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University of Colorado Herbarium Databases

Dataset: COLO-B
Search Criteria: Canada; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 12005

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004365Wilfred B Schofield   410701970-04-13
Canada, British Columbia, lagoon lake continuous with Fish Egg Inlet

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004370W. B. Schofield; J. and G. Godfrey   677791978-02-28
Canada, British Columbia, Greater Vancouver, Lynn Creek Canyon, North Vancouver, 49.316667 -123.066667

Bazzania denudata (Torr. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis.
COLO-B-0004373Guy R. Brassard   105601976-04-16
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Division No. 2, Newfoundland: Fortune Bay, Pays Cove, 47.65 -54.833333

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004376Dale H Vitt   189461977-07-15
Canada, British Columbia, Stewart Area: 5.4 mi. NNE of Hwy. 37 Bear River crossing at Stewart, 56.017 -129.917, 160m

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004377Wilfred B Schofield   159151961-08-29
Canada, British Columbia, W. Side, head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Q.C. Islands

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004383Wilfred B Schofield   341701967-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Virgalias Cove, Port Louis, W. Graham I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.7 -132.966667

Bazzania denudata (Torr. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis.
COLO-B-0004384Hong, Won Shic   84-2681984-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, Eric L. Trail Cape Scott Prov. Vancouver Island

Bartramiopsis lescurii (James) Kindb.
COLO-B-0004388Wilfred B Schofield   246201964-06-15
Canada, British Columbia, head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands

COLO-B-0004393W.B. Schofield; R.D. Williams   278501965-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, long lake at N. base of Mt. Buxton

COLO-B-0004399W. B. Schofield; D.H. Vitt & Diana Horton   726311979-05-31
Canada, British Columbia, Holmes Lake, S shore, Pitt Island

Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Lindb.
COLO-B-0004400W. B. Schofield; M.I. Schofield   732611979-07-10
Canada, Mine Mt, above Tasu, on Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is., 52.75 -132

COLO-B-0004405W. B. Schofield   644801977-05-31
Canada, British Columbia, Goose Cove, Athlow Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.5833333 -132.9166667

COLO-B-0004408Wilfred B Schofield   410491970-04-13
Canada, British Columbia, Lagoon lake coninuous with Fish Egg Inlet, 51.666667 -127.766667

COLO-B-0004409W.A. Weber; Linna Weber & Wendy Dathan   472004-06-12
Canada, New Brunswick, Grand Manan Island, Fundy Isles. Philips Point, Grand Harbour between Thoroughfare Road and the shore., 44.7 -66.783333

COLO-B-0004411W. B. Schofield   64480
Canada, British Columbia, Goose Cove, Athlow Bay, Graham I, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.583333 -132.916667

Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Lindb.
COLO-B-0004412W. B. Schofield; M.I. Schofield   735221979-07-10
Canada, Mine Mt, above Tasu, on Moresby I. Queen Charlotte Is, 52.75 -132

COLO-B-0004414Dale H. Vitt   243191979-06-21
Canada, British Columbia, Prince Rupert Area: Pitt Island, Along South shore of Holmes Lake

COLO-B-0004417W B. Schofield; M.I. Schofield   736291979-07-12
Canada, British Columbia, W. side of Fairfax Inlet, embayment and peninusula, Tasu Sound, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Is, ca 1 mi. from Tasu, 59.683333 -132

Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Lindb.
COLO-B-0004418Dale Vitt   248111979-06-27
Canada, British Columbia, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert Area: Just below summit of Mt. Hays, 3.4 miles from Yellowhead Hwy, along dirt track to top of mountain, 54.283333 -130.316667, 610m

COLO-B-0004423Wilfred B Schofield   302971966-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, N slope of 'Laing Point' Mountain, NE side of Peel Inlet, NW Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.9833333 -132.0833333

COLO-B-0004426Dale H Vitt   247701979-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Prince Rupert Area: 0.5 miles (0.8 km.) North of bridge to Kaien Island, at edge of town of Prince Rupert., 54.25 -130.25, 140m

COLO-B-0004429Vladimir J Krajina; W.B. Schofield   397001969-07-26
Canada, British Columbia, Marcer Lake, N. side, about 1/2 way down lake, near Athlow Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands

COLO-B-0004432Dorothy E. Swales   1968-05-11
Canada, Quebec, Lake Rutledhe, the Gatineau, 45.666667 -76.3

COLO-B-0004435Wilfred B Schofield   339171967-06-24
Canada, British Columbia, W. side Hippa Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.533333 -132.983333

COLO-B-0004441W.B. Schofield   309151966-07-06
Canada, British Columbia, Upper Victoria Lake, S.W. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands.

