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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Acrolasia thompsonii, Mentzelia humilis var. humilis (Acrolasia humilis, Nuttallia humilis, Mentzelia thompsonii, Acrolasia thompsonii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-29 of 29

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

00443036John Anderson   87-881987-06-15
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Battlement Mesa, S side of Collbran., 39.3201075 -107.9656502, 2621m

00443044W. A. Weber   153181978-05-16
United States, Colorado, Mesa, At base of Mount Garfield, 5 mi N of Clifton., 1680m

00443051Rick Harner   16171983-05-22
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Cascade Canyon, spur road northeast from Roan Creek Canyon, NW of Grand Valley., 39.5111072 -108.2275325, 1615m

00443069Vlad Siplivinsky   32551982-00-00
United States, Colorado, Mesa, South of Clifton S of Colorado River., 39.0112073 -108.4598143, 1506m

00443077Siplivinsky   31441982-05-07
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Colorado River Valley along West Salt Creek., 39.3395103 -108.9749663, 1524m

00443085B.C. Johnston   15521978-05-25
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Adobe slopes just below small mesa-top, 0.5 mi EE of Table Mountain Lookout, NE of Montrose., 38.5157719 -107.8367047, 1800m

00443093B.C. Johnston   15561978-05-25
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Adobe slopes just S of the Montrose city land-fill & dump., 38.5113816 -107.8293655, 1800m

00443101Jim Ratzloff   15901978-05-16
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Vicinity of Montrose dump., 38.5370042 -107.7952911, 1890m

00443119B.C. Johnston   19701979-05-28
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 0.8 mi NN of Radio Towers on Mellen Hill, NW of Rangely., 40.169461 -108.9465805, 1880m

00443127B.C. Johnston   19151979-05-26
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Road to Badger Wash., 39.2993418 -108.9332892, 1433m

00443135B.C. Johnston   19761979-05-28
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Ridge NE of Radio Towers on Mellen Hill, WNW of Rangely., 40.1617427 -108.942633, 1885m

00443143S. Goodrich   251221995-07-11
United States, Colorado, Moffat, 6.5 mi E of Massadona, Hwy 40 a few miles west of Craig., 40.2867774 -108.544524, 1798m

00443150W. A. Weber   73881952-05-11
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Upper end of Little Salt Wash at base of Book Cliffs, ca 24 mi NW of Grand Junction., 1585m

00443168W. A. Weber   75101952-05-30
United States, Colorado, Delta, Hills above George Creek, 5 mi NW of Eckert., 38.9128623 -107.9862268

Nuttallia humilis (Gray) Rydberg
00443929Marilyn Colyer   13021997-08-11
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mesa Verde. Morfield Canyon, red dirt dump site, spoil dirt from Big Hill., 37.31067 -108.4158

00813113Tim Hogan   42292004-05-08
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Adobe Hills; western boundary of Black Canyon National Park, ca. 5 air miles NE of Montrose; accessed from Montrose via Road #65.30. GPS waypoint: AB23., 38.56507 -107.79702, 1966m

00823021G. Rink   32532004-05-26
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Private land near Yucca House National Monument, south-facing shale slope on east side of the highway., 37.223935 -108.647304, 1951m

00956946C. William T. Penland   17741942-05-30
United States, Colorado, Mesa, 5 mi. w. of Mack., 39.22421 -108.9584, 1311m

02226975W. A. Weber   53241950-05-18
United States, Utah, Uintah, About 2 mi. west of headquarters, Dinosaur National Monument, 6 mi. n. of Jensen

02226983S. Goodrich   280322011-06-07
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Highway 40 east of the town of Blue Mountain.; 40.2535 -108.763806, 40.2535 -108.763806, 1765m

02227189Richard Spellenberg   70901983-06-07
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Mine about 10 air miles S of Waterflow, Fruitland Formation on bandlands.

02229946Gussie Schooley   s.n.1983-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, on the refuge road one mile west of headquarters, about 12 miles NE of Roswell., 1067m

02229953Gussie Schooley   s.n.1983-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, on the refuge road one mile west of headquarters, about 12 miles NE of Roswell., 1067m

02229961Gussie Schooley   s.n.1983-08-00
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Wildlife Reserve near Roswell.

02229979Gussie Schooley   s.n.1983-10-23
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, 1.9 mi W of Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters., 33.474006 -104.447364

Nuttallia humilis (Gray) Rydberg
02230928E. O. Wooton   s.n.1905-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Raund Mt.

Acrolasia thompsonii (Glad.) W.A. Weber
02227320Ken Heil   87191995-04-14
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, N/A

COLO-University of Colorado Herbarium:V
02227429Joshua M. Brokaw   2342006-05-20
United States, Utah, Uintah, Highway 149 south of Dinosaur National Monument., 40.42642 -109.335897, 1476m

02227437Joshua M. Brokaw   3452007-05-19
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Road 6893 east of The Hogback., 36.781324 -108.483247, 1604m

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