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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus praelongus, Astragalus praelongus var. praelongus (Astragalus pattersonii var. praelongus, Astragalus recendens, Astragalus recedens), Astragalus praelongus var. ellisiae, Astragalus praelongus var. lonchopus, Astragalus praelongus var. avonensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-37 of 37

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

00473611Marilyn Colyer   14172000-06-16
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Ute Mountain Reserve, Towaoc, along road at east end of town.

00972471Rick Harner   sn2010-05-31
United States, Colorado, Delta, 0.5 to 1.2 mi west of Highway 50 on Dominguez Canyon Road., 38.80886 -108.29988, 1554m

00982579Rick Harner   sn2011-04-28
United States, Colorado, Delta, Approx 4 mi north of Delta, along Devil's Thumb Road., 38.8036 -108.06918, 1615m

00325951Weber   159341981-05-12
United States, Colorado, Mesa, North entrance to Colorado National Monument.

00325969Weber   159341981-05-12
United States, Colorado, Mesa, North entrance to Colorado National Monument.

00325977Lynn Marie Moore   72541995-07-16
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Upper Dolores River Drainage and Adjacent Areas: Lone Cone State Wildlife Area: E of County Road 31.00, ca 25 air mi N of Dolores at Morrison Creek., 37.8431572 -108.3110876, 2530m

00325985Jim Ratzloff   sn1978-05-17
United States, Colorado, Delta, Between Paonia and Crawford., 38.8089833 -107.6279358, 1768m

00325993W. A. Weber   47431949-06-09
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Benches in Gypsum Valley north of Gypsum Gap.

00326009W. A. Weber   112621962-05-17
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Colorado National Monument just south of Colorado River and Fruita.

00326017C. F. Baker   2781901-06-28
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Cimarron., 38.44317 -107.55659, 2103m

00326025W. A. Weber   121061964-05-25
United States, Colorado, Mesa, 8 mi. N of Loma.

00326033Jim Ratzloff   sn1978-05-21
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Silveys Pocket, NW of jct of Little Gypsum Creek with Dolores River., 38.2025189 -108.979027, 1615m

00326041S. Flowers   341960-06-30
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, Two miles above Arboles., 37.0565788 -107.4142355, 1829m

00326058Vlad Siplivinsky   33941982-00-00
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Little Gypsum Valley N of Gypsum Gap., 38.16108 -108.92403

00326066Vlad Siplivinsky   36981982-06-09
United States, Colorado, Mesa, West bank of West Salt Creek near old Hwy. 6 W of Mack., 1390m

00326074W. A. Weber   153661978-06-14
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Between Rifle Gap and Fish Hatchery., 39.6401886 -107.7218316

00326082W. A. Weber   160361982-05-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Little Gypsum Valley 25 mi N of Hwy. 114., 38.15974 -108.92002, 1600m

00326090W. A. Weber   174771985-05-18
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Badger Wash Road, just northwest of Mack.

00822825G. Rink   33462004-05-28
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Private land near Yucca House National Monument, just north of the Ishmay Ranch House., 37.252758 -108.688121, 1812m

00920181Anne Cully   NPS-72002-06-12
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos. National Park Service. Yucca House National Monument, growing on east ruin complex., 37.24888 -108.68407

01567056Frank W. Gould   16171942-04-21
United States, Utah, Washington, One mile west of St. George, 37.102305 -113.595471, 853m

01567064John Thomas Howell   s.n.1950-05-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Havasu Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park., 36.275491 -112.723043

01567072S. L. Welsh   16941962-05-04
United States, Utah, Kane, Willow tank; ca. 17 miles south of Garfield Co. line, along road to Hole-in-the-Rock, 37.3567 -111.1392

01567080Larry C. Higgins   12791968-04-30
United States, Utah, Emery, Ca. 26 miles southwest of Greenriver along hwy 24., 38.731567 -110.479655

01567098James L. Reveal   7631967-06-04
United States, Utah, Garfield, 1.5 miles south of the junction of the Cottonwood Wash Road with Utah 54 at Cannonville, 37.54 -112.05, 1768 - 1768m

01567106S. L. Welsh   17151962-05-06
United States, Utah, Sevier, East of the junction of Highways 89 and 13, ca. 5 miles south of Sevier, 38.4381 -112.2061

01567114Richard F. Harner   3931979-06-14
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, 5 miles east of Window Rock, Arizona. Pittsburg & Midway Mine

01567791Aurthur Cronquist   113761976-05-15
United States, Utah, Garfield, Ca 120 km airline south of Green River., 37.979794 -110.211238, 1600m

01567809Margaret M. Douglass   63-1991963-05-27
United States, Arizona, Apache, Petrified Forest National Park. Bridge north of Flattops; disturbed soil, roadside ditches., 34.830943 -109.819805

01567817W. Hodgson   20331983-04-08
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, 8.9 mi NE of fork in road to Horseshoe and Bartlett Lakes, off Horseshoe Lake Rd., 33.958147 -111.842474, 579m

01567825Betsy Neely   11461983-05-15
United States, Utah, Emery, San Rafael Desert, off Hwy 24, 2 miles SW of Iron Wash., 38.733374 -110.742687, 1433m

01567833J. Harry Lehr   1495-821982-03-22
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Pinnacle Peak Rd. E. of Reata Pass., 33.726985 -111.864588, 610m

01567841Betsy Neely   12591983-06-05
United States, Utah, Wayne, 5 road mi E of Torrey off Hwy #24, W entrance to Capitol Reef National Park., 38.308393 -111.288121

01567858Leila M. Shultz   78851984-05-23
United States, Utah, Wayne, 6 mi S of Hwy #24, sandstone bluffs N of Teasdale., 2164m

01567866Leila Shultz   21161977-04-11
United States, Utah, San Juan, Kane Spring's Canyon (ravine SW of Hole-in-the-Rock); 12 miles south of Moab., 1518m

01567874Loraine Yeatts   s.n.2005-05-14
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Reservation; ca. 1 mile N of Teec Nos Pos along Hwy US 10 @ Tohachi Wash., 36.931618 -109.07855, 1797m

01567122Ben Legler   44462007-06-15
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: unnamed tributary to Dry Arroyo on notheast side of the Cedar Hills, 11/4 air mi E of Cimarron., 36.51888889 -104.7283333, 1859m

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