COLO-B-0004444Seville FLOWERS   58641959-08-17
Canada, Quebec, Terrebonne, Mt. Tremblant Park, ca. 2.2 miles N of entrance, 140m

COLO-B-0004445Charles M. Boardman   134341934-07-23
Canada, Quebec, Labelle, N. end of Lac Cochrane.

COLO-B-0004447Wilfred B Schofield; V. J. Krajina   397991969-07-26
Canada, British Columbia, Port Chanal, S side, near base of Mt. Hobbs, Athlow Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands

Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Lindb.
COLO-B-0004448Vladimir J Krajina; W.B. Schofield   397011969-07-26
Canada, British Columbia, Mercer Lake, N. side, about 1/2 way down, near Athlow Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands

COLO-B-0004449R.R. Ireland   223251986-07-29
Canada, Ontario, Sudbury District: Curtin TWP, ca. 12 km south of Espanola., 46.15 -81.666667

COLO-B-0004455Guy R. Brassard   117311977-05-13
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Avalon Peninsula, 1.5 km E of Brigus, 47.533333 -53.183333

COLO-B-0004477John Macoun   s.n.1904-08-16
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa

Canada, [No locality data provided on the label.]

COLO-B-0004489Robert R Ireland   108491967-08-31
Canada, New Brunswick, Albert, Kinnie Brook Trail, Fundy National Park, 45.6166667 -64.95

COLO-B-0004501Robert R Ireland   116641968-07-13
Canada, Nova Scotia, Victoria, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, trail to Franey Peak, 46.65 -60.466667, 428m

COLO-B-0004503OTTO E. JENNINGS   36321913-07-23
Canada, Ontario, Porphyry Island, Lake Superior

COLO-B-0004504Dorothy E. Swales   20411968-06-27
Canada, Quebec, Loon Bay Creek, Harrington, 45.85 -74.666667

COLO-B-0004507Harvey A. Miller   59241959-08-15
Canada, Quebec, Laurentian Mountains: Mont Tremblant Region, 244m

COLO-B-0004510S. Flowers   58621959-08-17
Canada, Quebec, Terrebonne, Mt. Tremblant Park, 2.2 miles N. of entrance, 140m

COLO-B-0004530Samuel Gray   s.n.1936-07-08
Canada, Ontario, Timigami, Channel Island, Rib Lake

COLO-B-0004534Andre Dho   1091975-07-14
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John, Goose Creek Head, near north-eastern Park entry. Fundy National Park

COLO-B-0004538S. Flowers   59601959-08-16
Canada, Quebec, Terrebonne, Laurentian Mts. Mt. Tremblant Park. 2.2 mi. N. of entrance, 137m

COLO-B-0004772Johanna C.W. Marr   60171947-07-00
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Chimo Air Base on Koksoak River, 35 mi S of Ungava Bay, 58.116667 -68.366667

COLO-B-0004775B. C. Tan; J. Ensing   77-14281977-08-09
Canada, British Columbia, by an anonymous creek which flows into Jersey Creek and Elmo Creek, 6 mi N from Hwy 3 following a logging road to Tye settlement on the west bank of Kootenay Lake, 49.3 -116.91667, 1585m

COLO-B-0004777Guy R. Brassard   139591982-08-31
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Division No. 9, Northern Peninsula, Cape Norman, 51.633333 -55.9

COLO-B-0004779W.B. Schofield   132351961-03-25
Canada, British Columbia, Point Atkinson, N of Vancouver.

COLO-B-0004784Donovan S. Correll   118151943-06-11
Canada, British Columbia, Peace River, along Beatton River (mile 101); 56.1 -120.366667, 56.1 -120.366667, 98m

COLO-B-0004788John Macoun   s.n.1902-05-16
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa.

