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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Iris setosa (Iris setosa ssp. interior, Iris setosa var. interior, Iris setosa var. setosa, Iris setosa var. platyrhyncha)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-10 of 10

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
00847186Hansford T. Shacklette   80771967-06-20
United States, Alaska, Bank near Middle Lake. Shemya Island, Near Islands Group, Aleutian Islands., 18m

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186161Stanwyn G. Shetler   47601963-07-12
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186179June Dunbar   s.n.1954-07-18
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186187J. R. Grant   87-151987-07-19
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186195Parker , C. L.   88-501988-06-21
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186203Tass Kelso   82-101982-07-10
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186211Tass Kelso   1321979-06-24
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186229V. Siplivinsky   4401980-07-09
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186237Jim Taggert   1091976-06-26
United States, Alaska

Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
02186245Walter J. Eyerdam   31381939-07-20
United States, Alaska

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