00089953 Jane Green 214 1950-07-09
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Lorings ranch 1/2 mile north of Gem Village on hill in back of barn., 37.22489 -107.63211
00089961 W. A. Weber 6264 1951-06-16
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, 9 mi. n.w. of Pagosa Jct., 37.1301481 -107.3142808
00090092 William A. Weber 3648 1947-09-19
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Summit of Mesa Verde near north face, along Hwy, in Mesa Verde National Park.
00090100 E. Bethel sn 1917-08-17
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos., 37.345 -108.28924
00090118 Robert A. Bye sn 1978-00-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Along Dolores River, Escalante Sector., 37.5725023 -108.5567457, 2100m
00090126 W. A. Weber 17461 1984-07-26
United States, Colorado, La Plata, 21 mi E of Durango on pass between Bayfield and Piedra., 37.28501 -107.50057, 2300m
00090134 Meredith A. Lane 2978 1982-08-30
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, 17.7 km (11 mi) E of Chimney Rock, and 12.7 km (7.9 mi) W of the intersection of US highways 84 and 160 in Pagosa Springs, on the latter., 37.2294929 -107.2021746
00090142 U. T. Waterfall 11096 1952-08-25
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, 26 miles southeast of Pagosa Springs., 37.0022466 -106.6778376
00090159 Alice Eastwood sn 1890-07-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos., 37.345 -108.28924
00090167 Marion Ownbey 1403 1937-08-07
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, T34N R3W, 37.1842324 -107.1729244
00246736 John B. Hartwell 1663 1944-08-15
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Roadside between Mancos and Durango., 37.3181 -108.08098, 2255m
00246744 John B. Hartwell 1675 1944-08-15
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Near entrance to Mesa Verde National Park., 1890m
00246777 J.H. Christ sn 1936-06-02
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, 6 miles W of Pagosa Springs., 37.2693976 -107.1189079
01288547 Mark Allen Wetter 989 1986-08-29
United States, Arizona, Apache, Along AZ 260, just on the W side of McNary, 2.8 mi E of junction AZ 260 & AZ 73, 7.8 mi W of jct AZ 260 & AZ 473. Plants very common in rocky soil in highly disturced, trashy area along highway, just W of a Texaco gas station., 34.074107 -109.860922, 2195 - 2256m
01288554 Mark Allen Wetter 990 1986-08-29
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Along AZ 260, 2.75 mi W of jct AZ 260 and AZ 73 at Hon Dah, this just outside the city limits of Lakeside - Pinetop area, 11.95 mi E of jct AZ 260 and US 60, 34.126072 -109.936018, 2134 - 2195m
01288562 Mark Allen Wetter 801 1984-08-18
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Along U.S. Hwy 180: 26.6 mi N of Grant County: 14.5 mi N of junction with NM Hwy 78 at Alma: 10.4 mi S of junction with NM Hwy 12., 33.5686 -108.91779, 1939m
01288570 Mark Allen Wetter 793 1984-08-16
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, Along U.S. Hwy 666: 21.4 mi N of Plantsite: 58.4 mi S of Apache-Greenlee county line: 4.4 mi S of junction with National Forest road 475., 33.2629 -109.36629, 1921m
01288588 Mark Allen Wetter 800 1984-08-18
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Along U.S. Hwy 180: 10.6 mi N of Grant County: 1.8 mi S of junction with NM Hwy 78 at Alma., 33.34109 -108.89449, 1515m
01288596 Mark Allen Wetter 805 1984-08-19
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Along US 84, 17.5 mi NW of jct with NM 94, 2.7 mi SE of jct with NM 115 near Cebolla, 16.8 mi SE of jct US 64/US 84 at Tierra Amarilla. Plants common in rocky shoulder and bar ditch/ 0.5-2.0 ft. tall, some branching from base, others with single stem. Basal rosettes present. Growing with sagebrush, juniper, pine, and usual weeds.
01288604 Mark Allen Wetter 955 1986-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Along NM 96, 0.7 mi N of jct NM 96 & NM 44 just N of Cuba, 1.0 mi S of jct NM 96 & NM 476, 10.6 mi S of Sandoval-Rio Arriba Co. line, 2134 - 2164m
01288612 Mark Allen Wetter 991 1986-08-29
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Along AZ 260, 1.0 mi E of jct AZ 260 and US 60 and Show Low., 34.250397 -110.029255, 1966 - 1981m
01288620 T. Lowrey 1610 1995-09-22
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, T26N R4E Sec.25, SE1/4 Elev.2400 meters Ca. 1.5 miles SW of Canjilon, 2.5 miles from SR 84 on Las Jollas Road. Swale of ridge 10 meters from 4-wheel drive road. Heads yellow. Associated plants: clay soil in pinyon-juniper woodland with Artemisia nova understory.
01289495 Mark Allen Wetter 578 1979-09-19
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 666, 11.3 mi E of Jct US 666 & US 191 in Monticello, 7.0 mi W of Utah-Colorado state line., 2073 - 2134m
01289503 Mark Allen Wetter 720 1980-08-14
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 163 N of Monticella, at jct with a gravel road, 11.3 mi S of jct US 163 & UT 211
01289511 Mark Allen Wetter 775 1984-08-14
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 666, 0.4 mi W of Utah-Colorado state line, 15.5 mi E of jct US 666 & US 191 at Monticello., 2073 - 2134m
01289529 Mark Allen Wetter 578 1979-09-19
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 666, 11.3 mi E of Jct US 666 & US 191 in Monticello, 7.0 mi W of Utah-Colorado state line., 2073 - 2134m
01289537 Mark Allen Wetter 983 1986-08-27
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 666, 6.5 mi W of UT-CO state line, 9.2 mi E of jct US 666 & US 191 at Monticello.
01289552 Mark Allen Wetter 981 1986-08-27
United States, Utah, San Juan, Along US 666, 2.1mi W of UT-CO state line, 13.6 mi E of jct US 666 & US 191 at Monticello., 2073 - 2103m