COLO-B-0004789Charles D Bird; J.L. Glenn   142001965-09-07
Canada, Alberta, Wilkinson Creek, beside the Kananaskis - Coleman Road, 13.5 miles south of Highwood Ranger Station, 1935m

COLO-B-0004790Johanna C.W. Marr   191948-07-17
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Chimo Air Base on Koksoak River, 25 miles south of Ungava Bay., 58.116667 -68.366667

COLO-B-0004791Johanna C.W. Marr   19A1948-07-17
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Chimo Air Base on Koksoak River, 35 miles South of Ungava Bay., 58.116667 -68.366667

COLO-B-0004795Robert R Ireland; I. Brodo   165461973-07-20
Canada, Nunavut, Bathurst Island: nort of NMNS Base Camp, along Goodsir river to Oopik Hill, 75.766667 -98.283333

COLO-B-0004823R. Halbert; N. Price   29061969-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Stoney Creek, ca. 5 mi. w. of Port Renfrew.

COLO-B-0004828A. Brinkman   6731911-09-26
Canada, British Columbia

COLO-B-0004832Otto E. Jennings.; Grace K. Jennings   41001913-08-14
Canada, Ontario, Maloney's Harbor, Magnet Pt. L. Superior

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004869C.H. Hand   68-1271968-07-28
Canada, British Columbia, Kay Falls, Eagle River near Sicamous, Trans-Canada Hwy

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004871Robert R Ireland   118511968-07-17
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Capre Breton Highlands National Park, Beulach Ban Falls, 46.8137 -60.6258

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004872Wilfred B Schofield   452321971-07-07
Canada, British Columbia, Crescent Inlet. on N. side, Moresby I, Queen Charlotte Is, 52.75 -131.883333

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004875C.H. Hand   60341960-08-06
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Englishman River Provincial Park

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004877F.M. Boss   5651958-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, Isaac Lake., 53.283333 -121.183333, 945m

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004880C.H. Hand   60-1331960-08-01
Canada, British Columbia, ca. 15 mi. w. of Revelstoke, along Trans Canada Highway

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004881Wilfred B Schofield; F.M. Boas   175021962-06-04
Canada, British Columbia, Capital, Bennett Bay, Mayne I, S. Strait of Georgia, 49 -123.333333

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004885Wilfred Schofield   227191964-05-03
Canada, British Columbia, Decanos Bay, Gabriola Island, Strait of Georgia

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004889John Macoun   s.n.1893-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Comox, Vancouver Island

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004894Dale H Vitt   345151988-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Fraser-Fort George, Monashee Mountains, northeast slope, of Malton Range, west side of Kinbasket lake. 21.8 km south of bridge over Canoe River at north end of lake. Along south side of Blackmore Creek., 52.633333 -119, 800m

COLO-B-0004911Wilbur Peterson; D.H. Vitt   73731973-06-22
Canada, Alberta, Edson Area: roadside bank NNW of Marlboro

COLO-B-0004912Dale H Vitt   111881974-06-27
Canada, British Columbia, Mi. post 257, N of Fort St. John on Alaska Hw, 58.166667 -122.833333

COLO-B-0004913OTTO E JENNINGS; Grace K. Jennings   33331913-06-25
Canada, Ontario, Ft. Williams

COLO-B-0004914OTTO E. JENNINGS   49761913-08-26
Canada, Ontario, 3 mi. S.E. of Stanley

COLO-B-0004915OTTO E JENNINGS; Grace K. Jennings   6030a1913-08-26
Canada, Ontario, "Slate River district" about 16 miles S.W. of Fort William. Farm near Oliver Creek.

COLO-B-0004916R. F. Cain   11751940-08-23
Canada, Ontario, Little Macauley Lake, Alonquin Park

COLO-B-0004917R.R. Ireland   220561986-07-24
Canada, Ontario, Parry Sound District: Monteith twp, west side of Bear Lake, ca. 4 km southwest of town of Bear Lake; 45.433333 -79.583333, 45.433333 -79.583333

COLO-B-0004918Charles M. Boardman   126461935-07-24
Canada, Quebec, Terrebone, Killarney Road, Lac Mercier

COLO-B-0004951   282
Canada, Ontario, [No locality data provided on the label.]

