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University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
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University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection
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Search criteria: Plantago major
Page 1, records 1-83 of 83
Plantago major
A.J. Evans
Plantago major
Dorothy Chambers
Plantago major
Neil Snow
Plantago major
Tom Cramer
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323087
Plantago major
B.M. Stigall
Plantago major
Pam Regensberg
Plantago major
Shelley Silva
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323194
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323293
Plantago major
Jane Green
Plantago major
K. Mauz
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
Mathew T. Sharples
Plantago major
Ben Legler
Plantago major
Alice Eastwood
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
L.M. Underwood
Plantago major
Brian Reif
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323137
Plantago major
JoAnn W. Flock
Plantago major
Vlad Siplivinsky
Plantago major
B. K. Stewart
Plantago major
Ronald L. Hartman
Plantago major
Brian Reif
Plantago major
Brian Elliott
Plantago major
Francis Daniels
Plantago major
Anne Maley
Plantago major
Bruce Bosley
Plantago major
R. S. Aro
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323210
Plantago major
B. Koblitz
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
Dina Clark
Plantago major
Mathew T. Sharples
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323319
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
J. von Ahlefeldt
Plantago major
W. W. Robbins
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323061
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323053
Plantago major
Nan Lederer
Plantago major
W. A. Weber
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323046
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323285
Plantago major
Jeannine Shawver
Plantago major
Janet Wingate
Plantago major
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323152
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323301
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
Pam Regensberg
Plantago major
June D. Haines
Plantago major
Melissa Islam
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323012
Plantago major
Sophia Warsh
Plantago major
Rick Harner
Plantago major
Tim Hogan
Plantago major
Alice Eastwood
Plantago major
Ann Fernald
Plantago major
Ronald L. Hartman
Plantago major
G. Rink
Plantago major
John Pelton
Plantago major
Vlad Siplivinsky
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
Brian Reif
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
J. Wingate
Plantago major
Anita Beshore
Plantago major
Colo. Native Plant Society
Plantago major
O. B. Metcalfe
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323277
Plantago major
Francis Ramaley
Plantago major
L.M. Underwood
Plantago major
B. E. Nelson
Plantago major
James P. Vanderhorst
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323020
Plantago major
Dina Clark
Plantago major
W. A. Weber
Plantago major
Robert A. Bye
Plantago major
C.M. Rogers
Plantago major
COLO-V: 02323004
Plantago major
B. E. Nelson