002-04-27
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Denver Metro Area. Along Bear Creek east of South Wadsworth Avenue in Lakewood., 39.65959 -105.0779, 1634m
00863860 Dina Clark 2326 2005-08-10
United States, Colorado, Lincoln, Approx. 3 miles N of Punkin Center along Hwy. 71 just north of Rd. 2D and S. Rush Creek., 38.9028 -103.70076, 1591m
00898478 Richard Scully 250 2007-08-05
United States, Colorado, Boulder, 3 miles E of Lyons, NW corner of McCall Lake., 1580m
00901710 Richard Scully 220 2007-07-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Small pond ca. ½ mile SE of Lyons., 1615m
00908848 Francis Daniels 508 1906-07-19
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Swales along railroad between Boulder and Marshall., 1646m
00938217 Dina Clark 2751 2008-08-13
United States, Colorado, Yuma, Approx. 13 miles northwest of Idalia, along the north side of the Arikaree River, east of County Road U., 39.74831 -102.55077, 1224m
01811058 K. Fatt 20 2013-09-03
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Black Squirrel Creek drainage, Shaw Ranch, 4 mi S of Highway 24 and 2 mi N of Judge Orr Rd. 0.25 mi E of Bijou Basin Road., 38.96777 -104.47187, 2010m
01073410 Ben Legler 9895 2008-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: at E base of a small hill below water supply tower 1.5 air mi SW of Cimarron. 36.504116°N,104.940475°W; WGS 84, GPS Reading; Elev. 6524 ft, 36.504116 -104.940475, 1989m
01680883 Samuel Brisson 11356 1966-07-12
Canada, Quebec, Chemin du lac Breechees, canton de Garthby, comte de Wolfe. Baissiere humide sur une ferme abandonnee
01680891 Claude Hamel 12610 1967-07-20
Canada, Quebec, Lac Aylmer, canton de Stratford, comte de Wolfe. Embouchure de la riviere Maskinonge. Dune sablonneuse
01680909 R. Dale Thomas 20352 1970-07-29
United States, Arkansas, Sharp, Beside Big Creek and US 167 just S of Ash Flat
01680917 C. L. Hitchcock 19677 1952-07-15
United States, Oregon, Baker, About 3 mi S of haines, N of Baker
01680925 Hollis Marriott 5113 1983-07-28
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills, Redwater Cr, ca 2.2 air mi WNW of Beulah. T53N R61W S26 SE1/4. Elev 3600 ft., 44.5533 -104.1403, 1097m
01680933 P. Nighswonger 2778 1988-09-24
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Upper end of Lake Etling, Black Mesa State Park., 36.846139 -102.875985
01680941 K. H. Thorne 6683 1989-07-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Aspen Grove, ca 1.5 mi E of lodge; ca 7500 ft alt, T5S, R3E, SEC8, 40.399111 -111.630421, 2286m
01680958 P. Nighswonger 2982 1989-09-30
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Near old Faulkner Store; 18 mi NW of Alva., 36.928491 -98.947701
01680966 V. L. Harms 37519 1987-07-14
Canada, Saskatchewan, Souris River Valley. 9 mi W & 1.5 mi N of Midale. E side of SW 1/4, Sec 29 T5 R12 W2. Near river shores
01680974 Richard R. Halse 4816 1994-08-08
United States, Oregon, Morrow, Boardman; on the shore of the Columbia River in the city marina/park; elev ca 79 m. T4N R25E S8, 79m
01680982 W. A. Weber 347 1936-09-09
United States, New York, Richmond, Oakwood Heights
01680990 W. H. Over 7077 1913-08-15
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Rockerville
01681006 K. P. Jameson s.n. 1937-09-20
United States, Connecticut, New London, near Connecticut College
01681014 T.G. Yuncker 10771 1941-08-31
United States, Indiana, Lagrange, Margin of Eve Lake
01681022 John W. Moore 18842 1946-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Mayhew Creek, Mayhew Creek Valley NE of East St. Cloud.
01681030 James Kucyniak 2780 1951-09-21
Canada, Quebec, St-Eustache-sur-le-Lac, comte des Deux-Montagnes: sure la greve. Propriete Mathys
01681048 W. B. Schofield 1494 1950-08-19
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill District, Gillam, near settlement
01681055 George Neville Jones 19769 1953-08-04
United States, South Dakota, Along stream near Legion Lake Custer state Park
01681063 C. E. Garton 4272 1956-08-13
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District. S end of Surprise Lake, Silver Islet, Sibley Peninsula
01681071 V. Blais 10645 1965-08-02
Canada, Quebec, Breeches Lake, a l'ouest de Disraeli, canton de Garthy, comte de Wolfe. Aulnaie sur la berge de la riviere, decharge
01681089 John R. Bozeman 7586 1966-08-22
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Meadow adjacent to the airport off US 64 SE of Franklin; 1 mi S of jct with US 441
01681154 Lloyd H. Shinners 13623 1952-07-31
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, 11 airline miles sw of cheboygan
01681162 W. A. Weber 2545 1941-07-23
Canada, British Columbia, 49 mi W of Kamloops
01681170 W. A. Weber 2595 1941-08-01
Canada, British Columbia, NW of Teapot Mt, 4 mi N of Summit Lake Landing, 31 mi N of Prince George
01681188 William A. Weber 1729 1939-08-06
United States, New York, Columbia, Camp Waubeeka, near Copake
01681196 William A. Weber 1853 1939-08-18
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Mrs. Correll's place, S of Northrop Camp, Mt. Washington
United States, Ohio, Richland
01827245 Dina Clark 3887 2013-09-23
United States, COLORADO, YUMA, Headwaters of the Republican River, east end of County Road BB, 40.032637 -102.348928, 1125m