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004972Dale H. Vitt   250001979-06-30
Canada, British Columbia, Fraser-Fort George, PRINCE GEORGE AREA: Ralston Creek, 3 miles (4.8 km.) South of Bijoux Falls Park on Hwy 97., 55.266667 -122.683333, 760m

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004976Howard Crum; Harry Williams   103581959-07-00
Canada, Quebec, La Rivière-du-Nord Regional Municipality, Chute au Diable, Portage no. 2, 5.4 miles north of Biological Station on Lac Monroe, Parc de la Montagne Tremblante., 45.823467 -74.049167

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004977Robert R Ireland   152341971-08-13
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay, bluffs on west side of Little Pic River, ca. 20 miles west of Marathon., 48.8 -86.616667

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004979W. B. Schofield   140041961-05-17
Canada, British Columbia, E. side of Trounce Inlet, Skidegate Channel, Graham I, Queen Charlotte Is., 53.25 -132.333333

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004980Dale H. Vitt   234631978-08-16
Canada, Yukon, Hess Mtns, Rogue Range: Emerald Lake. Along stream entering NE corner of lake, 63.55 -131.2, 1150 - 1800m

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004981Dale H. Vitt   232291978-08-13
Canada, Northwest Territories, LOGAN MTNS. Lake close to South Nahanni River. On W side of lake and around tarn basin to the west., 62.566667 -128.533333, 1560m

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004982Guy R. Brassard   71851972-08-02
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Labrador, Churchill River, W of Bridge Camp, 53.6 -64.316667

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004983Wilfred B Schofield   109471959-09-01
Canada, Nova Scotia, Kings, Black Hole., 45.233333 -64.4825

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0004990F.A. MacFadden   1925-10-06
Canada, British Columbia, Ten Mile Creek, Slocan Lake

COLO-B-0005208T.J.W. Burgess   1881-04-21
Canada, Ontario, London

COLO-B-0005228R.F. Cain   21571946-10-07
Canada, Ontario, Peel, S.E. of Bolton.

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005297F.A. MacFadden   1926-08-03
Canada, Alberta, Amythyst Lakes, Tonquin Valley.

Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
COLO-B-0005401Dale H Vitt   250001979-06-30
Canada, British Columbia, Prince George Area: Ralston Creek, 3 mi (4.8 km) S of Bijoux Falls Park on Hwy 97, 55.266667 -122.683333, 760m

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004622Dale H Vitt   3609a1970-10-11
Canada, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills escarpment, 12 mi SE of Tompkins

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004621Eula Whitehouse   257041951-08-24
Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park, Wilcox Falls and nearby slopes E of park headquarters., 2438m

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004623S. Flowers   95771964-07-07
Canada, British Columbia, British Columbia, 3 miles north of Kereneos, 792m

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004624Dale H. Vitt; J. P. Frahm, R. Hastings & H. Streimann   352941989-08-20
Canada, Alberta, Rocky Mountains: Coleman Area. North slope of southeast corner of Hastings Ridge, W of Hwy 940 (Forestry Trunk Road) between Coleman and Lynx Campground, 49.567 -114.5, 1800m

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004625Charles D Bird   4061960-07-12
Canada, Saskatchewan, 2 miles south of Beverly, west of Swift Current

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004626   398
Canada, British Columbia, Cypress Hills, Bow River Pass, and Selkirk Mountains.

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004627Dale H Vitt   240461978-08-11
Canada, Yukon, Yukon, SELWYN MOUNTAINS: Itsi Range. North end of unnamed lake, south of Fuller Lake., 62.933333 -130.15, 1600m

Brachythecium collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0004632F.A. MacFadden   1926-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Trail to Jackson Basin, Sandon

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005244   285
Canada, British Columbia, Comox, Vancouver Island

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005245F. A. MacFadden   s.n.1926-12-01
Canada, Alberta, Central Kootenay, by old Roseberry road, New Denver, 49.983333 -117.366667

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005246V. J. Krajina   1911949-07-27
Canada, British Columbia, U.B.C. Endowment forest, Vancouver, 49.25 -123.25, 100m

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005248Donovan S. Correll   117461943-06-05
Canada, Alberta, Vinicty of Rycroft

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
COLO-B-0005252W. B. Schofield; T.T. McIntosh   104971980-04-24
Canada, British Columbia, Sevier Co., Cliff Top, Mt. LeConte, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 12005

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